First Day And I Already Like It

Eternally in Love

Bein with EXO-K was like being with my own brothers. Except I had only 5 of very annoying, overprotective and sweet of them. Their manager had brought us all to their dorm where I would now be living as well. It was nice having 6 guys in the same house as you and bubbling around. Suho was the leader who seemed to be the Big Brother. He was affectionate and caring towards s and he never let go of any chance to have fun.

D.O was the Umma. Mother Hen of us all; he cooked, he washed and he cleaned for everyone. He was so tidy he made me feel like if I dropped one drop of paint on the floor, he was gonna murder me. Oh, and since he is a 'Chef', he's already started to make spaghetti which to the members tastes good. I'll have to wait and see if he beats my cooking...

Chanyeol was the Happy Virus. He showed his teeth and smiled and laughed the most. And Duuuudeeee~ He's TAAAALLLLLL!!! He's exactly 185cm or so he brags. And he somehow likes skinship alot. Whenever he can, he'll wrap his arms around my shoulders and he would ruffle my hair. So, basically he would treat me like a baby. And was I anyone to complain?! I now lived with 6 gorgeous males and who could argue? #justsaying

Baekhyun was the Guy-liner. And his eyeliner is more perfect than mine and Kahi altogether! Oh, and he's bffs with Chanyeol! Keke~ BaekYeol moments are definitely something to watch! And damn! His voice! He showed off his singing skills and man! His veins actually do protrude alot! And there I was, thinking BigBang's Taeyang was the best.....

Sehun was the Big Baby. Affinity for aegyo and derp faces. He kinda reminded me of Leyah somehow. He does that *Buing Buing* alot! And he is always running around and laughing! Oh, and when he startes talking no one can really stop him. 

Kai was the quiet one... well, usually. He has this glint/spark in his eyes that makes you think he'll start teasing you at any moment. the chic-dol who threw me that y smirk everytime I looked at him. That same guy who was S.M's most precious gem. That same guy who seduced everyone by stripping- even the plankton. That same guy who took off his clothes to reveal his tanned-yet y- skin. That same guy with the full plump pink but not girly lips that made me want to march over and kiss him right on. Wait, what the heck was I thinking? Kai? And y? Pffttt... In my dreams... 

"Noona, noona," Sehun exclaimed excitedly breaking me out of my reverie. 

"Nae?" I asked. 

"Noona, wanna go to the supermarket with us?" he asked. I never knew anyone could be so excited to go grocery shopping...

"Naegin-shi, dont mind him. Maknae is thrilled to have you here with us," Suho angelically beamed and explained. 

"Omo, no need to be so formal, Leader-shi! Naegin will do," i replied, smiling back. 

"Only if you start calling me Oppa or Suho," he chided.

"Deal!: i exclaimed and exchanged hi-fives. 

I got up from the sofa and rushed to get dressed. I put on my black graffitied hoodie and pulled on my beat up pair of black All-Stars. Set to go, I went to the living room to wait for the guys.

One by one they emerged from their room. Their super-model good looks never failed to make my jaw drop. Even in the most casual normal clothes, they looked absolutely, completely, positively, totally gorgeous. All of them worth a million bucks each. Not that I would ever admit it out loud. 

"Naegin-ah, quit drooling," Kai smirked, looking up from tying his shoelaces. 

I snapped out of my temporarily lost consciousness and wiped my lips furiously. Nothing there. I glared at Kai who was holding his stomach and laughing so hard that I wanted to smack him right there and then infront of everyone. One day, I swear to sweet baby Jesus, that'll get you, Kim Jongin! I swore to myself. 

"Kaja, Naegin-ah!" Chanyeol yelled in his booming voice, beckoning me over, already at the door. 

"Noona, palli!" Sehun added. He laced his arms through mine and literally dragged me out of the house. Sheesh! Who knew the guy with the baby face was so strong? 

Soon, we were out on the streets, walking to the nearest supermarket. Honestly saying, their energy was a lot to control. They were all a bunch of Leyahs attached together. Too loud, too energetic and too much fun-seekers. I could already see this was gonna be one very long year.... 





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hehe chanyeol was the happy viruuuuuussssss .....loooool <3
Woot. First comment<3