The Day I've Fallen For You

Oppa, I am P R E G N A N T~! [ 오빠, 나 임신 ]

"Ms. Go. Are you listening? Ms. Go!"

Patricia's POV:

I nearly jumped from my seat when I one of my classmates nuged me and motioned his eyes in front, then I saw our Student Government advisor looking at me with an annoyed and impatient expression painted on his face, he must've been calling me but my attention was far from the meeting I am in now. I sit up straight, then that's the only time he fixed his large reading glasses and focused once more on the projector screen where the plans for the upcoming school sports festival is being shown. I tried to focus and later I will think of my personal problem. After the meeting I went to my locker and changed to my white sneakers which I prefer wearing when I am going home. I instructed our driver to not pick me up after school because I would always be late since I am president of 3 organizations, including the Student Government. I was already walking across the quadrangle when I thought about Chi-chi and that. . that. . that man! He infuriates the hell out of me! I was about to walk out of the school gates when I saw a familiar figure leaning on the school gates wearing a ridiculous black leather trench coat in the middle of summer, a hat and a big bumble bee shades. What does he think he is wearing? Trying to pull out a Sherlock Homes look? I was planing on ignoring him so I just walked past him even when he called me.

"Hey! Do you still want to get this back?! Because if you don't I'll just throw this on the garbage can!"

What he said me stop dead on my tracks and saw him holding up my precious Chi-chi on its ears on his right hand. My eyes widened and I swear I would love to erase the smirk on his face when he saw me walking back towards him. He still holding Chi-chi but now on its body as I got near him. I shot him a death glare and he just laughed. Ugh! How annoying!

"What do you want?!" I asked him. Shouting at him. I was already having grave plans inside my head. How am I going to get my revenge. But first I must think on how to get Chi-chi back.
"Are you free up until 8:00 pm?" He asked, which shocked me. What on earth would he want to do until 8:00 pm? I took a glance on my watch and its already 4:00 pm. Since I know that everytime I disagree, Chi-chi would be in danger so I just answered him.
"Yes. I am free since I have nothing to do tonight. Why?" I told and asked him back. I don't know but my heart skipped a beat when he grabbed my hand and gave me a smile.
"YA! Where are we going?!" I said as he tried to pull me. I also tried taking my hands away from his but he won't let me. He just gripped my hand tighter and another warm, calming feeling surged in me. Weird but I felt safe when he held my hand. I was pulled out from my reverie when he spoke.
"I am feeling lonely and my co-members don't want to accompany me. I want to relax and have fun since this is the only daw that we'll get a day off. I want you to come with me, try to disagree and your precious toy would be thrown in the garbage in no time." He said. Sensing that I won't have anything to argue with since he still have Chi-chi 'hostaged'."

My head hung low and a deep sigh came out of my mouth as he pulled me to his car. I got in and I just looked outside the window the whole trip. After a 10-minute ride, we stopped in front of what looked like a street fair with simple carnival rides and lots and lots of stall. I got out of the car and I read a tarpaulin saying "Ahpkujung Night Market!" as much as I don't want to get excited, but I guess my body reacts faster because I Xander jumped in front of me, smiling.

"It's your first time at this kind of place? Don't you try to deny it, its written all over your face. You are excited!" He said with a big grin, I am really starting to hate myself because of my "little" reactions to his touch, like now, he held again my hand, tightly but at the same time gently. I uncosciously held his hands tighter when I realized where we are heading. I felt him look at me and I glanced at him. He had a teasing smile on his lips.

"You're afraid of horror houses?" He asked, I can clearly sense the teasing on his voice. But what can I do? It's my greatest fear apart from thunderstorms and lightnings. I just gulped and the next thing he said was already a blur to me because all I could feel is my body trembling and my heart beating very fast and I am almost near from hyperventilating.

Maybe he felt me getting tensed up, because the next thing I felt is that his warm arms were already around my shoulders, comforting me. We were already half way through the horror house when a white lady appeard on my right, scaring the hell out of me, I screamed as loud as I can and I could also feel tears rolling down my cheeks. Out of fear, my arms quickly wrapped around Eli's body. As soon as we got out I slowly removed my arms around him and just stood there while looking down my feet and my hands gripping on my skirt. I didn't understand whatever Eli is saying. All I could remember is that fateful night. Where my fear of horror things began.

Eli's POV:

I knew it! She is just like every girl. Really weak when it comes to things like these. I was smiling and still hyper when we got out of the horror house. I felt her unwrap her arms around me. I stretched a bit and was about to take her hand again to pull her to another ride but when I turned around, she was just standing still and looking down then I noticed her gripping both sides of her skirt her knucles already turning white, she was obviously gripping too hard. I walked towards her and when I did I was shocked to hear her soft sobs. My hands reached for her face and my heart felt like it was ripped into pieces when she looked at me with her eyes tearing up and filled with fear. I rememberd the how she tensed up when we were just entering the horror house. She's not just afraid, she has a phobia on horror things. I stared into her eyes and my thumb wiped her tears. I pulled her to the side and the next thing I did shocked me as well, I wrapped her arms around her surprised at how much she is trembling, her head buried onto my chest, one hand on her back comforting her and the other the back of her head. I whispered comforting words, when I felt her trembling almost stopping as well as her sobs, I held her hand again and pulled her to the nearest bench and told her to sit there while I buy some drinks, when I came back and saw her sobbing again I felt a gripping feeling on my heart and a nasty feeling of gulit on my gut. I sat down beside her and offered her the drink which she slowly took with her hands. I sighed. I owe her an apology.

"Hey, I am sorry. I am sorry if I teased you back there. I didn't know that you have some kind of phobia for scary things. I am really sorry." I said, full of sincerity. She wiped her tears first before lifting her head up and looked at me and smiled weakly.
"It's my fault as well, I didn't tell you anything. Its just that. . . I really hate horror houses." She said in a half whisper-half crying voice. I cleared my throat after she drank the water I gave her. She looked me.

"Mind to tell me why you're afraid with horror houses? But, its okay if you don't want to." I asked with a bit of hope that she might tell me the reason behind her fear and then she started speaking, which made me happy. A bit.
"Well it happened 13 years ago, I was 5 and my brother was 10. We were at an amusment park when we decided we want to try the horror house, since we're both young we got our nanny to go with us, we were already half way the horror house when a man appearead to scare us but his foot got stuck on a electical wire lying on the floor and the cord got pulled and it sparked. . ." She stopped, her voice trembling again, so I held her hand to comfort her which worked, after calming down she continued. "The whole house got caught on fire, we were so near the exit when part of the horror house fell inbetween me, our nanny and my brother on the other side. I was still reaching for him but he just told our nanny to pull me out. Then I could hear crying, desperately asking for help. Since then I really hated going into horror houses. Just catching a sight of those gives me goose bumps and make me tremble in fear."

My heart went out to her all I could do now is cheer her up. I took a deep breath and stood up, stretching out my hands in the process. I smiled down at her and that made me happy to see her smile a bit. A fuzzy warm feeling enveloped my heart as her soft hands wrapped around mine. We were walking towards the grand carousel when I looked at her and saw her looking at the big pink teddy bear hanging on a firing range stall. I think it's their grand prize and seeing her giving that look, I pulled her back to the direction of the stuffed toy. She looked up at me with a surprised look.

"Wae?" I asked her while the man take out a plastic gun and fix the target paper.
"Nothing. Why are you doing this?" I let out a smile and tilt my head towards the pink teddy bear, what she said next made me laugh out loud.
"You like stuffed toys?" She asked with sadness in her eyes and I wondered why.
"Why are you sad? You like that bear don't you?" I asked her, a gun on my hand and I was getting ready to take a shot.
"Ne, but I am not good at things like this so I guess you're the one that would get this one. Do you have lots of these on your room?" I laughed once more at her innocence and I focused on shooting. Good thing that I took target shooting last month with 3 swift shots the teddy bear is ours now. I dragged her to every stall where we could get toys and such and just within an hour we are both holding plastic bags filled with small toys and the pink teddy bear tied on my waist because it would be to big for her to bring. I heard her gasp and I found her looking at her watch.

"OMO! I must get home now! It's already 10:00 pm! I stil have homeworks to do!"

She said in a worried tone. We placed all of our toys at the back of the car. As usual she was quiet all through out the trip. I drove her home and just she was about to get down she looked at the back seat and talked to the pink teddy bear as if it was alive. I grinned inwardly. She already got out of the car when she knocked on the window and I opened it.

"Eli-ssi. . . Kamsahamnida." She said and I swear I could have pulled her for a kiss when she had that shy look on her face and her cheeks turning into light shades of pink. She turned around to get inside when I just grabbed the teddy bear and got out of the car. When she turned around when I called her I popped the bear in front of her my head tilting to the side of the bear. She smiled and took it from me. The next thing that happened was unexpected. I quickly gave her a peck on the lips. Her eyes went wide and her fingers on her lips.

"Go inside now. Its cold out here, you'll get sick." I turned her around and pushed her until she got pass the gate, I closed it and I know I look a total looney smiliing all by myself. Thanks to Patricia.

Patricia's POV:
I hurriedly ran to my room and walked towards my bed, dazed. Still can't get over the thing that happened earlier. I snapped out of my trance and turned the teddy bear around facing me and like a total crazy I started talking to the bear.

"Ya! What does your owner think he's doing or is he even thinking. . AT ALL?! GAAAAAHHH~!"

I collapsed on my bed and I held the teddy bear up high until it blocks my line of vision. I stared at it. Great! Just great! Now I am seeing his face! But, upon seeing his handsome, memories of what happened tonight flooded my mind, his hands wrapped around mind, his arms gently hugging me giving me a sense of security and it made me feel that I am loved, the feeling that I crave for the most. I smiled and hug the bear tight and for the first time, I was able to feel feelings I haven't felt before. My heart fluttering. I feel light and happy. Its all because of him. Even if it was just for tonight, he made me realize that I was still capable of feeling other than sadness and before drifting off to sleep with the bear on my arms. . .

"Thank you, Kim Eli." was the last words that escaped my mouth and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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I have 2 chapters to be posted hopefully by Wednesday night. Please bear with me and THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY OF MINE~! :D


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ilabya6 #1
Rosella99 #2
Chapter 4: This is just a make up story right? If it is, i wanna be Shin Young Mi. Please tell me it is just a make up story right?
omg hope u update again soon :)
keylynn #4
ohmygod. Sorry for the super late reply o_o
I haven't opened this account for months! GAH.
I've missed a lot! I miss you too unnie ;A;
and ooohhh... Jillyn and Xander! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
those two are totally in denial! Oh c'mon xD
But I like the fact that Xander changed his viewpoint on Jillyn somehow. D'awwwwww.
I love Erika! I'm going to be her! She chose the RIGHT PERSON TO FALL INLOVE WITH! and yes I'm a Kiseop fan! *_*
jesscandy421_Thank you :)
jesscandy421 #7
Omona!!! LOL great story so far!^^
sweetieca1485_Thank You so so much :)
sweetieica1485 #9
whoa last~ teaser ryt?? and the 2nd update is the full chapter..waaaaaaahh i cn't wait!!! update soon ..i'm always waitng:)
sweetieica1485_Hee hee~ I just wish I won't disappoint you with the full chapter. Thank you so much for reading :)<br />
<br />
Yolshimhae hagesseumnida~ *I'll do my best*