School Day Part 2


Chapter 3

“I’m THO thorry I’m late guyth! I’m your Englith teacher, Mr. Thehun! Nithe to meet you guyth! We altho have a thpethal gueth today! Thay hai to Mr. Taeil!”

Taeil faces the students and sticks out his hand. “MY NAME IJAH TAEIL!”

All of the students waiting outside of class started cracking up at the student teacher’s horrible accent. Someone yelled, “I don’t think you two would be good “Englith” teachers!”

Even Kris couldn’t hold in his laughter. Lay was laughing so much, tears were rolling down his eyes and he was leaning on Kris’ back for support.

Finally, they all went inside and took their seats.

“Today, we will be learning about the Takethpeare! Hith wonderful work A Midthummer Nighth Dream will be the focuth of today’th topic!”

Groaning, everyone proceeded to go to sleep.

“Get up! All of you kidth get up now!” Sehun yelled at his class, but nobody listened.

Sehun continued to lecture until class ended while Taeil kept rapping in the back. My name ijah Taeil My name ijah Taeil My name ijah Taeil.

Finally, they dragged themselves over to the final class before lunch. Math. With Mr. Chanyeol. They walked in to a very weird greeting, “AYO WADDUP KEEEDS”

The kids stared back at him weirdly, but one student managed to yell back, “AYO WASSUP!!”

Until everyone filled the classroom, Chanyeol was dancing and rapping, “Ayo 1 plus 1 don’t equal TWO nah~ TWO MOONS~ TWO MOONS~ TWO MOONS TWO MOONS TWO MOONS~~~ HAH I’M GUUD~”

Before the bell rang, one of the kids brought a bag of cookies over to his desk. “OMFG ARE YOU SERIOUS LKASJDFLKJSD THIS IS LIKE A MIRAKER,” Chanyeol flipped out.


He looked up at the student and thanked her by saying “Look forward to tonight.” and winked.


The girl at her teacher like he was crazy, “WHAT!?” She looked at him, “TONIGHT!?”

Mr. Park laughed his signature laugh (including his signature eye-twitch) and said he was just joking.


“OK STUDENTS~! TIME FOR CLASS TO START!” He yelled in his booming, low, husky voice as the bell rang.

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Vachvags_263 #1
Chapter 5: Omg! I read this fic now and im laughing so much
Loolyicecream #2
I loveeeeeeeeee it
KimGaea #3
I PREFER FLAMBOYANT,  THANKYOU VERY MUCH AND NO YELLING IN CLASS BEBEZ omfg you have no idea how much i cracked up my mom came past me and gave the 'wtf' face haha
yanimaulidina #4
Omgggg i cant stop laughing hahahahahaha
Chapter 5: An extraordinarily perfect mouth-corner-stretch exercise. I recommend even if you aren't Krispylay.
Chapter 5: Well, that escalated quickly. But Lol, I can relate with Lay. Whenever I find a Kpopper online it's like a mini celebration at my end. XD

And the fate line was pure genius. (Y)
chaiiiii #7
Chapter 3: That gif where Chanyeol is holding the blue thing(food)
I have it as well......OHMAHGAAD!
Chapter 5: thehun-ah~ wae so funny xD trolololol Krisus!