
Life's Become Fun Since You Showed Up (hiatus finished after two months)


*Kai’s POV*

“Kai hyung?”

I cracked open one eye slowly, reluctantly taking in my surroundings. It’s not that I’m not a morning person, it’s just that mornings don’t really like cooperating with me before two cups of coffee.

Through frazzled vision I could see Minki squatted on the floor beside me, head cocked to the side and eyes wide with expectation. Although what for, I’m not sure.

He smiled happily when he saw I was finally fully awake, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly. Sometimes I found myself waiting for those moments. The moments when Minki’s eyes would light up and distract me pleasantly. It made me proud that I was the guy he called ‘hyung’.

“Mmm, what is it?” I decided to get up, resting my weight on my elbows.

“Hyung…I was looking through the cupboards to see what I could make for breakfast and found this,” he held out the all too familiar packaging of instant ramyun,

“Isn’t this some kind of false advertising? It says I can make ramyun in four minutes! Four! With just the things in this bag! How could you play into their trick hyung?!” he waved the bag around, convincing me I had made a dire mistake.

I laughed at the ridiculousness of the current situation, but immediately stopped at Minki’s exasperated expression. This kid…was serious?

“Uh…it’s no lie. I can make it in three.”  

“Whhaaaaa?? Can you show me?!” his eyes widened to the point of it looking dangerous. I let out a shaky laugh.

“What? Now?!”


“So we’re having ramyun for breakfast now?” I asked, unable to hide my smile in front of the kid.

“Oh wait, is…is that not allowed?” he immediately deflated, slumping his shoulders and pouting despite himself.

I chuckled and swiped the package from his grasp, helping him up while I was already up.

“C’mon then kid.”


It didn’t take long to realise that I would find myself being extremely fond of Minki. He was an very curious one, finding fascination in what seemed to be the most insignificant things. Combined with a ridiculously cute eye smile and slightly pitchy voice it was obvious he was a total noona killer type.

Sometimes I kind of wonder if he was aware of these traits, if he ever used them to his advantage, or if he was some kind of evil mastermind who spent years perfecting the curve of his smile to get girls later on in life. But then I find myself not minding, because it’s a perfect smile no matter how he achieved it.

And no, I’m not gay for the kid or anything. I’m completely straight and forever will be. It’s just…

I’m not too sure actually.

His smile just puts me in a good mood whenever I see it.

It feels good.

So, I’m happy to be able to have him around. As his hyung of course.

Life feels more fun like this.


“Minki? Are you busy today?” I asked, smiling when he looked up from his bowl through his eyelashes, half-slurped noodles dangling from his mouth.

“No, why? Then again, a run-away kid doesn’t have much to be busy with.”

He shrugged his shoulders casually before quickly returning to his ramyun, making me sincerely doubt his mind was still focusing on our conversation.

I guess it was true though. If he wasn’t cleaning he was cooking, helping me with maths (I swear the kid’s a genius), studying, or curled up in the vintage armchair in the corner of my room reading.

He seemed to really like it in there, spending big chunks of time scanning through the numerous bookshelves lined across the walls, reaching out on tip toes for book spines and folders he always finished too quickly.

He told me he liked my room the most in the world.

Heh, it’s only been a few days, and yet I talk like I’ve known Minki for years.

I wish I could. I wish I could have the pride of being able to know things about Minki that could only have been deciphered through years of honest friendship.

But so far all I know is that he’s a damaged kid with a powerful secret.

So I want to do my best for him.

My original selfishness has slowly depleted.

“Is it okay if we go to the mall today?”

“EH? Really?! You’re taking me to the mall?!” His eyes lit up with childish excitement.

I’ll do my best for him, so someday I’ll be able to see that smile every day.

A new selfishness has taken over.


@zeelei: YOU'RE THERE! Thank you~

Heeeey guys~ *yawn* Wah, I'm so tired right now TT.TT I have no idea what time it is cuz of the time difference, I think it's early morning or something O.o 
Noone slept last night either cuz of plane turbulance and whatnot so I'm kind of writing this three quarters asleep xD
I found wi-fi!! So I decided to put this together during some spare time I had~
But I honestly don't think I'll have any time to update during the next two weeks..TT.TT Sorry guys~
Please wait for me! I'll talk to you then okay?!
This chapter's really short n stuff and I'm sorry if it ..I' >.<
*yawn* bye bye guys! 
Please enjoy and I'll be back with lotsa (hopefully better) updates soon! ^^

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I can't update this weekend...I'm completely swamped with work TT.TT I'll try my best to next weekend though! ^^


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Chapter 37: Ya, you better be taking care of yourself!! And dont stress about updating :)
Chapter 36: omg, he kissed her! >.< thank goodness that you're better now! :) Merry late Christmas~ >.<
Chapter 36: Tofu strawberry jelly cheesecake sounds delicious!!. Thanks for the update! Author-nim you shouldn't stay up to late it's bad for your health. Hope your parents get well and everyone has a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!! :-)
Go Kai, go Kai, go Kai! ^^ Kai and Meili, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G xD
D.O? He's an awesome cook, maybe that's why ;)
niel_gd23 #5
Chapter 36: He finally did it!
Chapter 36: DKFJFJDJD OK HEEHEE hahahahshs the whole sleeptalking where she said we forgot to bring the queen her pudding made me think of Alice in Wonderland xD
Chapter 36: *sings be mine by infinite*
kyaaa!! finally, kai makes the move ><
ngehehe... :3 ahh the fluff...
Chapter 36: I started reading this ff a while ago and fell in love with it! honestly i cant wait for you to update! i love it soooooo much ^_^ please update soon! hwaiting and happy holidays! (sorry i deleted it by accident OTL)
Chapter 35: Well yeah, but it makes me feel guilty anyways! But holidays are soon, so i'll try to update, even though i have to study for exams ;)
Oh my, who is Kris getting married with? IT SHOULD BE MEEEE xD lol jks, if i got to marry one EXO member, it would be Lay or Xiumin :D