Take a Picture, it Lasts Longer

I'm Sorry

"Wake up!" You're shook awake from your sleep. Where am I? It's dark but you can make out the shadows of many other humans.

"Whats going on here?" You frantically scan around the room, it appears to be some sort of warehouse.

"Welcome dear child," An insane looking man says looking at you, "to the Executioner Serial Killer's lair."

A chill runs down your spine. It's hard not to hear about this killer. He's a serial killer who kidnaps his victims at random and executes large amounts of them at once, throwing their bodies in large hand dug holes in the country.

Your eyes scan around the room once more, and you count five, ten, no fifteen other people are in here as well.

"Okay everybody up, up!" A masked man enters the room with a small lantern, and he's holding a gun. "The police are getting bored again." he smiles.

"Oh no! Nooo!" The warehouse wails. "Please spare my child! I'm too young to die! Mommy!"

"Get in line!" the man screams yanking an elderly man off the floor. "Do as I say or I assure you that your passing will be anything but peaceful."

Scared, you quickly get in line, despite already knowing this will not save you from the fact you're about to get your brains blown out.

Oh no please, someone, anyone help me! Please!

You're last in line, and the man aims his gun at his first victim. Bang! You try to advert your eyes but it's no use. The victim falls to the floor, the lantern reflecting in the pool of blood flowing out of his head. The next victim steps up in line, as if it's a check out line at a grocery store. Bang! The next victim falls to the floor, and the next and the next. The whole warehouse has been engulfed in nothing but screams, gunshots, and the sound of bodies falling. Soon there are only five victims left. You close you're eyes, no longer wanting to see the horrid sights, you try to block out the screams and gunshots but it's no use. It's as if these are the only things you've heard your whole life.

I'm hearing things. I think I hear police sirens. No wait yes! Those are police sirens! Lots of them! Oh could it be I'm saved?!  You open your eyes. Blue and red lights are flicking through the cracks in the walls of the warehouse. I'm not dreaming! Police are here to save the day!

"What?! No? How can this be?!" The killer is shocked. He drops his gun, looking every which way for some way to escape.

"This is the police! We have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up!"


"Thats enough. You Executioner Killer." The insane elderly man steps out of line. "I'm an undercover police agent who by luck happened to be kidnapped by you. As soon as a I realized what was happening, I called for reinforcements. If only they had been here sooner..." he says looking sadly at the pile of bodies. "But you sir, will not be spared."

"Ha? You think you can take me? Never! I've killed over one hundred people! And I will never rot away in a jail cell!" And with that he picked up his gun and shoots himself through the head, suffering the same fate as his victims.

Police rush into the room, and you are whisked out, being asked a thousand questions at once.


"Wake up!" You are shook awake once more. But this time instead of being in a warehouse, you're in bed. In a small room. In a mental hospital.

"Wh-what? Oh I had that dream again." You tell the nurse who has just awoken you.

"Really Sunghee,again? Aish." She jots something down on a clipboard before leaving. The door locks behind her.

You get out of bed and walk towards the large window in your room. At least they know I'm sane enough to have a large window. You look down, and see a large van pull up outside the hospital. Five people get out, holding flowers and balloons. What the...?

Your door opens and the nurse pokes her head in. "Oh and Sunghee, we have visitors today! One of them will be visiting you okay?"

"Okay sure."

You walk back to your bed and sit on it, looking around your small empty room. It consists of a bed, chair, and table with a small yellow plastic daisy in a sky blue vase that the hospital 'generously' donated to you.

The door clicks open once more, this time instead of the nurse, a young man is there.

"Hi. I'm Kris. Are you Miss. Jung?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

You survey the boy. He doesn't look Korean...Chinese? And he's blonde...

"Oh I'm part of this program. It helps cheer up patients like you?"

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"No well...we just think that once in a while you need a little pick me up. I'm sure you must be bored in here."

"Yeah I guess you're right." You sit in the chair in front of the window.

"So how old are you?" Kris asks approaching you.

"Nineteen. And you?"

"Twenty one."

"Your Korean is pretty good, but you're not Korean right?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm Chinese, but I moved to Korea from China when I was fifteen."

"Oh thats why."

Kris rocks back and forth in place, looking around the drab room. "Do you have any friends?"

You stop and think for a second. Well there was that one girl...She was how people say, loopy. She would always walk around in a daze, but you found it amusing. She would often talk about ghosts, and all sorts of nonsense like that. When you first met her, she looked like she came straight out of a horror film. She wore a white hospital gown, had a large white bandage wrapped around her head and eye, even though she didn't need it, and often walked around barefoot. Then one day she just disappeared. Well,thats what you like to tell yourself. You don't want to think about that one night, which seemed like many other nights, that you heard her ear piercing screams, and the loud crashes, and finally a familiar thump of something falling to the ground.

"No. I don't have any friends. Nobody really does."

"Really? Thats too bad. Well, I'll be your friend." Kris replies.

"Sure you will."


Woohoo first chapter! ^^ Writing this I remembered I once had a dream I was in a mental hospital...hmmmm...Anyway thank you to anyone reading this!  I'm still trying to figure out all the magic buttons that make everything all fancy. ~o~

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ChubbyChoco17 #1
Chapter 2: LOL So cute~ xD
Chapter 2: please please please update more TT^TT i love the way the characters interact, all of it is just so beautiful... XD
Chapter 2: Interesting! I like the plot idea.
please update soon XD
the storyline is really interesting ^^
I like your story! please continue! ^ ^
an124ful #7