
The Babysitter






The next morning, I woke up to the buzzing sounds of my phone. Grumbling to myself, I flipped over and began fumbling around for it. I wonder who is calling me so early in the morning. It better be good or else...

   ‘Hello,’ I muttered groggily with my eyes still closed as I buried my head into the pillow.

   ‘Wake up lazy ! It’s almost 11am!’ the voice from the other side of the line laughed a very warm and familiar laugh. Eh, I wonder who this is.

Squinting my eyes, I looked at the phone and saw Kyungsoo hyung’s name brightly lit on the screen.

Feeling alarmed, I quickly cleared my throat and flipped over.

   ‘Oh! Hi hyung! Um... I-I... What’s up?’ I replied as I laughed nervously.

   ‘Why? I can’t call you anymore?’

   ‘No-no, what are you saying? Its just that... um, I just woke up,’ I murmured as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

   ‘I know,’ he chuckled. ‘I just called to remind you to take your medicines. I did promise I’ll make sure you’d finish up every single thing didn’t I?’ he laughed.

   ‘Yeah, of course I remember. Don’t worry hyung,’

   ‘Ah, okay then. Well I’ll talk to you later,’

   ‘Alright... just... j-just text me okay?’

   ‘Of course I will! Who else would remind you to take your medicines if it is not me?’ he laughed.

   ‘I... I’ll be waiting for your calls. Or texts then...’ I smiled.

   ‘Don’t forget to take the pills okay! Go shower now Kai, I can smell you from here,’

   ‘W-what? I do not smell okay!’ I sat up on my bed.

   ‘You do... I can smell you from here,’ he teased. ‘Well... I’ve got to go now. Speak to you later. Bye!’

And with that, I was left with the beeping sounds of the phone. Smiling, I got on my feet and headed for the kitchen.






‘Umma?’ I called out.

No answer. I checked Taehyun’s nursery and not even my baby cousin was to be found. I trudged back to the kitchen muttering angrily to myself about how I’m left all alone in the house. As I was about to open the refrigerator to pour myself some orange juice, I saw a pink post-it note stuck on it. Plucking it off, I began reading it aloud.



The Lee’s just got back this morning so I’m over at their house right now to help them unpack besides I think Taehyun must have missed his family. Do come over okay?

Love, Umma


Taemin is back!

Feeling excited, I took a quick shower and threw on some old clothes before grabbing my phone and rushed out of the house. I dashed across the road and into the house opposite of mine. Without even knocking, I barged into it.

   ‘I’m here!’ I exclaimed happily.

Then I heard footsteps coming from the top of the stairs and saw Taemin running down with his hair bouncing behind him.

   ‘Jongin!’ he screamed before launching towards me and pulling me into a bear-tight hug. ‘I missed you!’ his eyes gleamed with excitement as he let go of me.

   ‘I missed you too Taem!’

   ‘Wait, are you having a fever?’ he asked curiously as he touched my forehead.

   ‘Yeah but I’m feeling much better now.’ I smiled reassuringly.

   ‘Oh okay. C’mon then, I’ve got something to tell you!’ he said, pulling me towards the stairs.

   ‘Wait... I haven’t greeted your parents and Umma yet,’

   ‘They can wait you know... Besides I’m sure they won’t mind and by the sound of how you just barged into my house, I’m pretty sure they know you have arrived,’ he argued.

   ‘Well, I don’t want to be impolite or anything-‘

   ‘Am I not important anymore?’ he cut me as he pouted cutely.

   ‘Really? Oh god Taemin,’ I groaned. ‘Of course you are important. God, what’s so important anyway? Just let me go say hi first okay?’

   ‘UMMA! APPA!’ he suddenly yelled as I covered both my ears.

   ‘Yes?’ Taemin’s dad replied.

   ‘JONGIN’S HERE AND HE WANTS TO SAY HI!’ he screamed once again. He looked at me pointedly and raised an eyebrow.

   ‘Um... hi?’ I spoke up.

   ‘We know...’ Taemin’s mum replied, laughing as Taemin gave me a I-told-you-so look.

   ‘Hi Jongin!’ his mum quipped.

   ‘Okay, let’s go now,’ Taemin pulled my sleeve and dragged me into his room, shutting the door behind him.

   ‘So, what’s so important Mr Screamo?’ I said as I plopped down on his bed.

   ‘Well... um, you know I was out looking for colleges right?’

   ‘Duh,’ I said, rolling my eyes.

   ‘Yeah so... I found this really nice place and the people there are so friendly and the accommodations are the best I tell you. And there is even this huge water fountain in it! Can you believe it? A water fountain in a school!’ he said animatedly.

   ‘Just get to the point,’ I shot him a knowing look. He never gets excited about anything related to school so why he is gushing over a college now really wonders me.

   ‘But...’ he sighed as he sat next to me on the bed. ‘I don’t know how to tell you,’ he bit his lips. ‘I don’t even know where to start,’

   ‘It’s a girl isn’t it?’

   ‘N-no... Its,’ he closed his eyes and took a long deep breath. ‘Its... it’s a boy,’

I felt my eyes double up in size as I looked at him. He can’t be serious right?

   ‘Are you j-joking? Be... because, I don’t find this funny at all,’ I gulped.

He looked up at me with his lips pursed. His eyes were telling me that he was serious and not joking at all.

   ‘Since... since when Taemin?’ I questioned as I studied his face.

   ‘Ever since I met Minho,’ he whispered as he looked at his feet shyly.

I took a deep breath.

   ‘Minho,’ I muttered as I closed my eyes and held my forehead as I tried to process everything in.

   ‘Minho...’ I mumbled again as I sank into his bed.

   ‘Jongin? You are okay right? I mean... you are not a homophobe or anything... right?’ he said, looking worried.

I snapped my eyes open and saw him hovering over me. His hands inches away from my face like as if he was afraid to touch me. Then I realised my actions were making him feel uncomfortable.

   ‘D-do your parents... know about this?’

   ‘N-no. I don’t think I could tell them yet. You are the first person I’ve told,’ he admitted.

He must have trusted me a lot if I am the first one to know.

   ‘What about the Minho guy? Does he know? Is he also um... not straight?’ Somehow, I couldn’t get the word out.

   ‘Of course not. I just met him a few days back. I can’t just go up and tell him I like him silly,’

   ‘Y-yeah... Um, Taemin?’ I squeaked.

   ‘How-how long have you been... uh, you know,’


I just nodded embarrassedly.

   ‘I don’t know actually, it hasn’t been long really,’ he shrugged as if it was some daily occurrence.

   ‘So... do you plan on meeting him anytime soon? I asked, propping myself up on my elbows.

   ‘Well duh. I am going to that college after all,’

   ‘Oh... okay,’

We both sat in silence for awhile before we heard our parents calling us down for lunch.

Before stepping into the kitchen, Taemin grabbed my wrist.



   ‘Y-you. You aren’t going to act all weird around me now right? I mean... do you think I’m a freak because I would totally understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore and I would really understand you if y-‘ I placed a finger over his lips. His eyes were beginning to water.

   ‘Shush. I’m not freaked out or going to act all different around you Taemin. You are still the Lee Taemin I knew since I young You are still my best friend, my cousin, my brother. That won’t change anything. I promise you,’ I said softly.

   ‘T-thank you Jongin,’ he sniffled as I pulled him into a hug.

   ‘You can always depend on me and tell me everything you know,’ I whispered as we let go of each other. ‘Now go wash up dummy. Your eyes are swollen and your nose is leaking. Eek,’

He flicked me on the forehead and laughed lightly as he turned for the toilet as I watched his retreating back.

My cousin is gay. Gay. I don’t know how I’m feeling right now but this is going to take a lot of adjusting to be done.







   ‘Who was that? Kai?’ Chanyeol hyung suddenly said, causing me to drop my phone on the floor.

   ‘Hyung, you scared me!’ I shrieked, crouching down instantly to pick up my phone and flipping it back and forth to check for scratches before slipping it safely into my pocket.

   ‘What? It isn’t my fault you are such a scaredy cat. Anyway, hurry up if you want to catch a ride with us. We are going to the bookstore near your house so maybe we can drop you off first,’

   ‘Ah, okay. Let’s go then,’ I said grabbing my cap and wallet before stepping around him to the living room.


   ‘What?’ I turned.

   ‘You still haven’t answered my question. Was that Kai?’

Before I even got to nod a yes, Joonmyun hyung appeared and yelled at us to hurry up. I just smiled  at him slightly and he smirked.

   ‘Let’s go now. You don’t want to let the inner tiger-Joonmyun be relished right?’ he said a little too loudly as he ruffled my hair.

   ‘I heard that!’ Joonmyun hyung yelled from outside.






   ‘Call us in case of anything okay Kyungsoo. We will be in the neighbourhood anyway. Call us when you are done,’ Joonmyun hyung said before I left his car.

   ‘Are you staying over or coming back to our place?’ Chanyeol hyung questioned.

   ‘I’m not sure yet,’ I clicked my tongue. ‘I’ll call you guys later. Don’t worry too much. You two are going to get wrinkles and look scraggly soon,’ I said teasingly.

   ‘Well, that’s because we care and love you princess,’ he replied.

    ‘Yeah whatever. Thanks for the ride! Love you!’ I chirped, sliding out of the car. I waved till the blue car was out of my sight.

Taking a deep breath, I marched up to the door and pulled out my keys. Twisting the door knob, I entered as quietly as possible. As soon as I entered, a sweet delicious smell wafted up my nostrils. It has been awhile since the kitchen in the house was being used. We’ve been depending on take-outs for so long I don’t even know when the last time I tasted Umma’s cooking was.

   ‘Pass me the oven mitts please,’ I heard Umma say.

I heard some shuffling before an unfamiliar voice was heard.

   ‘Here you go Umma!’ the other voice said a tad bit too cheerfully.

Is that Jinri? Why is she calling my mother ‘Umma’?

I strode into the kitchen and was greeted with the sight of the both of them laughing as Umma wiped off the flour off Jinri’s cheek. Jinri has grown up to be a very beautiful young girl. Her hair was still black, wavy just like when she was a baby except for she had bangs now. She had porcelain white skin and the pink on her cheeks were eminent just like it was from last time. She was tall too. Too tall in fact.

Umma stopped fussing over her as soon as she spotted me. She broke into a huge smile like I was her favourite person on Earth. Why must you smile like that and make me feel guilty all over again Umma?

She gestured for me to come over and without thinking twice, I realized my feet had a brain on its own.

   ‘Welcome home honey,’ she said warmly as she hugged me. ‘Here, Kyungsoo,’ she looked at me in the eyes. ‘Meet your sister,’ I looked at Jinri who was fiddling her thumb nervously.

I stood frozen to the ground. What in the world am I supposed to say to my sister whom I have not met for almost ten years? What am I supposed to say to my sister whose mother had broken my family apart? What am I supposed to say to the girl who had snatched my childhood away from me?

   ‘Well?’ Umma said, breaking the silence as she looked at the two of us. ‘I guess I should introduce the two of you then,’ she sighed.

   ‘Kyungsoo,’ she placed her slim hand on my right shoulder. ’This is Jinri. Your younger sister,’ her words sent chills down my spine.

   ‘Jinri?’ Umma called out as she grabbed her hand to stop her from fiddling around.

   ‘Hmm?’ she replied, finally looking up. She has cat-like eyes like Appa.

   ‘Jinri, this is your brother, Kyungsoo,’

We just stayed wordless as we looked at the floor, the wall, everything except for each other.

   ‘C’mon, just greet each other,’ Umma urged.

Jinri fidgeted around on her feet a little before stepping up to me with her hand outstretched. I looked up and saw her looking at me. I could see the nervousness in her eyes. Umma then took my hand and placed into hers.

   ‘I-I’m Jinri,’ she gulped. ‘N-nice to meet y-you,’ she said, stumbling as she shook our hands lightly once. Then it became silent again. I figured I have to say something.

   ‘Um... H-hi. I’m Kyungsoo. Nice to meet you too. Call me...’ I gulped. ‘Call me op-oppa,’ I replied, sounding like a fool. I let go of her hand and scratched the back of my head awkwardly.

   ‘Kyungsoo oppa,’ she whispered as her lips curved up into a sweet smile.

   ‘Kids?’ Umma said from the sink. I didn’t know how she got there in the first place. ‘I need to cook lunch but I’m running low on groceries. Can the two of you run down to the store for a while and get me some?’

The two of us just looked at her blankly. Both of us seemed to give her a we-just-met-are-you-crazy kind of expression.

   ‘Why? Don’t worry. I’ll write you a list so you won’t miss out anything’ she replied nonchalantly. She scribbled a few items on her notepad and tore out the paper before giving it to Jinri. She pressed a few pieces of notes into my palms before pushing us out of the door and instantly closing it behind our backs. I guess there isn’t any turning back now.

Throughout the walk to the supermarket, I found out a few trivial things about her. She was three years younger than I am, she’s been taking acting, singing and dancing classes and that she is still in high school.

   ‘So which school are you attending now?’ I asked.

   ‘Well,’ she pursed her lips. ‘Since I’ve moved. I’ll need to find a new school. So at the moment, I’m school-less,’ she grinned playfully.

I laughed and asked if she would need any help in finding new schools to enrol into around the neighbourhood.

   ‘Yeah sure, I could use some help. Thank you Kyungsoo oppa,’ she smiled.

The trip home was different though. After spending almost an hour strolling around the huge supermarket, I found out that she was a really nice and sweet girl who was also filled with aegyo. She’s the type that won’t stop chattering once talked to. I found that nice and we weren’t as awkward as before.







   ‘Eh? Back so late?’ Umma smiled at us as we walked into the door laughing over how our neighbour next door was watering his plants in his boxers only. I just smiled at her.

After putting away the groceries, I excused myself and went into my room. I took out my phone and started texting Kai.


From: Kyungsoo

To: Kai

Hi! ^^ Have you eaten your medicines?


Within 5 minutes later, my phone buzzed again.


From: Kai

To: Kyungsoo

Oh crap I forgot! Don’t worry hyung, I’ll go eat them now. Thanks for the reminder :)


From: Kyungsoo

To: Kai

I knew this would happen TT TT I don’t know how you would survive without me TT TT


From: Kai

To: Kyungsoo

Hehehe, I just simply forgot okay :P Btw, Umma’s asking when you can come over for dinner. I honestly don’t know why she likes you so much though. There is nothing special about you... I’m kidding okay XD


I was about to reply to the text when I heard knocks on my door.


   ‘Oppa?’ Jinri said.

   ‘Just come in,’ I laughed.

The door creaked open and she peeked in. ‘Uh, Umma told me to call you down to help with lunch,’

   ‘Oh okay, I’ll be down in a few,’

She nodded and smiled brightly before closing the door softly. I’m honestly glad she wasn’t like what I had expected her to be. She was not in any way like those annoying little bratty sisters I see in dramas. She is well-mannered, funny and nice. I picked up my phone and began replying to Kai’s previous text.


From: Kyungsoo

To: Kai

You better be! Um... I’ll have to ask my mum first. I’ll confirm with you later okay? I gotta go now. Call me at nine later? Don’t forget your medicines Kai! You have to get better before you go to school tomorrow!


From: Kai

To: Kyungsoo

Hehe, okay ^^ Nine it is! Talk to you later hyung :D



Smiling to myself, I tucked my phone into my pocket and began whistling as I made my way to the kitchen. I was feeling happy.

I’m going to hear his voice later at night!

For the first time in days, I was wishing for the night to come by as quickly as possible. Kai definitely is my sunshine.




Chapter 10 already :') Wow this is fast ^^ Didn't proof-read this as usual. Don't hesitate to point out my mistakes! I'm really sorry for the lack of Kaisoo interactions guys. I promise I'll give you a ton of them later on. I also didn't expect you guys to notice that Jinri=Sulli since not many people knows her real name so........... heh, you guys are geniuses! Don't worry, I'm not making anyone evil here. Everyone in this story will be sweet and nice ^^ I'd update this latest by the next weekends since school is eating up majority of my time zzz And what do you think about the addition of 2min in here too? I promise the other pairings would be just subtle ones because this is a Kaisoo fic and of course this centers around them. Believe it or not, 2min+Baekyeol will be a great help to Kaisoo later on in the future. AND 200 OVER SUBS ALREADY ? Wow :') Thank you thank you thank you thank you XD Till then, keep the comments and subs coming in ! <3


The usual Kaisoo for my lovelies <3


Kyungsoo is the one intiating skinship guise :')



Look at where Jongin's legs are at <3


p.s gifs and images aren't mine! they belong to their respectful owners ! :)



Till the next chapter, keep the Kaisoo love coming in ! <3



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[4.18.15] I'm in the middle of reconstructing the story so pls bear with me :3


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Chapter 21: Wahhhh love this fic and 2012? Like waaatttt
Chapter 21: waaah I enjoy reading this!!! <3
Dettadwiarto #3
Chapter 21: I enjoyed reading this so much. Thank you, author- nim
Chapter 21: Wow. I loved this book so much but i just saw that you started this in 2012. It's 2018 now and rhat a long time. I don't know if you will ever finish it but just know that im in LOVE with this book wowoowow
Chapter 21: This fict is so beautiful oh my God. I know I'm so late..... Thank you for writing this one. I can't help but keep smiling while reading it aaaakkk! This fict successfully made my day. We all are waiting for your update. Fighting, Authornim! We love you. xoxo.
_chanchan #6
Chapter 21: No update yet? :(
mehmeh984 #7
Chapter 13: U know what... nevermind. I was late for this fic anyways
mehmeh984 #8
Chapter 21: author-nim please update this soon:(
Chapter 21: Aish this story is so sweet! I can't wait for you to update, but it's no rush. Whenever you feel comfortable and are happy with what you've written <3
I swear that Kaisoo gif at the end of this chapter is my favourite. So adorable omgggg