Finally Now ft. Choi Minho and Im Yoona

Endless Music To My Ears (One-Shots)


I know that I cannot live without you, finally now.My whole life is filled with regrets. I totally regretted what I’ve done to him. He’s the only person who made me cry every single day for one whole week. He’s the only person who caused me those sleepless nights. He’s the only person whom I loved the most. But now, where he is? He’s gone and it’s all my fault..

I looked at myself in the mirror. I look very wasted. My hair is a total mess, my eyes are puffy and I am so pale. I look like a sick person. Well, I am. I’m heart sick. I don’t know why I can’t forget a single thing about him. He has this big impact in my life. I sat at the corner of my bed and looked at the table beside it, I saw his picture. I miss his mesmerizing almond shaped eyes, perfect nose and kissable lips. Tears started to flow onto my cheeks as I look on his picture. Why am I so stupid to do those things to him?!


“My Deer Yoong!” I sighed as I saw Minho, my boyfriend went near me and my girl friends. I rolled my eyes once he was beside me. He said, “Why didn’t you call me up last night?”

“Well, I was busy.” I answered coldly. I really don’t like exposing our relationship on public that’s why only my girl friends and his friends knew about us. Well, I’m a Queenka in our school and he’s just a nobody, you know. Uhm, I really don’t want to be seen with him in our school. If I’m seen with him, I’m sure lots of rumors about me having no taste when it comes to guys would speculate, right? I mean, I love him but.. I don’t know.

“Girls, I’m going now, okay? I still need to do some research in the library, for my assignment.” I said, hurrying to get lost in front of Minho. The girls laughed at me. “Why are you all laughing?”

“Since when did you do your assignment?” Sunny asked, laughing. I gave them a please-let-me-leave look. When they understood what I meant, they simply just let me leave. I heard Minho said behind, “Wait for me!” I walked faster but wherever I go, I could still feel him following me.

I finally turned around and shouted, “Why do you keep on following me?!” Luckily, people are not around. Yes, he looks really shocked and dumbfounded at the same time. I sighed heavily. He finally said in a low tone, “Why? I just want to see what you are doing.”

“Haven’t I told you earlier that I’m going to the library?!” I rolled my eyes. “Aish! This is so annoying!”

“But you are going in the wrong way.” Minho answered. Ugh, he got me there. He pointed on the other side of the building and said, “The library is over there, right?”

I groaned, annoyed. “Well, I’m going to look for some other things before I go there, okay?!”

Yoona, why are you so angry?” Minho asked, pouting. Yeah, why am I so angry? I don’t even know why.

“It’s because you are so annoying. Stop following me around!”I finally answered and walked away. I can’t believe I have said those words to my boyfriend just because he’s following me to see what I am going to do. I’m such a jerk. Ugh, I love him but I’m so cold towards him. I want to change my attitude already but I just can’t. Since the day we have been together, I haven’t been sweet towards him. I only said ‘I love you’ to him once and that’s the day when I gave him my sweet YES.

As I was walking, many thoughts ran in my mind until I didn’t realize I bumped into someone. I saw some things from that person fell on the ground that’s why I immediately helped that person without even looking at him. As soon as I am done getting all the things, I turned to look at the person. Who is this? I’m not familiar with his face.

“Hey, thanks for helping me..” The boy gave me a what-is-your-name look. I chuckled as I saw his expression and said, “Im Yoona. And you are?”

“Lee Donghae.”He smiled. Oh my gosh, he’s smile is so sweet but he’s totally not my type.

“So, I guess you are new here?” I asked and smiled.

“Yeah, I just arrived from America yesterday.”

“Wow. I’m sorry about awhile ago. I’m just really busy thinking that I didn’t notice you were there. Mianhae.” I bowed in front of him. “So I guess uhm.. well, enjoy your first day!” I smiled and started walking away.

“Yoona!” He called for me. I turned around and asked, “Why?”

“Could you tour me in this school later after classes?” He smiled. I chuckled a bit and said, “Of course, new student. See you later! Meet me in my classroom, room 201.”


I typed in my mobile, “I’m sorry Minho..” I’m about to press send but I deleted the text. Ugh! Why am I so shy to say sorry? Pride, I guess? !

Is Minho mad at me? I guess he is. Well it’s okay if he’s mad at me, I completely understand it because I’m such an idiot, really. Damn it. When will I have the guts to tell our school that he really is my boyfriend? I should act sweet towards him and not gave him the cold shoulder. Ottokhae?

“Yoona!” I heard Minho’s bubbly voice from behind. I automatically smiled. I guess he’s not mad at me anymore? Please tell me he’s not mad.

“Yoona!” I heard another male voice calling for me. This time, I turned around and looked. Omo, the voice belongs to Lee Donghae, the new student. Damn, I almost forgot that I should tour him around the school! Oh, I looked at the both of them. I looked around and I heard some people said, “Why is that Minho guy calling Yoona? Eew.” Some are also saying, “The other guy is cute! Is he new here? I think Yoona and that new guy looks good together!”

Finally, Minho spoke and smiled, “Yoong, I’ll walk you home today. Let’s go?” God, what should I do? Many people are staring at us and I can’t go with him or else they’ll know our relationship. Eff, I just said, “No, you can’t. I’m touring this new student, Donghae around the school.” I saw Minho’s smiling face went to a frowning face. Damn it!!! 

I got my things and started walking with Donghae. He suddenly asked, “Who’s that guy asking to walk you home?” I’m sure Minho and the other people could still hear our conversation so I just answered, “Oh, he is just some boy. I don’t even know him.” I turned around and gave Minho a sorry face but he looks so humiliated and sad. God, I felt so guilty!!!!


“Yoona! You have a visitor. Come down here!” I heard my mom shouted from downstairs. It’s late now. Who could that be? Oh, maybe it’s just Sunny or the others. I just shouted back, “Ask her to go to my room!” Mom shouted back, “Okay but it’s not a ‘her’, it’s a ‘him’!” WAIT—WHAT?! WHO’S THAT?

I fixed myself a little and then I already heard someone knocking on the door. I said, “Enter please.” When the door opened, I got shocked. Really. It’s Choi Minho. My Minho. It’s the first time he went to my house. And it’s already 10pm.. And he looks so wasted..

“What are you doing here? It’s late.” I said in quite a cold tone. “And why do you look like that? What happened?”

“I’m here to clear things up with you, Im Yoona!” He shouted. I’ve never heard him shout at me before.

“What’s to clear? Tell me what’s up with you!” I stood up and sounded a bit angry already.

“No! You tell me what’s up with you!” He sounded angry. “What’s up with our relationship? Wait—no! I think it isn’t a relationship anymore! You are always angry with me when I’m talking to you at school and it feels like you are getting embarrassed when you are with me! Is that a relationship?! And you just chose that Donghae guy over me! You even told him that I’m just some boy and that you don’t even know me! Now you tell me what’s up with you!” He started crying.

I’m speechless. I can’t even think of what to say anymore. I’m getting teary-eyed already. And yeah, as soon as I know it, tears already started flowing onto my cheeks. I can’t take it anymore. “Minho, I love you but...”

“That’s it! You love me but?! There shouldn’t be any buts when it comes to loving a person! Okay. I get it. That means you really don’t love me, right?! You don’t love me and you never will love me! You are a queenka. You are famous and rich but me—I’m just some boy you don’t even know!” He held on the door knob, preparing to get out of my room already. “I guess this is the part when two people says farewell to each other. Goodbye, Im Yoona..” And then he went out of my room and there I was, totally regretting all the things I did to him. I cried and cried like there’s no tomorrow. All I could say is.. IM YOONA IS SUCH AN IDIOT FOR LETTING GO A CHOI MINHO.


A/N: Hi lovely earthlings! I updated. Hihi. I’m sorry if this doesn’t have a happy ending. I’m really sorry. I love variety so my stories are either sad or happy. Okay. Love you readers! Keep on supporting XOXO

I hope you’ll enjoy this one candyredhearts! XOXO

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SuGen32 #1
Sunny and kyuhyun!!! !!!
SungHaJoon #3
Chapter 2: It's so sad :"(
killthemall #4
love it!! :DD
I'm okay as long as it's going to be a Sunny fic. <: I'll be waiting! :D
Update soon.
Made soon as sunny fic^^
@Kyusunlover: Nah, it's fine. I'll do all your requests, I promise! Hihi. Thank you for requesting! :D

HI GUYS!!!! I MISSED YOU ALL!! I've been really busy but I'm now working on some stories. Wait for it, kay? LOVE YA ALL! XOXO
Are you still accepting requests? If so, I'd like to request a couple pairings...
Sunny and Kyuhyun
Sunny and Donghae
Sunny and Yesung
Sunny and Shindong (I know, right!)
Sunny and Heechul
Sunny and Onew
Sunny and Siwon
Sunny and Taemin
Jessica and Donghae
YoonA and Siwon
Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk
Yuri and Yesung
Sooyoung and Ryeowook
Taeyeon and Leeteuk
Tiffany and Heechul

Is that too much? Probably... Sorry! You can choose one of the Sunny ones... Preferably the Sunny and Kyuhyun... I'm really sorry! You can think of them as ideas. Update soon!
tasyayufirswoon #9
oh so it's just a story turns out well I think the imagination just a real :(