Chapter 01

I want a boyfriend/I need a girlfriend!

„This is just great“, Charlie muttered.  Her sister Minnie asked: “Did you say something?” It was rather difficult to understand each other because of the noise. Charlie just shook her head and nipped on her cocktail.

Currently she was in a club with her sister, but she just felt too old and at the wrong place. Her sister dragged her here. Her reasons: “Charlie, go out! You never had a boyfriend before, let alone a kiss! … Ok, how about this. You go out with me, tonight. There’s a special event at my favorite club. This will be fun.” After all her bickering, Charlie finally agreed.

Her sister forced a make-over on her and then the two girls headed to this club. As soon as both of them entered, Charlie felt out of lace. She was just twenty years old but felt too old. There were just kids, at least two to three years younger than hear.

She asked her sister: “Hey, how old are they? Are they even allowed to come here?” Minnie just said: “I don’t know. I feel a bit like a noona. Maybe that’s because of the event.” “You feel like a noona? I feel like an ajumma.” Minnie laughed. “Yeah,  sure! … Oh! I just saw some friends. I’ll be right back!” A second later she was away.

Now Charlie was sitting by the bar and drinking a cocktail as her sister came by. “Do you have fun?” Charlie pretended to be excited: “Yeah! Definitely! Go back to your friends!” “Ok! See you!” Again she was alone. Sighing she turned back to the bar.

Suddenly one of Minnie’s friends appeared. He was at least four years younger than Charlie. “Hey! How are you? Let’s have some drinks!” Some more of the friends came and Charlie assumed that Minnie danced with one of them.

“Ugh! I had too much!” After what felt like forever Charlie left the club and headed to a playground at the park near the club. She sat on one of the swings thinking about today. Slowly some tears fell and became more.

She cursed: “So frustrating! All I got from this night was that I met old friends, female friends and I got drunk while drinking with Minnie’s younger friends. And I wanted to meet some guys my age. If it’s like this I will never have a boyfriend!”

Suddenly she heard someone chuckling right beside her. On her left side was a guy sitting and looked her directly in her eyes. “Kyaah!” She fell from her swing. Embarrassed she looked up to find him grinning at her. He seemed to be a bit older than her and looked kind of scary.

Laughing with a really deep voice he helped her up and led her back to the swing. Ashamed Charlie asked: “Did you hear what I was talking about?” He nodded while smirking. “Oh, no! I am really sorry! Please forget what I was saying.” Charlie sighed.

After silently swinging the guy asked: “You really never had a boyfriend before?” Charlie shot u. “I am sorry, but why are you asking?” He smiled: “Just curious.” “…” “Aw, come on! I don’t bite. Tell me!”

Finally Charlie started to talk. First she was talking slowly but ended up spilling all her worries to this stranger. Ending her story she shyly looked at the guy beside her. To her dismay he laughed out loud: “You are worried because of that? I am 22 years old and I haven’t had a girlfriend before. That’s no bi deal.”

Warily she asked: “You never had a girlfriend? I don’t believe you!” “No it’s true although I am not inexperienced.” Confused Charlie said: “Not inexperienced… YOU MEAN… “ The guy laughed again, mainly because Charlie was blushing.

Angrily Charlie shot up and tried to punch this outrageous guy. She stepped in front of him and raised her hand. Just as she was about to hit him, he used his legs to catch her. Her hands were stopped by his and put behind her. Their faces were just inches away which made Charlie blush.

The guy said: “Hey, hey, I won’t laugh, okay. I have a suggestion. I help you to get some experience and you help me.” Now Charlie got curious. “How will you help me and how can I help you?”

He let go of her and told her his story. Because he never had a girlfriend his parents worry about his future, so they forced him to bring one home. Otherwise he had to marry an arranged fiancée.

“And how can I help you?” “That is easy! Become my girlfriend.”

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