
Life's Become Fun Since You Showed Up (hiatus finished after two months)


*Meili’s POV*

Just like they said, a set of clothes had been laid out on top of the glass cabinet while I had been taking a shower, a flowing pastel toned dress with a cream cardigan folded neatly. I smiled, the clothes were delicate, they looked like something that would fit Kai’s mother’s style.


I sighed heavily in the steam filled room, inhaling the after scent of shampoo and orange scented soap.

Back when I lived as Minki, there were always small moments that always overwhelmed me to the point I couldn’t move. The times when Kai would squeeze my shoulder and whisper ‘goodnight’ just a little bit too closely, when he would rest his cheek against my hair after dance practice and complain about his exhaustion, his hands more than often finding themselves dangling around my neck.

But, whatever happened in that corridor, whatever was going through his mind to do something like that, it made my heart want to leap out of my chest and explode in front of me.

There was something there. There was something wonderful and sparkly about it all that made me lightheaded just thinking about it.

But when I think of that flustered expression, that look of doubt and exasperation in his eyes, it makes me wonder, was it sparkly and bright from his side?

Or was there something else entirely for him? Shock, or surprise maybe at the fact I was a girl still?

Well nevertheless, I’m happy. Aside from Sehunnie I was his little brother, and if we could stay like that, then everything would be perfect…even if I can’t exactly accept his recommendations for boxer brands anymore.

I found my way downstairs easily enough, the house being well organised and beautifully laid out in warm autumn tones. Sehun and his mother were in the kitchen when I reached there, both absorbed.

Sehun was glued to his studying at the kitchen table on the left, a look of bewilderment and confusion settling on his features as he flipped through his maths book frantically. Their kitchen was large and pleasantly spacious, a single large window frame set over the units letting in several streams of light. The walls were white in colour, along with the countertop settling as an island in the middle, where Sehun’s mother stood, preparing dinner herself while a maid scuttled to and fro across the tiles to assist her.

“Noona!” Sehun called as he looked up from his homework, glad to have some sort of distraction. His mother looked up as well, a gentle smile setting across her face.

“Do you need any help with anything?” I asked, feeling a little out of place standing awkwardly.

“Actually, could you help me? Sehun suddenly said he wanted mashed potatoes and carrots for his lunch tomorrow, so I haven’t been able to start dinner yet. But really Sehunnie, mashed potatoes? What kind of craving is that?” she sighed playfully and resumed to chopping vegetables, her hands swift and precise.

Sehun shrugged and jumped out of his chair, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the pantry.

“Noona, it’s not my fault alright? Luhan said has a toothache! That means it hurts right? I don’t want him to hurt. That’s why tomorrow when we share my lunch, he’ll be able to eat soft foods and not hurt as much,” he whispered while handing me jars of pepper paste and onions, his whispering getting lost completely in the bright tones of his voice.

I said nothing, instead deciding to ruffle his locks of fluffy hair with my free hand. Sehun had a kind heart and a wonderfully generous demeanour, traits all his family seemed to possess.

“What would you like to eat, Sehun?”




“You know, you’re the first girl Jongin ever brought home,” I looked up from the chopping board to find Kai’s mother’s eyes somewhat distracted, smiling fondly at nothing in particular. She sat in one of the chairs set at the kitchen table, deciding to let me cook after Sehun had insisted.

“Eh? Seriously, but what about his-“

“Girlfriend? He’s talked about her once or twice, about how she placed first in her class or gained a new internship, but honestly? I can barely remember her name. Taeyeon? Yuri? Something like that…” she shrugged and rested her chin on her palms, more thoughts growing quickly behind her smile.

“He liked her a lot, I know that much, but I guess you could say I wasn’t exactly surprised when he told me they broke up. He always talked about her with admiration in his voice. He was proud of her success, of her beauty, but you know, admiration isn’t the same thing as love…your stew’s going to burn sweetie.”

“Huh? Wahh, not again!” I lunged towards the stove to lower the heat, “this always happens when I get caught up talking to someone. Kai always has to remind me of the stove when we’re cooking too…”

“Cooking…with Jongin?” She stood up and walked towards me, her expression intrigued and playful, arms cross over her flat stomach.

For some reason I began to become aware of every word I uttered.

 “Yeah…at first he couldn’t tell the difference between salt and sugar, but now he’s not too bad I guess, he uh…makes really good waffles…”

“I see…” she let out a giggle and eyed around the room for Sehun who found himself beside me, watching his mother quietly in confusion.

“Um…where is Kai actually?”

“He’s gone to the bakery with his father to pay back the manager for the past couple of times we forgot to bring cash.”

She reached out slowly and grasped my wrist in her left hand, her skin calloused and rough around the fingertips, but otherwise smooth. I let her take my hand, confused yet comforted by the presence she seemed to create.

Thumbing around the clock face of Kai’s watch she smiled, looking up to face me with a gentle smile.

“You really are special to him, aren’t you?”

@ jonghyunluv: haha really?? xD I'm happy you're enjoying it then!  Like, I had really no idea what I was writing during the last chapter OTL Eeh I hope you find the time to watch it soon TT^TT You need to watch it, arasso? xD hehe HunHan is too cute I can't take it TT.TT

@ YourObsessionSuju: Hmm...it might be pretty hard trying to fit a scene like that in here, but what the heck, if the oppurtunity arises, I definitely will! It sounds fun! xD Hana? I know! She's really getting on my nerves..>.< But the funny thing is she was like, my favourite character in What's Up, she was so adorable! And then all of a sudden, complete character change! I'm still getting used to it O.o Tan chismosa? Hablas Espanol? xD lol no problem I understand the feeling completely TT^TT Feel free to spazz~

@ Mandyd: Uggh I hate that! TT.TT It's just, for me, it's like, the ending can either make or break a drama y'know? It's like what happened in Big, it was an amazing drama, but then the ending just completely screwed it all up, I was freaking crying in frustration TT.TT But still, I might give High Kick 2 a shot then when I ever get time xD

@ Coralie_X_SHINee: Yeah, sure..xD But then again I can't say much, I'm kind of sliiiightly crazy when it comes to Infinite..>.<"" Gah I know right?! He looked so freaking epic! *_* But I just, I dunno, for some reason I just couldn't take it seriously xDD Aissshh I want to! Like seriously, but hnnn I really don't have time OTL I wanna watch Hoya too TT.TT

@ RandomGRL: Haha, you always read into the chapters really well! xD His mom is already really taken to her, so it'll all work out xD

Hello everyone! 
I know that there's the new feature to reply to comments, but I dunno...I've always done it like this..it just feels like tradition now xD Hope ye don't mind ^^""
Dude, that cliffhanger in To the Beautiful You...I want to cry....OTL WHY? WHHYY? Okay, I'm done, I don't want to give anything away, I just seriously needed to vent a little bit there ^^""
Anyways, we're getting nearer and nearer to the main part of the story! I'm so excited~ It's going to be so fun to write! >:D I hope you all like it so far, this story wouldn't have been anywhere as far as it is if it wasn't for ye, so thank you!
Ah, that's right! Silent readers, thank you so much for reading and continuing to read my story! I just wanted to say I'm having a lot of fun talking with ye here and getting to know each other bit by bit, so you know, if you want, drop a comment too and I'll reply! Of course if you don't want to it's completely fine ^^ I'm just really happy people out there are actually enjoying reading this TT.TT
Alright, goodnight everyone! Have a good weekend! ^^


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I can't update this weekend...I'm completely swamped with work TT.TT I'll try my best to next weekend though! ^^


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Chapter 37: Ya, you better be taking care of yourself!! And dont stress about updating :)
Chapter 36: omg, he kissed her! >.< thank goodness that you're better now! :) Merry late Christmas~ >.<
Chapter 36: Tofu strawberry jelly cheesecake sounds delicious!!. Thanks for the update! Author-nim you shouldn't stay up to late it's bad for your health. Hope your parents get well and everyone has a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!! :-)
Go Kai, go Kai, go Kai! ^^ Kai and Meili, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G xD
D.O? He's an awesome cook, maybe that's why ;)
niel_gd23 #5
Chapter 36: He finally did it!
Chapter 36: DKFJFJDJD OK HEEHEE hahahahshs the whole sleeptalking where she said we forgot to bring the queen her pudding made me think of Alice in Wonderland xD
Chapter 36: *sings be mine by infinite*
kyaaa!! finally, kai makes the move ><
ngehehe... :3 ahh the fluff...
Chapter 36: I started reading this ff a while ago and fell in love with it! honestly i cant wait for you to update! i love it soooooo much ^_^ please update soon! hwaiting and happy holidays! (sorry i deleted it by accident OTL)
Chapter 35: Well yeah, but it makes me feel guilty anyways! But holidays are soon, so i'll try to update, even though i have to study for exams ;)
Oh my, who is Kris getting married with? IT SHOULD BE MEEEE xD lol jks, if i got to marry one EXO member, it would be Lay or Xiumin :D