Donghae [Part 2]

Super Titanic

   Donghae sat with his mother and other ladys together for some tea and cake on a table in the tea saloon.
He was wearing a noble, dark blue suit with a dark cummerbund and dark bow tie as his mother desired, but he didn't participated in their conversation, as she wished, too.
   They talked about their usual topics like fashion, beauty culture, gosspig, but also about Donghae's upcoming marriage.
Donghae's "mother" liked it to be together with women or female man, people like him, who he shared likings and hatings with him.
   " was awful! Donghae wanted a dark red suits fo his groomsmen. Horrible! You can barely imagine how terrible they looked at the dressrehearsal! I'm sure he just chose them to make me angry. He can be just a naughty fishy..."
   He stopped listening to his mothers storys about the preparations for the marriage or his childhood, even though he knew, that his mother liked to reminisce about his childhood and what a nice boy he was.
  Donghae was absorbed in thoughts, that he just noticed his mother's talking like babbling  from far away.
  What am I doing here? I don't even know these people... Actually, I don't really know anybody... And why am I not allowed to make my own decisions? ... everytime other people make them for me... my mother... Siwon... everybody decides on my decisions... I want, too.
   Donghae was pulled out of his thoughts by a cool hand, which laid down on his shoulder. He got frightened and turned around rapidly. His fiance stood behind him with his usual cool, gentleman-smile on his face and his "shadow" Kyuhyun was directly behind his master.
   "Ah, Siwon-ah! What are you doing here?", Heechul asked his son-in-law.
   "I wanted to asked something. May I allowed to abduct your lovley son? I prepared a little astonishment for him!"
   Heechul nodded, making a short hand move, signalizing, that his son-in-law could take Donghae with him.
Siwon grapped Donghae's wrist and walked away. Kyuhyun just followed them, while keeping an eye on everything around them.
   "What are you doing?"
   "Just wait and see, honey."

They went into their suite.
   Siwon turned around to Kyuhyun.
   "You can have some free time now! I don't need your service at the moment!", Siwon explained and Kyuhyun bowed down a little right before leaving.
   After Siwon closed the door and locked it, he turned around and took a deep breath.
He went out at the promenade deck and walked around a little bit. After some minutes, he sat down at a sunlounger, leaned back and enjoyed spring's sunshine, which gave him a convientent warmth on his face.
   "...Ryeowook-sshi! Please check the current knots and remain on course. I will go and have a tea.", a voice said, which interruped Kyuhyun from relaxing. He opened an eye and just saw two shadows.
   One shadow turned around and left, while the smaller one saluted and said: "Ai, ai, sir".
The man left and because the sun still dazzled Kyuhyun, he had to squint his eyes some more. He watched after the young mate, who was wearing a white uniform and a white hat.
   Kyuhyun stood up and followed the mate with his eyes a bit more, but he lost him in a bulk of passengers. He didn't even understand why he was fascinated by a simple fellow, who he had never seen before.

   Siwon had the door locked before he shoved Donghae into the next room and dimed the light.
Donghae didn't really understand what his fiance was planning to do and so he looked at him very confused, because he never was like that before.
   Siwon grapped Donghae's wrists, then he squeezed his lips on Donghae's with such panache that their theeth collided and Donghae varyed back. But Siwon grapped his fiance wrists even stronger, so that Donghae couldn't fall down.
   After some minutes, Siwon desisted from his fiance and pulled him onto his bed. Donghae was dumbfounded; He couldn't realize what was going on.
   Siwon ripped off his shirt. Donghae flinched anxiously, but before he was able to do or to say something, Siwon had already started to kiss him again like crazy. He grapped Donghae's wrists once again and pulled him down quite easily. He grapped the wrists with one hand, while he used the other hand to poached Donghae's shirt.
   Donghae was perplexed and confused and didn't know how he could stop his fiance, but Siwon didn't stop from kissing him all over his body. While the kisses became even wetter, Donghae grimaced and he tried to push him away.
   "Please, stop it!", Donghae said with a still gentle voice, "I don't want that!"
   But Siwon ignored him utterly. So, Donghae took all his strength together and pushed Siwon away from him. Siwon was confused about his love's doings and didn't realized what happened, so Donghae had enough time to pull his shirt back down and to quickly leave the suite.

   The sun had set. The heaven was clear and dark. The wind was fresh.
Only a few passengers were still on the outside deck; everyone else went in for dinner and to pick up some warmth. But Eunhyuk was laying down on a bench near the poop deck and looked up at the stars.
   He was in deep thoughts as a young man passed by like he was running for his life.
   Eunhyuk sat up and looked after the young man. After he shortly thought about why the man was so familiar to him, he stood up and went to the direction in which the young man had run to.
   Donghae kept on running, he never wanted to stop, to go back into the suite. He ran to the rail at the stern of the ship. There he leaned over the guardrail, gazed into the water and recovered his breath.
   After taking a deep breath he climbed over the guardrail. On the other side, he clung to the railing and slowly leaned forward. He wanted to disengage himself from the railing. But then he heard a quiet voice behind him:
   "Don't do that!"
   Donghae turned around and saw a young man, who had brown, short hair and wore messy clothes. Donghae looked at him irritatedly.
   "Go away! You confound me", Donghae said.
   The stranger pointed at the water and his mouth, as he was chewing some bubblegum. Donghae turned back to the sea.
   Eunhyuk took the chance to throw his bubbleum into the water and to be able to get nearer to the young man. As he could see his face closely, he just had one thought ... It's him...
   "I can't do that!", Eunhyuk said.
Donghae threw a kind of confused look at him.
   "What? Why not?"
   "Well, when you're going to jump now, I have to follow you or I could get problems, because I didn't help you."
   "That's hokey!"
The stranger took off his shoes and put them aside.
   "Although I'm not very keen on jumping after you. The water is so bloody cold!"
Donghae got even more confused. What does that guy want from him? Couldn't he just leave him alone?
   "Well, you look like somebody, who stays inside usually", the stranger said, "You know, I broke into a bath for some really grazy people, because I wanted to see if it's really that great as my schoolfriends told me... but they kidded me then... Such cold water like down there... it's like thousand needles you feel all over your body. That's why I'm not very keen on jumping after you."
   Donghae looked at the water and back to the stranger.
   "But now I have to", the young stranger said and took of his jacket, "You know ice fishing? Ice fishing is when-"
   "I know about ice fishing!", Donghae interrupted the stranger.
   "Oh... okay... I don't know it... I mean, I never did it."
   "You are crazy... just leave!"
   "That's what everybody tell me, but with any respect... I'm not the one, who wants to jump!"
   "Who are you anyway?", Donghae asked and turned back to the stranger.
   "I will tell you who I am, but first you have to turn around completely and climb back on the ship", the stranger spoke in a quite tone and offered his hand to him.
   Donghae slowly grapped the warm hand and turned back very carefully.
   "Lee Eunhyuk. Nice to meet you.", he said and had to deny himself not to gaze at the young man's chest, which was spartanly covered by a ripped shirt.
   "Lee Aiden Donghae...", Donghae said with a shy smile.
   "Sorry... but your shirt...", Eunhyuk babbled and Donghae wanted to keep his shirt shut, "Ohh... okay, now climb over the guardrail slowly. I hold on to you!"
   Donghae nodded and wanted to climb on the first rod of the railing, but he didn't noticed that his shoestring opened and suddenly he slipped.
  Eunhyuk was drawn against the guardrail, however he hold on Donghae, who only hung on Eunhyuk's hand.
  "Help me, please", Donghae screamed frightenedly.
  "Don't worry! I will lift you up!", Eunhyuk said, trying to keep himself calm, and pulled Donghae up, who tried to grab the railing, but his hand was so cold, that he slipped down again.
  "Oh god, please, help me! HELP!"
  "I don't let you go!! We will count to three and then you lift yourself up with my help!", Eunhyuk explained, "One! Two! Three!!!"
   The dancer pulled Donghae up with all his strength and Donghae grapped a rod and pulled himself up. After he got up with the help of Eunhyuk, the dancer grapped him on his hip, encompassed him tightly and pulled him over the guardrail. The two fell down at the ground, Donghae laying under Eunhyuk, who was looking at him in a deep glance.
   At this moment, some seaman came runningly, who heard Donghae's cry for help. But for them it looked more like Eunhyuk wanted to Donghae, who laid under Eunhyuk with wide open ripped shirt.
   "Hands off!! And don't make a move, bastard! The boatsman should come immediately!", one of the seaman shouted loudly.

   Some minutes later the boatsman Kangin came together with Siwon, Kyuhyun and some other man from the first class.
   While Eunhyuk put on his shoes and jacket again, a friend of Siwon wrapped Donghae in a blanket and offered him a glas of soju, but he politely refused it. He wasn't in the mood to have a drink.
   "How can you dare to put your filthy hands on my fiance?", Siwon asked, while he was looking down at Eunhyuk and hustled him, "Speak now!!"
   The boatsman shoved Siwon aside carefully and handcuffed Eunhyuk.
   "Boy, you go with us first!", the boatsman said and wanted to take him away, but at this moment Donghae approached to Siwon:
   "Siwon. Siwon-ah! It was an accident!"
Siwon looked at his fiance with a 'did-I-hear-that-right?!'lookand the boatsman jerked to a stop.
   "Yes, even a really stupid one", continued Donghae, "I leaned over the guardrail, because I wanted to see the... eh the... ehh", Donghae flailed around with his arms, because he couldn't remember the word in the panik he was in.
   The others looked at him a bit irritated and Eunhyuk throw a insistently look at Donghae.
   "Eh? The propeller?", Siwon completed the sentence askingly.
   "Yes, right! And while this I slipped, but thank god Eunhyuk was there to save me!", Donghae explained and smiled sofly at Eunhyuk.
   "He wanted to see the ship's propeller", Siwon said loudly and bugged.
   "Youngling and technique... it dosen't agree", one of Siwon's older friends said mood-liftingly.
   "Did it happened his way?", Kangin asked still serious and turned Eunhyuk to him, so he could look at his face.
   "Yes... that's pretty much it."
   "Well, then this boy is a hero! Well done! And so we can go in and attend to our soju again", Siwon's friend said relieved and started walking first.
   "You must be freezing, my poppet", Siwon said concerned and over Donghae's hair.
   "Wouldn't a little recognition be appropriate?", Kangin asked, who took of Eunhyuk's handcuffs.
   Siwon turned around to his valet Kyuhyun and said:
   "I think 5000 would be okay!"
   "Is that the price for the man you love?", Donghae asked his fiance skeptically, but still with a little force in his voice.
   "Mhh, Donghae is out of tune... ah", Siwon just said and went to Eunhyuk, "How about having dinner tomorrow night? You can join us!"
   "Yo, alright", Eunhyuk nodded in agreement.
   "Well, see you tomorrow", Siwon said and went off with his fiance and friends, "That might be amusing", he added to his friends.
   Eunhyuk whistled after Kyuhyun, who stopped and turned around to him.
   "Do you have a bubble gum?", Eunhyuk asked archly.
Kyuhyun just looked down on him and said in a cold tone: "Don't annoy me with that! You should better be honest. I know the young sir was lying for you. It's amazing that the young sir slipped so suddenly, but you had enough time to took of your shoes and jacket."
   Kyuhyun pointed at Eunhyuk's shoes.
   "You should tie them up!", he added and turned around to follow the others.

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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)