Leaving Port

Super Titanic

They went up to the Bridge Deck, even though they didn't know one of the thousand member of the audience,  who were crowded against the guard rail to wave for goodbye like all the other passengers.
   "I'm sure it's gonna be fun", Sungmin said  full of expectations.
   "For sure! Maybe there are some nice dancers on the ship, so we can train a bit, too."
   "You just can think about dancing! We won this, so we should enjoy it!"
   Eunhyuk put his hand on Sungmin's shoulder and said: "Yeah, you're right, we should enjoy it! But for now we should search our cabin first."
   Sungmin nodded in agreement and they turned around, as the ship began to move. It was time to leave the port for the Titanic, the passengers and the crew.

They followed the signpostings at the stairway to find their deck.
   "F 71", mumbled Eunhyuk, who was holding the tickets.
   "Eunhyuk, here is the middle deck!"
   "Okay than. We now have to look for room 71", Eunhyuk explained.
They went into the main alleyway and looked for their cabine number, while walking past many other passengerns of the third class, which was the low priced class so the most people had booked that category.
   "Ah, F 71. We found it!", Eunhyuk said, as he entered the cabine.
In the room were two other men already. Eunhyuk went in and greeted them with a friendly handshake: "Hey, I'm Eunhyuk! That's Sungmin."
   But they just looked at him confused and threw a glance at themselves. They haven't been Koreans, so they didn't understand him.
   Meanwhile Sungmin threw his bag on the upper loft bed and climbed up the ladder to lay down. Eunhyuk gave up to communicate with the foreigners and turned around.
   "Hey dude, who said that you can take the upper bed?!", asked Eunhyuk and clout him slightly against his thigh.

Some decks above at the Shelter Deck was Siwon's suite.
   He already had opened a bottle of champagne, stood at his personal sun deck and looked out of the window. A fresh breeze fondled his face.
He took a sip of the champagne as a seaman came and asked quietly, if he could do something for him, but Siwon just shook his head.
   Then he went back into the living room. He leaned on the door case and watched Donghae, who was unpacking some pictures with the housemaid.
   "Not these weird pictures again! That was a total dissipation of money! Absolutely bull", Siwon said befor drinking up his glass.
   "Do you want to unpack all pictures, Sir?", the housemaid asked.
   "Yes! This place needs some colours,  besides that, unlike Siwon, I have a certain taste for any kind of art ", Donghae said determined and had to smile, "Just look how he assembles the colours. It's fascinating!"
   "What's the name of the artist, Sir?"
   "Su Yong Seon or something like that..."
   "Su Yong Seon or something like that", Siwon repeated, "He will never be famous! Well, at least they were cheap!"
   Donghae threw an doubtful look to his fiance and continued to unpack the pictures.
At this moment a new seaman, who was shoving in the safe, entered the room.
   "Where should we put the safe, Sir?", he asked.
   "Kyuhyun will show it to you!", Siwon said and kept looking at Donghae, who was preoccupied in unpacking.
The man with the simple black suit approached at the seaman and said decisively: "Please, come! I show you where you have to put it!"
   They left the living room and entered the next room, in which another little room with a walk-in closet were. There, the seaman put down the safe, turning around to Kyuhyun: "What a heavy crap thing!"
    But Kyuhyun just looked down at the smaller seaman without any reactions in his face.
    "Isn't it tiresome to work for a guy like that? I just heard some rumours", the seaman whispered.
    "I don't think, that you're in a position to talk about Master Siwon or even to talk to me!", Kyuhyun said  harshly and pointed at the door.
   The seaman looked grimly and snorted: "Just because you're tall and wearing a suit, working for nothing more then a jerk, you think you're something better", while he was leaving the room.
   But Kyuhyun wasn't even listening.

   At the evening the Titanic arrived the south of Japan. Near Kagoshima more passengers, who came with a little ship, which only could transport about 500 people, got on boat.
   One of the passengers was a man called Shindong. He was like Donghae's mother used to say "nouveau-riche". Six months ago his family encountered gold in Africa.
   In histroy he should go down as "the unsinkable Shindong".

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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)