What happened on that Monday.

A Student's Daily Life.


Chapter 2: What really happened on that Monday.

Homeroom has already started and I can tell that it’s going to be ing boring. The teacher takes the register, and then the people answer. Nothing interesting ever happens at all. Even the view from outside is starting to bore me. Well, it’s not that bad… It’s way better than the people in this room. I mean, this room in general. Outside, the trees are all frosted from last night. Which I found kinda weird because it’s really sunny and it should be gone now. I sighed heavily, folded my arms and smacked my head against the table. Not that hard, I don’t want to cause any drama or to have people come over me and be sympathetic and . I hate that.

First Period was English. It was easy.

Second Period was Science. Also easy.

Then breaktime. I came outside to buy some cheap ham sandwich and resided to my secret place; the big tree behind the dorms. I wasn’t able to sit and lie against the tree because it was cold. Thankfully, there was a bench. I sat down and blew hot air on my hands and rubbed them afterwards. I wasn’t hungry anymore so I was just lounging there, looking at the moving sky. It felt great and sad at the same time. I was alone, which I enjoy doing but I was just… Melancholic. I don’t know. I just feel like crying and falling down a flight of stairs with sharp steps and say, “I deserved it”.

Then she came. 

“Scooch up a bit, Jaejae.”

“Ah okay.” I moved to the left. I’m still looking at the clouds.

“I have a secret to tell you.” She said, cheerfully.

“New boyfriend?”

She was speechless. To be honest, I actually guessed.

“Yeah… Who told you!?” Now she started to panic and she stood in front of me.

“I-I heard… From everyone.” I’m totally ting my pants inside. She was looking at me now. I suppose this was a great… excuse? I don’t know. Then she ran away. You know, when she said “yeah”, my heart skipped a beat and that evil, sad thing welled up and my chest started hurting. Oh . I almost died then. I wasn’t able to breathe for 10 seconds. I really wanted to cry but I didn’t want to cry. My eyes are now puffy because I kinda teared up but I don’t want it to flow out.

“Well, since you know now, I’m gonna go and not bother you.” She said, in her normal cheerful tone. “You know what, you should go in… Your eyes are puffing up!”

“Y-yeah, I know right. Damn hay fever.” I stood up and looked down. Just to avoid looking at her. That wasn’t helpful at all because that was when my tears flowed out. I think she didn’t notice because my fringe covers my eyes when I look down. After that incident at break, I just put my head down for the rest of the day. I wasn’t crying. I was just feeling empty inside. It’s really ed up. I’m actually glad that no-one noticed. I don’t know what happened at lunch because that was when I fell asleep. I think I heard her… And something was tugging on my jumper. Oh well. I was really tired.

Yeah. Tired.

Of everything.

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Poor jae... :S Nice story, keep it up ^^
shiiramonika #2
i like your story please update soon :)