Crush and Kiss

Kiss and Tell


“So disgusting aren't they.”


Jena glanced at said 'they' and giggled, covering with her hand. 'They' was Jiyong and Chaeeun, their resident couple and 'they' were currently cuddling together, two bodies molded into one as if their lives depended on it. 'They' were also painfully unaware that their little secret spot was unfortunately not very secret at all and was very, very visible from where Jena and Seunghyun were lounging with a box of half eaten sushi and an extra large milk tea between them.


“They can't help themselves, especially Jiyong. He’s clingy,” Jena held back the laugh bursting at the seams of her lips when she glimpsed Seunghyun's disgusted face. Jiyong had just leaned his head in towards his girlfriend and it didn't take a genius to guess what was going to happen next.


“God. I need to purify myself. My innocent eyes have been tainted. They burn. Jesus Jiyong you really at kissing.”


Jena couldn't help herself. She doubled over with laughter, clutching at her sides. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She wiped at them while gasping for air, not even caring that she had acquired a stitch in her side from laughing so hard. Seunghyun scowled darkly, keeping his eyes pointedly fixed on the ground in front of him.


“And how would you know that Jiyong's a bad kisser?”


“What?” Seunghyun sputtered, nearly choking on the sushi. He smacked himself in the chest while Jena guffawed, nearly falling off her chair.


“How scandalous. Don't tell me—“


“No. Just. No.”


Seunghyun looked like he was about to throw up.


Jena just laughed harder.


“But still, what makes you think Jiyong’s a bad kisser?” She raised one eyebrow thoughtfully, pressing the tips of her fingers against her chin as she eyed Seunghyun.


Seunghyun popped another piece of sushi into his mouth, his tongue darting out to catch the stray pieces of rice. Jena felt her cheeks warm slightly when she noticed his pink lips glistening under the sunlight.  “He likes to tilt his head too much, like this,” he turned his head almost 90 degrees. Jena’s eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline.


“Not that I’ve kissed him or anything!” Seunghyun added hastily, his face turning a brilliant shade of red. “It’s just…sometimes…Jiyong looks like he’s making out with his pillow in his sleep.”


“Oh my god.”


“It was really creepy at first. But it got funnier after the first few times.”


The both of them sniggered in silence, taking care to keep their presence undetected.


“You sound like you have a lot of firsthand experience in that particular department,” It was Seunghyun’s turn for his eyebrows to shoot upwards, his face turning an even darker shade of scarlet.


“I—I wouldn’t say I’m completely…clueless,” he cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck.


“Oh. And would you qualify yourself a better kisser than Jiyong?”


“Definitely,” his answer came shooting out of his mouth so fast that it caught the both of them off-guard. Seunghyun looked away, faking a cough.


“I didn’t even know you already had your first kiss,” Jena mumbled, trying to sound as disinterested as possible. She was actually dying to know who the unfortunate girl was but she held herself back from asking right out, coming up with roundabout ways in her head to pry the information from him.


“What do you take me for? I had my first kiss ages ago!” Seunghyun scoffed, feigning hurt and annoyance, his ears still a dark shade of crimson.


Jena’s curiosity burned at an all time high.


“So who’s the lucky,” she coughed dramatically for added effect. “Girl?”


Seunghyun stared at her. “I’m not going to tell you that.”


“What? Why?” She whined.


“Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine. That is…if you’ve already had your first kiss,” he challenged.


Jena stared at him. “No. And I’ve already had my first kiss thank you very much,” Jena sniffed, stealing the last egg roll from Seunghyun and stuffing it into .


“There. You won’t tell me yours so I have no obligation tell you mine. Case closed.”


Jena stuck her tongue out at him. But on the inside, she let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding, she was amazed that she hadn’t started freaking out and hyperventilating on the spot when Seunghyun brought up her first kiss.


It wasn’t something she was particularly proud of.


Jena remembered everything clearly, the exact scene and the events that led up to it. It had happened not too long ago, when Jena finally realized how handsome Seunghyun had become. She had been weirded out by her sudden attraction to him at first because really, one does not wake up one morning and have an epiphany that the disgusting friend she grew up with wasn’t actually very disgusting at all and was in reality quite charming. Unfortunately for Jena, she had woken up one morning, it was a Monday she remembered, to discover that Choi Seunghyun had suddenly become quite appealing much to her horror. Weeks were spent trying to deny the inevitable and even after she admitted grudgingly to herself that Seunghyun was kind of good-looking she hadn’t expect her to act like a complete fool and give him her first kiss! She had unintentionally given him her first kiss and yet he had no idea! She couldn’t exactly blame him for not knowing though, considering he had been asleep when they ‘kissed’. Jena’s face burned in embarrassment at the memory.


She had found him dozing on a bench in the school garden. The garden had been deserted; a light breeze blowing through the trees while the sun beat down relentlessly onto whatever object it could find. The heat made everything look blurry and unfocused, the ground dancing to its own rhythm while looking like it was boiling at the same time. Till this day, Jena blamed the heat for her impulsiveness, her one moment of unexplainable insanity and utter stupidity.


She remembered peering down at the sleeping Seunghyun. He had one arm draped over his eyes but Jena knew he was asleep, his chest had been rising and falling in an almost hypnotizing rhythm. His lips had looked so inviting, pink and parted, slightly parched from the heat. She could have counted the lines that were etched on his lower lip if she wanted to. Instead, she in a deep breath and took the plunge.


The kiss had lasted probably less than two seconds. But it was definitely a kiss, there had been contact, light and featherlike but the sensation had already seared itself into her mind for purposes she did not wish to think of. Jena bolted from the scene after that, stopping only after her legs threatened to give out beneath her.


Jena hadn’t told a soul about this little incident and she planned to take it to her grave and beyond. She was more than mortified and god forbid anybody, especially Seunghyun, especially Choi Seunghyun, finding about it.


After fleeing the scene and further self-reflection where she continued to curse whichever being that coerced her into kissing her childhood friend, she realized she didn’t really mind the kiss all that much. Did she regret it? Definitely. But maybe not as much as she forced herself to believe.


His lips had been unbelievably soft against hers.


“Yah Kim Jena.”


Jena snapped out of her chaotic thoughts, blinking rapidly before turning her attention to I-Still-Can’t-Believe-I-Gave-You-My-First-Kiss-But-Your-Lips-Are-Kinda-Nice-And-I-Might-Want-To-Kiss-Them-Again Choi Seunghyun. She mentally censored out the last part of that incredibly long name she had given Seunghyun. She wished she could censor the blush spreading across her cheeks just as easily but her feelings were a mighty foe to overcome when Seunghyun had the cutest expression on his face, a mix between annoyance and concern.


“You alright? You were spacing out again.”


“I’m fine.”


“As I was saying, you owe me a double scoop ice cream if I manage to hit any part of Jiyong with this,” Seunghyun waved the empty sushi box, a sly grin crossing his thin lips.


“Throw in another cup of bubble tea and you have a deal.”


It was no surprise to Jena when the sticky container landed right in Jiyong’s lap, the leftover sauce drenching the boy’s pants. Jiyong ran while screaming bloody murder towards the toilets, leaving a dumbstruck Chaeeun behind. Jena knew that Seunghyun and her were safe behind the railings, well hidden from Chaeeun’s eyes but the girl glared in their direction anyway, gesturing something that looked particularly violent with her hands. Jena and Seunghyun were holding on to each other for dear life, silent laughs accompanying their shaking bodies.


Jena knew Seunghyun would hit Jiyong; he had incredible precision and accuracy after all. She knew she would lose betting against him.


But she didn’t mind.


Jena realized that she kinda liked that Seunghyun was her first kiss.


Not that she would ever openly admit it.



this is honestly so bad LMFAO

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Chapter 1: Agreed with the others here, I'd love to see a sequel if you still like them! :0 This was charming.
You really should write a sequel, it's a great one shot/story. I'd definitely read more of it! Great job!
lazybum #3
hey u should continue with the story... I wanna know how seunghyun's gonna find out that Jena's first kiss was him & perhaps his first kiss was her too? =D
and you just had to ninja in Chaeeun and the boyfriend. I'm tutting at you so much right now.
lol this is so disgustingly late. BAHAHAHAHA

and you really can't hold me accountable for rogue bunnies. you cannot.
kyah. this is so cute! :)