the end

what the hell is your problem?

“what the hell is your problem?” I yelled at the brown haired guy standing in front of me.


“my problem?! You are!” he yelled back.


How dare him!  This irritating dimwit has been all up in my business for the last three months now, and I was fed up with it.  What sin have I done to deserve this?  Who did I kill in my previous life to have to deal with this idiotic bird brain?  Seriously?!

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.  I was frustrated, yes, but I know that’s what he wants, and I refuse to let him claim victory.


“excuse me?” I asked in the most normal tone I could create. 


“What did I ever do to you to make me your problem?”


TOP, yes, I know it’s weird but that’s what people call him, rolled his eyes, annoyed by my question.  His face turned an even brighter shade of red.  Oh, crap… now I’ve really made him mad.  But, I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?  I mean, I even lowered my voice just now.  And anyway, aren’t I the one that’s supposed to be mad? He just ruined my first date with an incredible guy, who, by the way, though I am too proud admit it to any other person, is waaaay out of my league.  So, why in the world is he the one that’s looking like a constipated five year old about to throw a tantrum?


He looked me straight in the eyes and I felt my stomach turn.  Wow.  I knew his eyes were extremely intense, but I never realized they were this deadly.  I tried to erase my recent thoughts, just in case he had some kind of mysterious ability to read minds.  I mean, he looks scary enough, I don’t want my crazy thoughts to add to his anger. 


It’s true, this ridiculously handsome monster, wait, what?  scratch that.  This ridiculous monster and I have always fought and bickered, ever since the first day I met him.  But in all our silly fights, I’ve never actually felt scared of him.  Well, that is not until right this second.  I swear, I’m just about to pee my pants from his crucifying stare. 


He took three giant steps and stopped merely an inch from me.  Okay, its official, I’m dead.  Dear God, I know I haven’t been an angel, but please don’t send me to hell.  I really don’t think I can stand living with another demonic creature like the one about to kill me. ( ToT )… 


I felt his hot heavy breathing on the top of my head.  I guess this is one of the times I should be thankful for my not-so-tall figure.  At least this way I can hide my face, which I’m sure looks as scared as a person who just saw a freaking ghost. 


“what did you do to make you my problem?” he asked, annoyance clear in his voice.


He chuckled a sarcastic chuckle.


“what did you do to make you my problem?!” he asked again, this time yelling.


I flinched at the sound of his loud voice.  I’m usually a very good fighter, but for some reason, maybe because I was too damn scared, I couldn’t move a muscle.  I shut my eyes tightly, not knowing what to expect next.  Was he going to punch me?  smack me?  throw me down and kick me?  my heart was pounding like crazy.  Maybe I might die of a heart attack before he even gets the chance to beat the living daylight out of me.


you made me fall in love with you, you idiot…  that’s what,”


What?!  The nerve of this guy!  He dares call me an idiot? If anyone is the idiot, it’s him! I mean, come on.  What kind of lame reason is that? I made him fall in love with me?  oh, please..  That’s the stupidest reason I’ve ever heard of..  I made him fall in love- Hold on, what?  I made him what?


I looked up and he was staring down at me.  I could tell he was waiting for me to say something.  But unlike my usual self, who was always ready with some kind of comeback, I found myself lost without words.  An awkward silence enveloped us as we just stared at each other.  Geez, I never realized how hot he actually is.  His face looks so handsome up close.  And boy did he smell good.  Kekekekeke…  I noticed his wide chest.  Hard and chiseled under his thin sweater.  How comfy would it be to lay my head on that chest. Aaargghh.. what am I thinking?


“So, I take it you’ve fallen for me too?” he suddenly asked, raising his eyebrows.


“huh?” I asked, not sure what he meant.


His eyes looked down to his chest and my eyes followed.  And there, on his hard chest were my two innocent hands, feeling his muscles.  O___O  I felt my face turn hot.  Damn it, Tiffany!  Have you no self control?  I mentally kicked myself in the shin.  Pulling my hands away, I took a step back only to stumble over my own bag, that I just dropped a few minutes before, and fall flat on my .  To my annoyance, that devil started laughing his head off.


“yah! It’s not funny!”  I yelled at him, only to be replied by even more laughter.


“yah!”  I felt my eyes start to burn.  Oh, crap, I’m going to start crying. 


I really don’t know what came over me.  Was it the embarrassment, the pain in my behind, the fact that I just realized I do like this devil of a man, or just PMS, I really don’t know, but the tears came running down my face.  I started to cry.  And when I say cry, I mean ugly cry.  you know, the kind of crying where all kinds of liquids come flowing out of your eyes and nose.  Yup, that kind. 


TOP stopped laughing and kneeled in front of me. 


“hey..hey.. I’m sorry, okay.  What’s wrong?”  He asked me. 


His voice was gentler than I’ve ever heard before.  I tried to stop my tears and even out my breathing.  It was embarrassing to let him see me in this state, but what the hell.  What’s done is done.  He pats my back trying to calm me down.


“seriously, what’s wrong?  does your hurt that much?” I knew he was holding back a smirk as he said that. 


“I don’t want to like you!  I’m not supposed to.  You’re mean, and annoying, and crazy, and stupid, and.. and.. you’re an evil evil monster.  And I’m not supposed to like you!”  I spat out.


I waited for him to snap back at my remarks but he just chuckled. 


“So you do like me.”  He grinned as he wiped the remaining tears off my face. 


I stared at him.  I just called him mean, annoying, crazy, stupid, and an evil monster, and all he’s thinking about is that I like him.  This guy is really something.  A smile crept on my face.


“I guess I do.”  I can’t believe what I just said, but I guess it’s the truth.  I’ve really fallen for this bad boy.


He leaned down and I closed my eyes.  I felt his soft lips on mine.  It felt… perfect.  Fireworks went off in my mind and a group of marching band played a song in my heart.  It was like the fourth of July and it was awesome.  He might have ruined my date today, but I can definitely say that this kiss totally made up for it.  And, though he has cost me the chance to be with an incredible guy, I’ll let it slip, because I think he’s a hundred times more incredible.  But, I’ll never tell him that.  I mean, like him or not, love him or not, I still refuse to let him claim victory.  No way.  Not in a million years.







sorry for the y story.. i'll try to write a better one next time ^^


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That was so sweet I love it
fawbnerdy05 #2
It wasnt y. I enjoyed reading it, but the only bad thing was the shortness of it. Lol.
Please do write more stories.!
Topfany please?!