The Game Begins..

The Flirting Game

No one's pov

   "Hyung, I need to talk to you.." Taemin said waving his Hyung his way.

"What is it Taeminnie-ah?" Karam asked going to Taemin while cleaning the floors.

"I-I like this girl a-and I don't know if she likes me back..."

"Well, who is the girl? Thats what depends on the answer"

"Sh-she's Minji.."

"Taeminnie-ah, I hate to break it to you but, I like her too.."

"But, Hyung.. You were really harsh on her today. And, it was her first day!"

"Well, maybe sometimes people show different ways of likeness!"

"You know what Hyung? Why don't we just see who she'll fall in love with first?"

"Huh? Like a game? Your making us put her in like a game? Are you insane?"

"Well, it's the only way we can see who she likes more!"


They both swept the floors avoiding eye contact.

"She'll fall in love with me, Just watch..." Taemin mumbled.

"Doesn't matter, she'll still be mine in the end..." Karam said.

"Whatever, Hyung"

"Fine but, don't blame me if she doesn't fall for you"

"Hmm.. Then I guess.. The game begins now right?"

"Yeah, remember though. I'll still win"

"No, you won't Hyung. I will"


Author's Note: Yeah, it's short  but, i'm updating twice tonight so... yeah :)

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Double Update maybe today!!~ ^^


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cute and short butnice ^. ^ Hehehe, I wonder what Karam meant by "tomorrow you'll regret this" hahaha.
more more more more :3

omg ~~~~

you're a great author~!
Pretty 100% ie chapter ^^Bravo Taeminie~~
I'm pretty sure then two latest chapters were ie ^^
Okay I read all 7 chapter and I can say... that was verypervy and ecchi. Karam is in 100%. huh, I knew then Karam is hahahah.
Minji in maid outift or play rabbit ? Oh my lord.. Karam is really really ert~~ ehehehehe... I don't said then that was bad, that was great Minah. More chapters, I will wait ^ ^
Okey, comment for 7 chapter : 1# - Karam your jerk. 2#:Karam your jerk. 3#: Karam your S& M's jerk and ert > . <
Poor Taeminie~~
But lol, chapter is really really good Woah. Omedetou Minah ^ ^
about 6 chapter : woaw. That was.. wonderful. I have candies inmy mouth butIhave *virtual candies too* Yes, because that was too sweet and that cute so I'm in.. Candieland XDD
I had family travel and I hadn't back to aff and read stories. But now I'm in my home so I can . later I give you full comment
Oh? It wasn't an idea? ^^;;
I just thought.. lol nvm ^^
Can I still use that idea in the future though?
I can give you credit if you want :)
And sorry for not answering on that over comment..
I'm in like 5 RPs so.. lol..
And thank you!!
I'm grateful for subscribers and friends like you! ^^
ahaha, you don't gave me answer yet for question you said "thank you for giving me an idea for the story". When I gave you idea? I only... told my imaginations,that wasn't suggestion or idea.
Sotellme please, of course if you can, why do you thought then I gave you story? uwahhh... and I'm really glad then any writer had imaginations to write story where Karam and Taemin are as: friends, love rivals (because they fell for Minji, right?), hmm... and of course : . Two boys and one girl,nyaaa~~
I'm full of grateful for you Minah~~