Let's Love Forever



“Urgh glub glub glub,” Kris’ esophagus screamed in horror from taking down some unknown substance.

“Was that the real love potion?” Kris asked, his voice a bit hoarse

“Yeah, I just poured the love potion down your throat. Do you know why I did that?”

“No. Say it. Say it out loud.” Kris said in a quiet whisper.

“You’re a dragon, Harry. I mean Krissy.” Lay whispered.

“The hell Lay, stop mixing two movies together and tell me the real reason.” Kris replied.

Lay blushed before revealing the real reason and neighed away. Rainbows formed at every corner Kris placed his eyes on.

When Kris woke up, he was in the nurse’s room. Kris looked up to see Lay. “What happened?”

“You fainted when you saw that all the love potions were sold out...”

Awkward silence.

“Uh... So Kris... Want to ditch school?!”

“Yeah... yeah I’ll do that,” said Kris, thinking about the crazy dreams he was having that day. Maybe he really should go home and get some rest. He’s been having weird dreams the whole day.

Kris left the nurse’s room and went outside to go home on his bike. But there was ohe problem; Manny Oppa was trolling the entrance.

“Krissy poo! What brought you to this part of school?! You should be at the caferiorum, taking sips of the great love potion that our school was so blessed to receive this year!” He dreamily sighs and makes dramatic motions with his hands clasped together.

“I was... I was... Uh...” Kris stuttered, because he couldn’t just reveal that he was going to ditch the first day of school.

“Manny Jer Oppa!” someone exclaimed from behind them. This gave Kris some time to think of a solution.

“Ayo! Brotato Chip! Why are you here?” Manny Jer said, turning his attention to the shorter man next to Kris.

“Well, I was feeling sick but I don’t have a bike to go home quickly, so Kris offered me a ride and I said okay,” Lay said with ease. He had been practicing the art of lying for many years under the cherry wood tree. He even received his black belt of shame and lies this past year. He was a proud student under Shi Fu Sensei-laoshi.

Kris realized that his savior was Lay and he immediately faceplams. Just his luck. Being saved by Lay of all people. Now he owed him.

“Oh I see! Well if Kris is helping the sick Brotato Chip, then I’m just peachy on letting you guys off for the day! Tootles~Tata~ Hasta La Vista Bebez~”

Both Kris and Lay gave Manny Oppa a bow.

When Manny Oppa finally leaves, Lay turns to Kris and said, “Okay, since you are feeling sick, let me ride the bike while you sit behind me!”

“HUH!?” Kris yelled out loud, “Do you even know how to ride a bike without training wheels?! You seem like the type of kid that doesn’t know how to ride one!”

“Don’t you know? You learn new things every day,” Lay winks at Kris as he jumps onto the front of the bike. Then he pats the passenger seat, “Get on you big boy~!” Lay laughs.

Kris sighs and decides that he has no other choice because he didn’t think he could handle riding a bike. Suddenly, Lay hands Kris an earbud, “Here, let’s listen to music together.”

Kris’ eyes widened at the familiar tune, the catchy beat, the let’s-get-up-and-dance sound. It was his favorite freakin song ever. JYP~ Introducing! Made in Asia, Miss A~ You don’t know me! You don’t know me! So shut up boi~! Kris starts singing along in his head, or so he thought. Before he realized it, he heard his own voice singing along to the song. But he wasn’t embarrassed. Why wasn’t he embarrassed? Because Lay was singing along as well. It was a duet. A beautiful duet. One only a perfect couple; a match made in heaven could create. They sang more and more kpop songs all the way to Kris’ house.

“Wait.. how did you know I lived here?”

“What? But this is my house!” Lay points to the house across from Kris’.

“...this is mine!” Kris points to his own.

They both cracked up at the coincidence and Kris led Lay into his dragon lair.

“This is my room!” Kris said, without looking at the room he was showing Lay. Then his heart suddenly fell 6ft and 2 inches to the floor. He forgot to take down the Kpop posters this morning. Yes, he was singing with Lay on the bike but because Lay was at the front, he couldn’t hear Kris.


Before Kris could deny their r²π, Lay started jumping up and down and squealing. He was so excited that he grabbed both of Kris’ hands and was trying to get Kris to jump along with him. But suddenly, Lay stops and runs over to the corner of Kris’ room.

“OH MY GOD! KPOP PARTY!” Lay turns on Kris’ iHome and blasts kpop and they dance the night away.

But not quite. Because it was time for bedtime!

Kris went over to get Yixing a blanket but tripped and fell on top of Yixing, who was on his bed.

Kris couldn’t deny this. He was madly and deeply in love with this crazy unicorn. The yellow lamp light didn’t help to settle down the romantic mood. Kris went in for the kiss and they..

*** A/N /le grin XD

It was morning and Kris realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Lay. Lay opened his eyes and smiled. He knew he found the perfect person as well. Who needed that Love Potion and it's fake love? There was real love all around them.




A/N: This chapter was rushed.. and .. yeah.. kinda wanted it to end fast.. haha sorry. OTL

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Vachvags_263 #1
Chapter 5: Omg! I read this fic now and im laughing so much
Loolyicecream #2
I loveeeeeeeeee it
KimGaea #3
I PREFER FLAMBOYANT,  THANKYOU VERY MUCH AND NO YELLING IN CLASS BEBEZ omfg you have no idea how much i cracked up my mom came past me and gave the 'wtf' face haha
yanimaulidina #4
Omgggg i cant stop laughing hahahahahaha
Chapter 5: An extraordinarily perfect mouth-corner-stretch exercise. I recommend even if you aren't Krispylay.
Chapter 5: Well, that escalated quickly. But Lol, I can relate with Lay. Whenever I find a Kpopper online it's like a mini celebration at my end. XD

And the fate line was pure genius. (Y)
chaiiiii #7
Chapter 3: That gif where Chanyeol is holding the blue thing(food)
I have it as well......OHMAHGAAD!
Chapter 5: thehun-ah~ wae so funny xD trolololol Krisus!