Day by day // 하루 하루

My guardian angel

Please listen to this while reading the chapter; // ENJOYYY


So school has ended and Bora was walking home. Staring at those delicious shops with all kinds of food, Untill she stopped at her favorite one out of all those delicious food she could choose. A Dukbeokki stall.   Her tummy growled while she was staring (drooling) at what kind of food that ahjumma was baking. The ahjumma saw her staring at those dukbeokki and asked her. 'You want some of this?' Bora didn't respond, she was totally in her own (dukbeokki) world. The ahjumma waved her hand in front of Bora and Bora finally responded. 'Eoh? What is it ahjumma?' She asked. 'Do you want some of this?' She asked Bora. Ofcourse Bora would want some of that. She nodded and wanted to sit behind one of the tables untill she thought of how much money she had. She grabbed her backpack and searched for her wallet. She opened it, hoping she still had some won left. But she none, well she had money but she needed to use that for more important things. 'Ah.. Ahjumma, i will come another time, annyeong' She waved and walked towards home with her head who hung low. While walking she could hear her stomach growling once in a while. 'Ah.. neomu baegeopa.. (i'm so hungry)' She whined to herself. 'Hope there's still food left in the refrigerator.' 


She opened the door of her apartment and immediatly walked to her kitchen. She opened her refrigerator and it was as what she thought.. none. 'Hmm.. i need to go buy some groceries i guess' She changed into more comfortable clothes. 

She grabbed her keys, wallet and a bag and left her house, off to the grocery store. 


'Hmm.. what do i need' She walked with her shopping cart trough different alleys. 'Well first of all i need the basic things.. like milk.. eggs.. bread.. etc. 'What should i eat today' She suddenly ran up to the italian section and grabbed all the ingredients for Pasta, because she wanted to eat pasta today. At last she searched trough all kinds of noodles. Bora was a picky eater and needed to have her favorite kind of noodles and tomato sauce the rest of it didn't really matter. 'Ah there it is'  She walked up to it and she saw that there was only one left. She wanted to grab it and got a hold of it but another hand also grabbed it. She looked up and saw a man probably in his early 20 who was holding the same pack noodles as her. 'I'm sorry mister but i grabbed it first.'  She tried to tug it from his hand but he was to strong. 'NUH-UH!' He wiggled his finger in front of her. 'I saw it first so give it to me!' He protested. 'Ani! it's mine!' Soon it became tug-of-war between Bora and the man. They were standing there for 5 minutes already, not one of them let go of it.'Ugh let go already.. why do you have to take this one from all the other noodles' Bora asked tiredly. 'Well same goes for you, wae?!' 'Because this is my favorite, NOW.LET.GO' She tugged on it a bit to hard and soon the noodles were flying everywhere. 'Oh.. no' She quickly stood up and ran with her groceries towards the pay desk. 'Y-YAH NEO!' The man yelled after her but she didn't hear him and quickly walked out of the store or she rather wanted to get out of there. 

On her way back home she ofcourse saw couples and families doing all kinds of stuff she also wanted to do. She couldn't do anything but to feel a bit jealous at those people. So she quickly walked towards home. 

While she made her pasta she suddenly thought of the man she saw in the grocery store a while ago. ' Tsk, who does he think he is? trying to steal MY noodles.. now i have not-so-good-noodles-compared-to-my-favorite-one Noodles. She sighed and finished the last pieces of her pasta and walked with her food towards the livingroom and sat down in front of the tv. Eating while watching her favorite show Running man. (A/n: Any of you know running man?? I'm TOTALLY in love with it, hehe ^^) After the show was finished, she cleaned her plate and changed into her cute animal pajamas. 

She layed down on her bed and thought about everything. How she hated to be so lonely, day by day. She sighed and soon she drifted off to sleep while a tear escaped from her eye.


Chapter two done chinguuu's, i'm trying to post a new chapter everyday but i can't promise that :3

Till then, bbyong~ 

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stasjanabelle #1
Chapter 21: I like this fic so much, i ship jonghyun and bora together <3 they will be a cute couple, when will you writing story about jonghyun and bora again? Because their fanfic is kind of lack :(
Chapter 11: Very cute ^^ I enjoyed reading it~
Borateuk #3
you made my daay by writing this story .. i love bora<3jonghyun couple ..
Can't stop smiling and chuckling at the last part. i love it!!!

really enjoyable <3
cute story i liked it! :)
Aahw, sweet ending.... Only sad that it's over, I really loved this story....
I'm looking forward to the next one...
Volgend verhaal: SHINee? Oooh~ I hope soooo....
Thankss a lott..
Awwww such a cute and happy ending
I'm so happy they got married
And oh jonghyun so :3
Thank you for the story I enjoyed it a lot ^^
Thank you all for your nice comments, it really makes me smile! =) I hope you all had enjoyed this story :)
Its finished!!!
Hahaha my stomach is killing me from laughing so hard at the last chapter xD
loved the ending!!
I loved reading this story. ^^
So romantic~~.