At first sight

The Way We Fall

In a trendy coffee shop located near the CoEx mall, worked a young girl in her late teens, a university freshman to be, working hard to earn enough for the coming fall. Her academic dreams had always taken priority in her quiet life. Finally, it seemed, she had prevailed in her school life to be lucky to attend a decent local university.

She rushed around the busy café that afternoon, clearing and cleaning table after table. It was hard work but she didn’t mind; she loved seeing the busy buzz of people coming in and out in their day-to-day lives.
Suddenly, a groups of young girls ventured into the shop excitedly. Haerin bustled over to the counter and proceeded to take orders.
“Wahh! They were so good looking!”
“Aish! I should’ve taken more photos!”
“Did you see when G.O winked at me?”
The girls squealed excitedly, jumping on the spot, waving many bits of merchandise.
“So that’s what it is.” Thought Haerin, eyeing the increasing queue.
“That’ll be 6,200won, thank you!” she spoke loudly above the noise.
“Oh, sorry!” smiled one of them, frantically searching for her wallet.
“Excuse me,” Haerin started tentatively, “You couldn’t tell me who’s doing the event today, could you?”
“Omo! Don’t you know? MBLAQ are here today!” the girl responded incredulously, “Aren’t you a fan? You must be around my age”
“Ah~ idols are they? I’m not usually interested in them…” Haerin explained nonchalantly. Her attention from the topic drifted immediately – her concern was only on how much of the audience collateral would filter into the coffee shop.
The fangirl took her change and order rather offended that Haerin had disregarded her favourite group just like that.
Things calmed down after two hours, it was nearing 7pm - the time Haerin finished her shift.
She prepared to go, slipping off her apron and setting in on the counter.
“Excuse me, ahjumma!” a customer approached the counter loudly.
Haerin, startled, jumped backwards and knocked over a box of spare cake decorations. She winced and bit her lip, making eye contact with a senior colleague who shook his head and smiled.
Taking the forgiving gesture, she quickly turned to the customer who stood watching in amusement.
Haerin’s shocked expression remained on her face as she looked up to the customer. He was extremely handsome, even under his grey fedora and dark sunglasses. His skin seemed to glow in the lighting and his cute bunny teeth flashed briefly as he smiled in surprise.
“Oh- mianhae, agassi, can I get a fruit cake to go? With a candle?”
Haerin almost melted at his soft voice, but somehow managed to break from the trance and nodded furiously at him.
“Great. Can I use your bathroom first?” he asked, carefully counting his money.
Haerin still hadn’t found it in her to open and numbly gestured towards the facilities.
“Okay… here’s the money” he pushed the money towards her and followed where she was pointing.
“Choi Haerin, you better leave now or you’ll miss your bus.” The senior started to push her silhouette towards the door.
“Oh! Ne! But then –“ she quickly picked up her bag but looked backwards at the counter.
“I’ll take care of Mr Fruit-cake-to-go. Now go! Palli!” the ahjussi chuckled as he waved her off.
She quickly said her goodbyes for the day and ran out the door. The handsome customer returned just in time to see her silhouette leave towards the still shining sun.
“There you go young man – fruit cake and candles.” The ahjussi handed over the package.
“Oh, kamsahamnida” he thanked with a bow. 
His phone rang and he left out the door as he answered.
“Ne, hyung, I just got it. Just leaving now. Car’s outside? Arasso!”
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I subscribed to this story a while ago but forgot to comment. Sorry! I hope you haven't given up on this fanfic and update soon :)