Mall Date

Mall Date


“YAH! Byun Baekhyun, show yourself!”

This is the last time—repeat LAST TIME you will ever agree to play hide and seek with this loser especially in a mall. You blame it on his stupid puppy face. You can never say no to this boy. Considering the fact that you’re younger than him, everyone would assume you were the noona, not him as the oppa. And yet it somehow feels like you’ve been dragged into a big babysitting gig. Ugh.

You groaned as you wandered around the mall aimlessly looking for your oppa among the crowds of people. Oddly enough, they didn’t stare at you like you were insane, but paranoia got the best of you and you ducked into the nearest store to make it seem like you were just looking for something. Aissh, Baekhyun, you’re in for it now!

“Miss, can I help you?” A sales clerk in Victoria’s Secret asked curiously.

You finally refocused your eyes only to see that you were awkwardly gripping onto a stand holding bombshell bras for support. You laughed nervously as you felt your cheeks burn. You grabbed one of the bras. “Just looking!”

The sales clerk left with an odd grin on her face. Aigoo, you must look insane right now. Where the hell is Baekhyun?

Actually a better question would be—how do you plan on killing him when you do find him?

You smirked to yourself as you started your walk down the mall again. He is so in for it. None of his favorite meals, no kissing except to say goodbye, and no, absolutely, no cuddling. Wow, this next week is going to be so interesting. You two weren’t even in an official relationship already, but you intending on making his week just as bad as if you were his girlfriend.

“Byun Baekhyun, you are a dead man…” You hissed under your breath.

You were fuming so much you didn’t even realize you wandered to the back of the mall where hardly anyone ever goes. The only two stores back here were a pharmacy and a tailor shop. No wonder no one comes back here.

You decided that waiting for Baekhyun to get tired of his little game would be better than walking around for another half an hour. After all you’d been here for practically an hour already. The fun ended two seconds after Baekhyun ran off. So much for bonding time…

You sat against a wall that faced the rest of the mall and banged your head on the plaster repeatedly.

“Where—is—my—damn—oppa—” You hung your head down and closed your eyes hoping that the mall would eventually close and you’d wake up with Baekhyun in front of you. After blinking about five seconds away, you sighed accepting defeat.

“BACON OPPA!” You hollered, much to the dismay of a few senior citizens who ended up turning around after seeing you. “I GIVE UP!”

You were so tired and you hadn’t even really done anything at all. You blew your bangs out of your face. It was then that you noticed the mall was significantly darker than it was a few minutes ago. Was it a few minutes? How long have you been sitting here? You looked around to find a window or something so you could see the natural light but no such luck. Why is it so dark?!

You stood up and noticed that the rest of the mall was just as dim, but the weirdest part was that it wasn’t just your part of the mall that was empty. It looked like the entire mall was cleared. Oh, no. Did the mall close already?! Had you fallen asleep?! Omo!

“Uh, oh.”

You ran to the pharmacy in the hopes of finding someone. You fidgeted with the door for a moment before realizing the note written on the door with your name on it.

_______-ah, look up!

You furrowed your eyebrows before looking up to the top of the pharmacy. A huge arrow pointed to left, and you followed it. Another arrow pointed left again until your eyes were set on a smiling Baekhyun in the middle of the second floor.

“YAH!” You screamed. “Have you been there this entire time?!”

Baekhyun shook his head. “I had things to do!”

You were fuming. He wasn’t in the mall at all! He left you here while he—he—wait, what.

“And what exactly were you doing?” You sneered.

Baekhyun pointed to the ceiling.

“Oh… my God.” Your jaw dropped to the floor as you witnessed yours and Baekhyun’s picture being projected onto the ceiling tiles. “How did you—”

”_______-ah, over here!” Baekhyun called again, but when you turned back to him, he was gone. In his place was a giant banner hanging from the banister.

Will you be girlfriend?

You felt like crying from happiness. As you opened your mouth to yell out your reply, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Baekhyun’s cologne flooded your nose, and his warmth radiated from his chest to yours.

“Instead of yelling,” he whispered into your ear. “How ‘bout you just tell me now?”

Unable to keep in your excitement, you spun around and pounced onto your oppa full force almost sending him to the ground.

“YES YES YES!” You sang.

“YAH!” Baekhyun laughed. “I said no yelling!”

You giggled into your boyfriend’s neck and thought to muttered to yourself. “I guess we can cuddle for a little bit…”

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Chapter 1: Omggg this is so sweet! Love it~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 2: congratultions :))
Shawol11 #3
Chapter 1: So cuutte~
greatest congrats
congratulations :D
snsdsoshismtown #6
congratulations very much :D
good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!