Level Up

The Babysitter






We were greeted with a loud ‘Finally you’re here!’ as soon as we stepped into the café. I looked up and saw a tall boy with frizzy hair whom I recognized as Chanyeol from what I’ve heard of from Baekhyun hyung. He was waving his arm frantically over his head with a wide smile, all of his teeth showing. The much smaller boy with red hair sitting next to him tugged on Chanyeol’s sleeve to stop him, embarrassed. Kyungsoo hyung let go of one of his grips on his sister’s legs and pulled me along as he began walking towards his friends with me pulling Taemin along. Our long human train was beginning to attract some attention from the people in the café. I saw a group of high school girls in the corner of the café squealing over Kyungsoo hyung and looking at Jinri who was on Kyungsoo hyung’s back enviously.

I see you’ve got a lot of admires hyung.

   ‘Hi!’ Chanyeol grinned his big wide smile at all of us.

   ‘Hi hyung,’ Kyungsoo mumbled tiredly as he dropped Jinri into the seat next to Chanyeol.

   ‘Ouch!’ Jinri hissed as she looked at Kyungsoo hyung menacingly. He just rolled his eyes at her in return.

   ‘I see you brought some friends along too,’ the red-haired boy said, pushing up his black-rimmed spectacles up his nose.

   ‘Ah, yeah. We crossed paths earlier on so I thought maybe they could join us. You don’t mind right?’ Kyungsoo hyung asked.

   ‘Of course not! Have a sit Kai,’ he beamed. ‘Have a sit too, Kai’s look-a-like and little baby!’ Chanyeol said out loud –– attracting more attention from people around us.

How does he know my name? I should really ask Kyungsoo hyung.

   ‘Shush Chanyeol,’ the red-hair swatted his arm. ‘Have a sit,’ he turned smiled at us, ‘What would you like to drink?’

   ‘Its okay, we can get it ourselves. You two sit first,’ Kyungsoo hyung said softly at me and Taemin before turning to his sister to ask what she wants to have. I had just settled into my seat when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Kyungsoo hyung.

   ‘Come order with me?’ he asked almost shyly.

I nodded quickly. He held my hand and led me towards the counter. After telling the barista our orders, I turned and leaned on the counter as I looked at our group of friends and saw Chanyeol holding a very happy and giggling Taehyun as the other three cooed at him.

   ‘So that’s Chanyeol and the one next to him is?’ I asked cocking my head to the side slightly as I looked at the shorter boy next to me

   ‘Oh, that’s Joonmyun hyung. I’ve told you about him yesterday remember?’

I puffed my cheeks as I tried to remember what he told me over dinner yesterday.

   ‘You’re so cute,’ he pinched my left cheek. My body froze and my mind went blank. ‘How are you feeling now? Better?’ he continued before putting his small palm on my forehead. I felt blood rushing up to my face almost immediately.

I gulped and nodded.

   ‘Well, that’s good,’ he smiled, patting my forehead affectionately.

   ‘By the way, how did Chanyeol know my name? I’m pretty sure we’ve never really officially met before,’ I asked curiously.

   ‘Oh, t-that... you see-‘

   ‘Here are your beverages Sir,’ the barista said cheerfully, unaware that he had interrupted our conversation.

Kyungsoo hyung carried the tray full of our frappes and smoothies while I carried the tray with the variety of pastries and cakes. We got back to our table to see Taehyun sleeping peacefully in Chanyeol’s arms while the latter looked at the baby adoringly, cooing softly while rubbing his nose against Taehyun’s lightly.

   ‘You should get married and have babies as soon as possible hyung,’ Kyungsoo hyung snickered as he placed the tray down on the table. Chanyeol just stuck out his tongue at him before passing the sleeping child across the table to Taemin.

   ‘Let me take him,’ Kyungsoo hyung offered, stretching his arms out to Taemin. ‘You guys go ahead and eat first,’ he smiled his brilliant smile at him. I saw Taemin’s eyes falter when their eyes met. His face flushed when their fingers brushed against each other for a brief second. I felt my chest tighten up. I glared at Taemin and he retreated back into his seat like a scared kitten.

   ‘So hyung, this is Jinri,’ Kyungsoo hyung suddenly announced.

   ‘Yeah we know. Save the intros for yourself Kyung,’ Chanyeol said teasingly.

Weird. Kyungsoo hyung did say that they have been friends for over 10 years now so why does it seem like his friends just met his sister today?

Kyungsoo hyung then turned to look at me and noticed the puzzled look I was wearing. He gave me a look which said I’ll-explain-everything-later and gave me a reassuring smile. He then averted his gaze back to the sleeping figure in his arms and his full lips curved up into a sweet smile. His eyes simply gleamed with love and adoration. He slowly brought his pink lips to the baby’s face and showered light kisses all over it. He rested his forehead on Taehyun’s with his eyes closed and started humming softly to himself.

Without realising it, my body gravitated towards them. I didn’t even realise all this till Kyungsoo hyung looked up and turned his head in my direction. Our faces were only inches away from each other and I could feel his cool breath on my face. We looked into each other’s eyes and I could see my reflection in his big glassy eyes. My breathing hitched and my heart beat crazily against my chest. I felt myself getting lost in the dark brown orbs.

Taehyun’s sudden whimpers broke us from our trance. He broke our eye-contact and began fussing over the baby. The whimpers soon escalated into muffled cries. I shook my head and blinked my eyes vigorously, snapping back into reality. I reached into Taehyun’s bag which was on my lap and took out a bottle of milk. I passed it to Kyungsoo hyung and he gently placed it into his mouth. He started swaying to his left and right lightly to calm the baby down. I slinged an arm over Kyungsoo hyung’s chair hovered over the two of them worriedly as I tried to calm the baby down. I did not want to attract any attention or disturb the other customers in the café.

We both sighed in relief when the baby stopped crying. I wiped away the tears running down Taehyun’s face and Kyungsoo hyung smiled softly at me as he mouthed a ‘thank you’. I smiled in return and wiggled my finger which Taehyun has gripped tightly on in circles. He tightened his hold around the baby and returned to smiling softly at Taehyun. I couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful sight in front of me.

The sounds of a camera shuttering caught my attention. I looked to the right and saw Chanyeol holding his phone with the other three snickering behind him. Chanyeol then doubled over in laughter before passing the phone to Taemin who kept giggling non-stop before showing it to both Taemin and Joonmyun hyung. I felt my face going hot again.

What if I looked like a hungry prey? Even worse, what if I was drooling over Kyungsoo hyung?

   ‘Yah, give me that damned phone,’ Kyungsoo hyung grumbled angrily. Joonmyun hyung placed the phone into my hand. I tapped the touch screen once and a picture of the three of us was brightly lit on the screen. I instantly felt embarrassed. I was grinning stupidly at Kyungsoo hyung who was focused on feeding the sleeping baby with a sweet smile on his face. I had one arm resting on his chair which made it look like I was hugging his waist. Taehyun’s little hands which were wrapped securely around my index finger complemented the picture nicely. I have to admit that we do look like a cute little family. Kyungsoo hyung looked at me shyly from the corner of his eyes and it was enough to make my heart thump wildly against my chest.

   ‘I think you should hurry up and make babies Kyung, not me,’ Chanyeol said as I returned the phone to him. I turned to look at Kyungsoo hyung and he was blushing madly like never before. He was even blabbering something like ‘No shut up,’ and ‘Stop it, idiot,’ along the line. I can’t help but think how adorable he looks like flushing and fidgeting like this.

Our time at the café was filled with our endless chatters and jokes which were ridiculous but funny at the same time by Chanyeol. I could totally see him and Baekhyun hyung going out. They are definitely on the same wavelength and I really could not wait to set them up together. I was getting pretty sick of Baekhyun hyung’s whining on how Chanyeol doesn’t seem to notice him ever since middle school.

   ‘Oh by the way Kai, which school are you going to now?’ Kyungsoo hyung asked.

   ‘Chungdam High School. Why?’

   ‘Nothing, Jinri needs to enrol into a school as soon as possible so I thought maybe I could ask around,’

   ‘Oh,’ I said, my nose and forehead scrunching up.

I was getting more confused. Why is she enrolling into school at a time like this?

After polishing every single food and drink off the table, we began setting off for home. Jinri rode on Chanyeol’s back since Kyungsoo hyung refused to let Taehyun go or as he said ‘You people can’t be trusted with babies,’ and we let him have his way.

I found myself walking next to Kyungsoo hyung as we lagged behind our friends. Occasionally, I would catch him looking up at me but shying away immediately when our eyes meet. Times like this are when I find him endearingly adorable. I noticed his petite body shivering as the wind started picking up. He pulled Taehyun closer into his chest to protect the baby from the cold. My heart melted into puddles at the sweet sight unfolding itself in front of me. Without thinking twice, I pulled him into my side and wrapped my arms around him. A soft gasp flew out of his mouth. I looked down and saw his beautiful doe-eyes looking up at me shocked. I smiled warmly at him and he looked down blushing. Grinning, I tightened my hold on him. I felt bliss as we walked down the dim and almost empty park.

   ‘Oppa! Hurry up! Umma is going to get worried if we don’t get home soon!’ Jinri suddenly shouted, breaking our momentary peace. We both looked up to our friends upfront and found them staring and gawking at us with their eyes and mouth wide open. Kyungsoo hyung began squirming around uncomfortably as his face blushed a bright crimson red. I released my grip on his waist and held his hands before leading him to our group of awestruck friends. We stood in front of them but they stayed wordless. I cleared my throat to break the awkward tension.

   ‘Wow, you guys,’ Taemin breathed.

   ‘Are you sure Taehyun is your brother and not Kyungsoo’s and Kai’s child Taemin?’ Chanyeol huffed. Jinri and Taemin began snorting and the three of them high-fived each other.

   ‘Um... I don’t know what is happening between the two of you but, I think we should really start heading home now. Its getting dark,’ Joonmyun hyung said, shivering.

   ‘Y-yeah, w-we should g-go home now too Jinri,’ Kyungsoo hyung said, finally speaking up. He looked down at our clasped hand and bit on his lips.

   ‘You can pass Taehyun to me now Kyungsoo hyung,’ I twisted my body and let go of his hand regretfully.

He carefully transferred the sleeping baby into the crook of my arms with all the care in the world. He nestled Taehyun into my arms cosily and brushed some stray hair away from his eyes. He stepped back and smiled with his lips pursed.

   ‘Well, we better get going now. It was nice meeting all of you,’ I smiled warmly while Taemin got busy exchanging numbers with Chanyeol, Jinri and Joonmyun hyung.

   ‘We should meet up sometime soon again!’ Taemin exclaimed happily.

   ‘Yeah, we really should. Have a safe walk home guys! Bye!’ Chanyeol replied happily as the other three waved goodbye. I caught Kyungsoo hyung’s eyes and smiled warmly at him before turning. We have walked a few steps down the pavement when I heard Kyungsoo shouting.

   ‘Kai, wait!’

I turned and saw him running towards us. He stopped right in front of me and got on his tip-toes. He grabbed both my arms lightly for support and leaned down to plant a kiss on Taehyun’s cheek.

   ‘Goodnight Taehyun. Sleep well,’ he murmured softly.

He got on his feet again and looked up at me with his gleaming eyes. He reached out to place his hand on my left cheek softly, cupping it with his small and cold hands. I shivered slightly at his touch.

   ‘Goodnight Kai,’ he murmured softly, his fingertips brushing against my cheek lightly –– almost like he’s caressing them. ‘9pm ok? Don’t forget,’ he smiled bashfully before running back to his friends and sister, disappearing from my sight.

   ‘Um, earth to Kai?’ Taemin stood in front of me and flailed his arms frantically.

   ‘Oh... oh. Let’s go,’ I turned and began walking.

   ‘Hey lover boy,’ Taemin poked my side playfully.

   ‘Shut the hell up, Lee Taemin,’

   ‘Ooh, fierce,’ he continued. ‘Maybe I should get plastic surgery and look like Kyungsoo hyung so that you won’t talk to me harshly again,’

   ‘Maybe I should make my face look like Minho so you wouldn’t be this irritating,’ I scoffed. That shut him up –– well, not for long.

My face was red the whole way home. He put his arms around me trying to act like how I did earlier on with Kyungsoo hyung as he continued with his constant teasings. If it wasn’t for my sleeping baby cousin in my arms, I would have killed him already.



Its been more than a week, I know I'm so sorry for the super super super slow update guys >< I focused a lot on Kaisoo this chapter so i hope I have made it up to all of you heh :) And its EXO's 100 days babeh ! HAPPY 100 DAYS BOYS ! <3 Have you guys read the fanaccs from today's party yet ? You should really read if you haven't :) The boys are all so confident with themselves and ....................... <3 haha


Have you guys watched this yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YrHazvsk3M&feature=youtu.be&a Wow, I mean just ......... I do like Juniel. She's really cute and pretty and has a nice voice but I would honestly have been freaking out if I was her XD I bet she was as nervous as hell inside too anyway. Anyway whatever it is, I'm excited for the cf :) Kai as the lead and the others as his sidekick, hah cute ^^ And Kyungsoo, no matter how many times you do that Oh Gwangrok imitation, I would never get bored of it, hehe [P.S I SEE SOME KAISOO IN IT TOO XD]



To top it off, here's Kaisoo for my lovelies <3

(Since I feel bad for not updating for such a loooong time, I'm giving you a ton of Kaisoo its not even funny)





Now can anyone come up to me and deny Kaisoo's existence ? Haha, I told you Kaisoo would be back in no time didn't I ? 

Oh and I did ask if there are any S'poreans here and I indeed have quite a handful here XD HI !!!! My classmates are setting up a new blogshop selling k-pop shirts so I thought maybe I could do some /shameless/ promoting haha . Here are some examples :



There are other shirts of groups like SHINee and MBLAQ and f(x) too ^^ Do drop a message on my wall if you've got any enquiries :)




So, till the next chapter, keep the comments and Kaisoo love coming in <3




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[4.18.15] I'm in the middle of reconstructing the story so pls bear with me :3


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Chapter 21: Wahhhh love this fic and 2012? Like waaatttt
Chapter 21: waaah I enjoy reading this!!! <3
Dettadwiarto #3
Chapter 21: I enjoyed reading this so much. Thank you, author- nim
Chapter 21: Wow. I loved this book so much but i just saw that you started this in 2012. It's 2018 now and rhat a long time. I don't know if you will ever finish it but just know that im in LOVE with this book wowoowow
Chapter 21: This fict is so beautiful oh my God. I know I'm so late..... Thank you for writing this one. I can't help but keep smiling while reading it aaaakkk! This fict successfully made my day. We all are waiting for your update. Fighting, Authornim! We love you. xoxo.
_chanchan #6
Chapter 21: No update yet? :(
mehmeh984 #7
Chapter 13: U know what... nevermind. I was late for this fic anyways
mehmeh984 #8
Chapter 21: author-nim please update this soon:(
Chapter 21: Aish this story is so sweet! I can't wait for you to update, but it's no rush. Whenever you feel comfortable and are happy with what you've written <3
I swear that Kaisoo gif at the end of this chapter is my favourite. So adorable omgggg