
They find each other, no matter where they are, like star crossed lovers. And then again, they meet.e





Every time he felt the presence of the other boy, chills will immediately spark down his spine, it was almost automatic. And this time was no different. Kris sat at the other end of the library, using his thumb to finalize the last smear on the drawing, the only one thing close enough to reality he was able to bring with him. And there it was again, the presence, he felt it.

“Are you.. leaving?” He asked Kris, but he didn’t answer. He stood up rapidly, trying to hide the drawing of the other person behind his tall, well built body. But the boy seemed to noticed, as he craned his neck to get a better view of what was behind him.

“Is .. that me?” He asked again, this time able to see the charcoal drawing of himself, almost too real.

“I have to go” Kris cutted in, as he started rolling the drawing and placing it into a tube, he mentally sighed. A sudden forceful grab on the wrist, Kris stopped abruptly, jerking a little at the contact between the boy’s hands and his wrist.

“Take me with you” As if almost not believing himself, the boy was taken aback, and so was Kris. But Kris still had on his rock solid face, although the insides of his body was churning and fluttering with the words that came out of the boy’s mouth.

“It’s better for you this way” Kris huffed, as he hung his head lowly, not able to meet the other boy’s eyes. Kris could feel the way the boy’s eyes had pierced deep into his soul, and something inside him shook. The boy took a couple of steps forward, reaching out his hands. He wrapped his long slim fingers around Kris’ wrist, holding up the almost lifeless wrist forwards and drawing it forward against his chest. As soon as his palms came into contact with the boy’s chest, he felt electrocuted.

“You mean, walking away from me is better than this?” His voice was almost a challenge. Kris could feel the heartbeat thumping against his very own palm. The mere phrase of heart skipping a beat, could almost be legit here. He felt his own heart race, but slowed down, and it was almost like their heart were beating in unison. And that was when he lost it, he lost all the self control he built up to keep him away, he broke his own wall and climbed through it. He was right, Kris thought, nothing was more important that this.

As he leaned in closer, lips hovering beside one another, neither of them took action. They both just lingered there, inhaling the oh so familiar scent he had yearned for, for a very long time. Somehow, the boy’s back was now against the shelf of books, and Kris had his hands placed on one side.

“I’m having.. a weird feeling” He whispered.

Kris’ eyes widened, was it too late?

His hands was now placed on Kris’ chest, as he tilted his head backwards to get a good view of Kris. “I.. think i’ve been here before”

He had to take the last chance he could get, Kris has now engaged his lips onto the other boys. Teeth clashing against one another, tongue exploring each and every corner, hands moving almost automatically, lips melting into one another. The sparks between them grew hotter, brighter, and more powerful with each other, with each new exploration. Yet none of it was new.

When they pulled apart, the eerie black shadows, the ones he was so afraid of swallowed both of them.

And then.... there was nothing.


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