The Distraction

Behind the Scenes

“So are you busy still?” Nichkhun asked stopping by during lunch to see me. That was not fair. How in any way am I supposed to resist him? Wait, wait. Who does he think he is?! To stop by here so casually, Nichkhun and his ridiculous luscious looking caramel locks, slightly tanned skin, in a very white shirt, a striped cardigan, jeans that fit, wait what?

Shaking my head I glance up at him from my computer screen, blushing lightly. “No, I really have to do this.” I tell him gesturing to a commercial, an independent project.

Pouting he takes a seat next to me. “I’ll just wait then.” He says determinedly.

Blinking I turn to face him. Nichkhun was far too close for me to care; for god’s sake I could smell his tantalizing cologne. Shrugging my shoulders I turn back to my work. Working efficiently and accurately, while trying to ignore the very intense gaze on me from Nichkhun, let me tell you, it isn’t easy. Editing the work and adding music, the text for the advertisement I play it through scanning for errors. Sending the text through a spelling check, I glance at Nichkhun to check the Hangeul.

“It looks good.” He comments lightly. “Though I should point out, I’m not a native.”

Nodding my head I glance around for that aid I was given. Nodding him over I exhale lightly, “Would you check the spelling for me?” I ask him nervously.

I always hated this. Showing something before I was sure it was perfect, but I couldn’t know not on my own at least with the writing. My aid, his name escapes me as I was so eager to get to work, nods his head approvingly. “It’s perfect.”

Smiling I turn back to the computer running through the video footage I was allotted to sell some item. Fixing a few glitches that I’d noticed. Leaning back I glance at Nichkhun watching the screen then to glance at me. “You’re very diligent.”

Shrugging my shoulders again I smile at him. “Diligent gets the job done.” I tell him saving my work to as disk to be handed in, “Besides now I can walk around without having to think about the commercial.” I tell him airily.

Standing up Nichkhun soon follows. “So how about lunch?” He asks me poking my shoulder playfully.

Smiling at him I nod my head, making my way to Victor’s office I had my disc to the secretary.

“Done first as always Miss Jeong, I assure you that Mr. Park looks forward to watching this.” She says politely. “Have a nice day.” She says handing me my id to get out of the building now that I was a participant in the internship I was to check in and out.

“Thank you Miss Gok.” I tell her bowing taking the small card.

Nichkhun follows me out. “Where would you like to go for lunch?” He asks me politely. “Mabel?”

Sighing I shrug my shoulders. “Anywhere that will let me relax.” I muse stretching my arms. “Nichkhun?” I ask seeing him again with that intense gaze, but as soon as I saw it it was gone.

“The cafeteria?” He asks grinning at me, laughing I nod my head, the guy really was becoming too much.


To be honest I’m not even sure when my thoughts evolved into this, me constantly having fend myself from the relentless thoughts of how gorgeous he is, that the smile he’s smiling is just kind not anything special. I’m not going to set myself up like that. No thanks; I already have enough on my mind as is. Internship competition, figuring out my final project, and of course adding in anything else would either stress me out, drive me insane or worse. Distract me from everything else.

“Mabel we’re here. You need to order.” His smooth voice feeling a poke on my head I turn to see him watching carefully. “Did you get lost in a whirlwind of movie thoughts again?” He teases me.

Smirking I nod my head curtly before walking off in the direction of another line, I need to get my mind sorted. It isn’t good to even think about anything here. I’ll be here a year at most and in the least I’ll leave early if I don’t get the internship. I’ll have to get one in Hollywood or L.A. like my other friends.

Sitting down at a table with Nichkhun I smile at him. “Where are the others?” I ask him eating some JELL-O while humming, Nichkhun only smiles at me in return, I ask him “What?”

Smirking he leans forward. “They’re off at schedules. I’m free for the foreseeable future. So it’ll be the two of us.”

Shocked I stare at him, trying to find some sort of ‘Gotcha-ya!’ I wasn’t finding one. Just a very amused Nichkhun, “I’m busy too you know.” I tell him finding my voice again.

“I can just sit with you like I did today. I promise to be good.” He teases me smiling happily. “Besides Victor won’t have you in every day.” He says like it’s no big deal to just take over someone’s social calendar, I’ll admit mine might not be much, but it still is one. “Then after I can take you around the city.”

It was temping I’ll admit. Nichkhun, me alone, pushing the thought away I blush looking down at my food. ‘STOP IT’ I rant in my head scolding myself for letting that thought even cross my mind. I mean Nichkhun is only looking for someone to waste some time with, well more like commandeering said time.

“You do that a lot.” Nichkhun says with that same teasing tone. “You know when you do that you make yourself open for creepy guys.” He says seriously, all hints of kidding gone.

Blinking I stare up at him. “What?”

Sighing he rests his arms on the table while leaning closer to me. “You my dear, dear cinema loving Mabel need to see that when you get lost in thought some men would take advantage of that.” Just how serious he is makes me nervous, his eyes dark and foreboding, I’ll have to remember that Nichkhun has this side.

Nodding my head I hold my ground staring right back at him, maybe not as dark, well not dark. I was more of curious why Nichkhun would even bother telling me that. Not that the whole warning wasn’t appreciated, but the way he was going about it is intimidating. It’s hard to believe that the normal sweet and kind Nichkhun could have such a side.

Obviously satisfied by our little staring game he leans back, back to his bright and cheery-self. “When you’re done we can go to this park, it’s difficult to get to, but worth it.” He suggests as though he hadn’t scared the crap out of me moments before. Meekly nodding my head I notice he’s done with his lunch. So maybe I spaced longer than I thought, but I’m normally like this.


Arriving at the park I happily snap a picture of the lake in the glittering sunlight. “Do you always bring your camera everywhere?” Nichkhun asks as I inspect the picture I’d just taken.

I try to think of a time I don’t bring my camera with me. “I do.” I say finally. “I’ve always carried a camera with me.”

“If you’re always recording and taking pictures when do you enjoy what’s around you?” He asks me casually. “Your boyfriend can’t be too happy.”

Snort I turn away from him, the last guy I dated ended up being nothing but an actor, a cheap and demanding actor. “I’m not even going to waste my time on another actor.” I whisper quietly. “The last time I did I ended up heartbroken.”

“Actor?” Nichkhun asks confused, “Actor…”

Facing him I take a deep breath letting my camera hang on the strap. “My last boyfriend pretended that I was all he ever needed, I’d wasted my time with him…endless nights just talking about dreams and things he believed I’d never get. As if that wasn’t enough he’d told all his friends about his dream little girlfriend.” I seethe. “A few nights later I walked in on him at one of his so called rehearsals…” I mumble feeling my heart squeeze. “I do not care for actors of any sort. As far as I’m concerned they need to stay on screen and far away from me.” I say spitefully.

Nichkhun is quiet for a moment before he sits down on the grass patting for me to join him. “All boys are actors.” He says after a moment, pausing to watch me he smiles. “But I promise you some of those boys do grow up and out of that.” He whispers smiling; studying me he pats the top of my head. “Mabel it may be fun to behind the camera, but what happens when that gets old?”

Frowning I turn away from him. “It’s where I’m happy.” I whisper quietly. “I can’t imagine myself doing anything else, I can’t see me just twiddling my thumbs idly trying to write some report, or doing some job that means nothing to me. Not when I have something that means the entire world to me.”

“I suppose then there really isn’t any hope then huh?” He asks me shaking his head. Confused I stare at the now sort of sad male next to me. “Well I suppose though I’ll have to get you to see you can love more than one thing.”

Blinking I stare at him now thoroughly confused. “You know I’m not genius, but I’m not stupid.” I tell him sighing. “But Nichkhun you confuse me more than anything.” I mumble leaning back on my arms. Watching the scene before me, completely by the way ignoring the raging thoughts stirring in my head, the ones about Nichkhun and I being completely isolated from busy life and that we could literally do anything, and I’m pretty sure we’d get away with it.

The two of us alone with just our thoughts and each other, glancing at him I see Nichkhun staring intently ahead. I’m finding that all these different Nichkhuns are making it difficult to keep up with him. He can be that happy and funny Nichkhun, but then he’ll switch to this dark and intimidating Nichkhun, serious and then of course there is that flirty Nichkhun. BAH. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this, my focus should be on my internship and my final movie.

“Nichkhun?” I ask absently, wondering. Seeing him turn to look at me I resist the urge to stick my hand out and run my fingers through his hair. “Why?” I ask him simply.

Chuckling he pokes my forehead. “Because Maebellie there are plenty of things in this world to do, what’s more you don’t have to do them alone.” Ginning Nichkhun lightly flicks my forehead. “Also it’s fun to watch you squirm.”

Sighing I throw my arms up to the sky before carefully laying down in the grass. “You’re a little bit of a scheming jerk, you know?” I ask him quietly. “But I suppose that’s ok. In the end it comes down to if everything is worth it…”

“You’re the spacy girl that can’t seem to stay focused.” He counters smirking down at me. “But you’re right, as long as everything is worth it why care?” He asks carefully. “Mabel what happens if you don’t get the internship?”

Sighing I glance at him, “I have to go back home to find a different internship and hope it isn’t too late, or I’ll be stuck in classes.”

“So either way you’ll be busy.” Nichkhun asks me quietly. “Jeez talk about no life.” He says smirking.

Scoffing I glare at him. “Says the guy who’s just going spend every day next to me while I edit, film, write or something for this internship, yeah, I’m the one without a life.” I say sarcastically.


Walking back was much easier and honestly I feel less stress about everything, the internship, the movie I should be writing, well filming really by now and mostly I don’t really mind that Nichkhun will just be attaching himself to me. I thought I’d be even more worried after going to lunch with him, but it turns out that it made me relax and I’d go so far to say it even comforts me that I’ll have a friend there with me.

Though I must be going a little crazy, letting that handsome, charming, moody, and overall wonder boy stay close to me while I’m here, it’s one thing for today, but what if he does become distracting…

Besides what did he even mean about showing me that I could have more than one passion. I love the one passion I have already, and I doubt Nichkhun can get me to give up a bit of that attention for something else. How ridiculous.

“What did I tell you about spacing out?” Nichkhun asks pulling me closer to him. “Jeez, I swear.” Muttering under his breath about me being a space cadet, though I hardly paid any attention to those words, instead I’d became fascinated with the way his arms pulled me close and the effect it has over me. Blushing, heart beating faster, all I know is that this can’t be good.

My mind had suddenly stopped thinking about anything, I couldn’t focus on anything other than how nice it feels to have Nichkhun’s arm making sure I stay out of harm’s way. This isn’t good. This is very, very distracting.


Alright so I've come to a decision, mainly about this supposed ficlet. I'd very much like to update weekly, but between this and Rebelling Heart, I'm not sure I can mange that. So I'll probably be updating every two weeks or so. I really don't want to rush updates and give you guys something really crappy to read so once every two weeks.
Thank you guys for all your support, comments, subscribing and reading.


I've posted my updating schedule on my profile....

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ch3nya #1
Chapter 12: Your writing just amazes me. I just get so attached to the characters and just the way you write it out is so different from the norm its so refreshing to read your stories :)
Chapter 12: This story was simply brilliant. It was such a simple ending, that it deserves a gold star haha. Keep up the good work, I love the way you write.
70V3LY #3
Chapter 12: LOVE IT! Sad it's over but happy I read it :)
OhHai_Channie #4
Chapter 12: Aw, great story but it ended so quickly!
Umm.. For stories, anything by Staticdream
"The thin line between you and him" by one_in_a_million
Everyone else I've read haven't updated in awhile or already have been recommended.
farluvv #5
Chapter 12: Nice story.. I really like it.. it's very rare to find. Nichkhun's story with original character..

About fanfics to read, try S O U L M A T E S by MRSLEE or if we are meant to be together by anneiste. The latter was already completed. But both are so good :)
jr72ok #6
Chapter 11: just started reading and I love your story....that last line really hit me hard
70V3LY #7
Chapter 11: That last line "as much as I hate to admit it, but our goodbye felt more final than either of us are willing to admit" a cord in my heart </3 lol. Good job!
Chapter 11: In enjoying this little fix you have going, now I'm excited on how it's gonna end.
nichlover #9
Chapter 11: You've portrayed Nichkhun very close to what I'm seeing angel with some dark sides (like possessive and stuffs ^^") So good job ^^.
Sad it will end really soon but you promised for the happy ending right? ^^
annech #10
Chapter 10: It's going to end soon? Why so soon? T.T
Anyway, can I hope for a happy ending ?;p