Chapter 2

Twice if you're happy, once if you're sad

Thanks all for subbing and commenting! 

The replies are down. 

btw, this is a three shot so yeah. 




Every night, Key would lean in to my cage to give me my food. Every time, I would bury my face into his fluffy hair and smell it. This night, it smelt foul. It smelt disgusting, something un-key like some thing very unhealthy.

You’re unhealthy! I barked. You’re sick!

Of course, he couldn’t hear me.

2 weeks later, he felt it. His head leaned into the kitchen counter as he dropped the glass cup.

“You okay?” Jonghyun helped him up as he collapsed into Jonghyun.

“I need some rest.” I heard him mutter and he fell asleep.

Jonghyun cried. I howled. It was a long night.

The next morning, he staggers forward and lies down on the couch.

“Honey, you want some tea?” Jonghyun pushes some sweets in to his face.

“I’m fine” Key chants.

No you’re not!

“I just need some rest, Roo come in with me.”

I obediently follow him.

Key slides in to bed and pats the space next to him. I get up pressing my nose on his hand.

“Roo, something’s knocking against my head.”

You have cancer! I wanted to tell him. He didn’t listen.

“Roo, my surroundings feel dark.”

Me too Key, Me too.

I look over at the white walls in the room. Oh how the fragrance was beautiful! Key and Jonghyun smell all combined together. It was magical.


Then I see a shadow. I turn my head back to the sleeping Key. A dark shadow looms over him as five long fingers reach for Ki bum’s heart. That’s when I noticed it was death.

Death, everyone fears it. It’s not an enjoyable thing. Now as I sit on the bed, I see the dark figure try and grasp breath out of the boy. So I bark. Afraid that his soul might be taken away, I bark as Key wakes up. The figure vanishes as the boy rubs his eyes and looks at me.

“What is it?” He asks me. I watch him my eyes round as ever.

Kim Ki Bum, you shall not die, this is my duty.

But the darkness will always follow you.



I think becoming old is painful. Your legs wobble, it’s harder to breathe and hits and joints ache in pain. Your sense of smell and taste deteriorates.

It .

Sometimes, Jonghyun is weak as well. He collapses. Is this weakness from Key or just plain sadness? I’m sad too. I’m sad that Key’s becoming worse everyday.

Every time I saw a tuft of Key’s golden-brown hair, I bark once. Jonghyun will turn and give me a sad smile. He would pick it up and place it in a box.

I’ll bark again. Once. Just once.


Are you happy? He asks me.

I stared at him

My tail is wagging uncontrollably as my tongue sticks out. Bark twice if you’re happy. Bark once if you’re sad.

I barked twice. Yipping as I jumped in the air. I barked loudly, twice.

Jonghyun smiled as he walked beside me.

Let’s go now. I yipped twice, letting him know.



This time, I barked once. He nodded, still remembering that time.

He understands. 


jongkeyminkey: Thanks. It will be sad just to tell ya xD major spoiler alert!!! 0__D 
KimEnRi: thanks <3 I love Jongkey and especially Roo.
princehyeon: NAWWW. thanks a bunch. it will get sweeter. 

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PLease give me feedbacks. Thanks. SHould I post my Onho or not???


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ninabulett #1
Chapter 4: Touchy angsty? But it was really beautiful..(Uhm, though roo's opinion about crotch cracked me up, lol!) I feel like I should give my cat more love now so he would think of me the way roo did to jonghyun.. XD
Chapter 4: I hate you! You make me cry! It don't help when I was in the same situation as this Jong is with Roo.
Chapter 4: I am literally close to tears. Like, legit. I don't know what happened to Key and I'm sad about Roo, but I don't want to be sad because he was so happy T_T
My feels are just......... I can't even...........
So, so good. I'm gonna go buy that book now
oconje #4
Wow, soooo good, emotional and sad. Great job!
So the first chapter I was laughing and by the end I'm sobbing. Obviously you wrote this well or my emotions wouldn't be in such a frenzy. Oh my god I can't stop crying. I just lost my dog a couple months ago so it really gets my emotions up. Great writing. I'm gonna go off and cry for awhile.
LOL omg "I love his crotch." >A>
aaaaaaaaaahhh good bye roo :')
you still live in jongkey's heart >u< they'll miss you
youngforever #8
I didn't get it... Did roo die or..? Sorry for not understanding..!!! ><
First I laugh because this "My name is Roo and this is my story" but now that I finished, I want to cry so bad, it's so sad, he gave his life for Kibum, right? It's so sweet

An amazing story


So... the story was awesome and I was planning on congratulating you for writing your first fic with a decent plot, but then remembered this was based off of a pre-existent book... so nvm XD

Your writing has definitely improved, in the sense that you tend to use a little less mood ruining words and that your grammar has improved...

Hopefully by the time you spend more time with your english tutor, your writing will become near to perfect..

Hwaiting you... you... person...?