Casual Stalking

Life's Become Fun Since You Showed Up (hiatus finished after two months)


*Baekhyun’s POV*

It made me so happy, realising the subtle yet beautiful changes in Meili while watching her walk through the street.

Her smile had become radiant and dazzling, and as the corners of her lips stretched ever so slightly higher, her eyes crinkled prettily, making her whole face shine an innocent light.

I had no idea she could smile like that.

She was strolling happily beside that boy I’m assuming was the guy she spends the good majority of our phone calls gushing about, clad in a sweatshirt that seemed all too big for her. It made me smirk to myself behind the rusty bus stop stand I had unconsciously hid behind.

It felt so good, knowing that if it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t be able to smile so genuinely under that ruffled wig.

I was the one who cut her ropes, the one who freed her wings and let her fly without boundaries. It was all the reassurance I needed to convince myself that I’m wasn’t a failure as her older brother.

The boy beside her laughed heartily at something he was explaining at a pace too fast for me to decipher, and in turn Meili giggled softly, a tinkling sound.

It made me curious, an unfamiliar feeling when it came to my sister, curious as to how close these two ‘almost-strangers’ had become. Would he be dangerous to Meili if he found out her real gender?

Psh, he’s an average prickly teenage boy, of course he is. The only reason I’m tolerating him right now is because my dongsaeng seems to enjoy life more as a result of his presence. I don’t want to separate them and be the cause of her would-be looming depression.

But that doesn’t mean that I trust him. Whatsoever.

I finally get my turn to be the overprotective older brother.

So when the two of them lazily entered the glossy doors of the local mall, I found myself quietly rushing after them, slipping on the signature sunglasses my father regretted buying last week.

Meili had soon transformed into a curious and hyperactive child upon entering, making little gasps of astonishment and awe as she peered around every mediocre snack stand.

Occasionally she would call over Kai (yeah I know his name…) during her little expeditions, pointing out little details she found interesting while he smiled and offered her cherry flavoured lollipops or a sip of his coke.

Her excitement was gold. You did right Baekhyun.

When Meili had decided for herself that she had finished exploring, they both headed to the next floor, making me hastily get up from my spot against the wall.

From my position on some worn bench I could make out their two figures weaving in and out of different clothing stores, again at their lazy pace, the shopping bags in Meili’s hands increasing with every new visit.

She wore an unreadable expression, a mix of worry and something else as they walked, while Kai looked much too smug for my liking, quickly replacing a lollipop when the last one left him with only a stick.

There was something wrong about this, about him. It’s not that I didn’t like him, but the fact that I didn’t know enough about him to know whether I shouldn’t like him or not.

But there was something about him that was off, a playfulness to his smile that I couldn’t seem to recognise.

I got up swiftly once again to follow the two, but in doing so a rush of iced liquid splashed me, staining my shirt an ugly mess of brown.

“Oh God! I’m so sorry! I was in a hurry, and I didn’t see…oh God I’m so sorry!”

“No, it’s okay, it was an accident anyway.” I looked up from the damage to meet chocolate eyes matched with milky skin. The woman who spilled her coffee on me was quite beautiful.

“How can it be okay? Your shirt is ruined because of me!” she complained exasperatedly, the arm not clutching her shopping bags and art folder flailing around desperately.

“Listen,” I began distractedly, wiping down the fabric with a handkerchief, “It’s fine. It’s not like you poured car battery acid on me or anything.”

“But still! Ah! Here,” she handed me a small branded shopping bag, the receipt of whatever she bought stapled neatly to the side.

143 dollars…

“Since I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to get that stain out, and that seems like an expensive shirt, you can have one I got my boyfriend,” she said, furrowing her eyebrows while squinting at the logo I thought was unnoticeable.

“No, I couldn’t, that’s too much-“

Yoona!” a new, deep voice echoed unpleasantly behind her.

“Don’t worry about it! I have to go!” she took small steps backwards before waving.

I found myself watching as she approached a man dressed confidently in a suit, briefcase in hand. He wore a hearty smile.

The two suddenly engaged in a passionate kiss, causing my cheeks to flush and making me leave in the opposite direction.

Hey! Don’t look at me like that! I haven’t had my first kiss yet, and it makes me feel uncomfortable seeing people do it so casually, like as if it’s a greeting.

After minutes of mindless walking I finally spotted Meili and Kai sitting outside an ice cream parlour, deep in light-hearted conversation and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

“Kai, should I take this off?” I could seem to make out Meili’s words, as she pointed to a silver watch latched on her wrist.

“No, it’s okay, you should keep it” he replied, his attention focused on the small tub on his lap.

“Why? I thought it was one of your most favourite things in the world!”

He smiled, the back of his spoon.

“I know…”


I had become even more confused as to what kind of person Kai was, but after hearing that, one thing’s for sure,

he’s not a bad person.


@ RandomGRL: Thanks for the support dude! You're so nice TT.TT GAHH I loove that drama! It's so good!! xD "Jesus!"

@ zeelei: haha I hope so! xD I find him quite cute like that~ lol Yeah! Totally take advantage of the whole situation as you should xD

Hello my wonderful readers and friends! 
I'm back! And it feels sooo good to be able to write comfortably again~ You can begin to expect more frequent updates again! (..or not..maybe...)
We're finally passed the 10th chapter! For some reason that makes me happy, I think it reassures me that I actually know what I'm doing when it comes to this xD
Also, I'm sorry about the last chapter...Baekhyun's POV looked so strange to me after I read it again xD I was like, "why did I make Baekhyun think/do that? O.o" Oh well, it's a result of hurriedly writing during small breaks TT.TT
It won't happen again! I promise! xD 
Again, I want to thank you all for reading this story, it really means a lot to me ^^""
You guys aren't bored yet right? O.o

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I can't update this weekend...I'm completely swamped with work TT.TT I'll try my best to next weekend though! ^^


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Chapter 37: Ya, you better be taking care of yourself!! And dont stress about updating :)
Chapter 36: omg, he kissed her! >.< thank goodness that you're better now! :) Merry late Christmas~ >.<
Chapter 36: Tofu strawberry jelly cheesecake sounds delicious!!. Thanks for the update! Author-nim you shouldn't stay up to late it's bad for your health. Hope your parents get well and everyone has a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!! :-)
Go Kai, go Kai, go Kai! ^^ Kai and Meili, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G xD
D.O? He's an awesome cook, maybe that's why ;)
niel_gd23 #5
Chapter 36: He finally did it!
Chapter 36: DKFJFJDJD OK HEEHEE hahahahshs the whole sleeptalking where she said we forgot to bring the queen her pudding made me think of Alice in Wonderland xD
Chapter 36: *sings be mine by infinite*
kyaaa!! finally, kai makes the move ><
ngehehe... :3 ahh the fluff...
Chapter 36: I started reading this ff a while ago and fell in love with it! honestly i cant wait for you to update! i love it soooooo much ^_^ please update soon! hwaiting and happy holidays! (sorry i deleted it by accident OTL)
Chapter 35: Well yeah, but it makes me feel guilty anyways! But holidays are soon, so i'll try to update, even though i have to study for exams ;)
Oh my, who is Kris getting married with? IT SHOULD BE MEEEE xD lol jks, if i got to marry one EXO member, it would be Lay or Xiumin :D