My Evil Maknae


Who ever said teaching idols English was easy? Just try being me, having to deal with Cho Kyuhyun, the boy who teased me growing up and who I now have to tutor. I am about ready to kill him. Or kiss him. I haven't decided which yet. 


Hey everyone! 

This is my 2nd published fan fiction story EVER...and I haven't even finished it yet!  I'm fairly new to this site so please be understanding as I'm not quite sure how everything works yet. Please comment...hope you enjoy!


OC (Teagan Yoonhi Tate): A 21-year-old college student with a major in music, she is a white girl with brown hair and blue eyes who was born and raised in Korea, though her parents are American. She is bilingual, speaking Korean most of the time and English with her parents and the occasional confused American tourist. From her baby years through age 5 she learned Korean through her babysitter, Mrs. Cho, and through spending time with her son, Kyuhyun. She doesn't remember much about her time with Mrs. Cho, but rather only bits and pieces. And she certainly doesn't remember Kyuhyun at first, who a lot during those years. She has somewhat of a tough personality as a result of years of teasing because of her cultural background and her body, but she is sensitive at heart. Through a series of events she and Kyuhyun are reunited, although they are anything but friendly to each other. 

Cho Kyuhyun: Super Junior's maknae, who has to take English as per SM Entertainment's orders. An avid gamer and a bit snarky, he tends to be terribly blunt and honest and sometimes mean. However, at heart, he is really sensitive and self concious. He, too, remembers little from when Teagan was babysat by his mom initially, but when he's reunited with Teagan as her student, more and more memories resurface: some good and some bad. He sees Teagan as annoying and a little y with anger management issues. 

Hyemi (OC): She's been Teagan's best friend since 4th grade. Snarky and silly with a bit of a bubbly personality, Hyemi likes to look on the positive side of things. She has a boyfriend named Jaehyun and wants Teagan to have a love life.

Mrs. Cho: Kyuhyun's mom and Teagan's babysitter. She loves her son and loves to tell embarrassing stories from his childhood as well as stories of how the two of them interacted. She owns a coffee shop and is very busy, but always cheerful. She is the one who asks Teagan for help, and facilitates Kyuhyun's and Teagan's "official" reunion as student and teacher. As time passes, she will be the first person to see something that Kyuhyun and Teagan don't see themselves. 

Super Junior: Some of Kyuhyun's members may make an appearance in this story. They are all his hyungs, and he cares for them all very much, even though he may not always show it. 


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cathrinewee-kyurahae #1
Chapter 3: hahahahaha. evil maknae!!! update pleasee!!! :))))
Chapter 3: hahahaha the english conversation is damn funny!!! hahahahaa like i can imagine it! he can and speak english but can't speak well as he is not always use english.this is great! plese update again pleaseee
Chapter 2: heheh i like this chapter!!! i hate kyu too if i received that kind of treatment at school hahahha annoying!
Chapter 1: nice first chapter!! are u updating?
Chapter 3: are you going to update this story, author-nim? i find it interesting :)
Omg this is good.