
The Korean Popstar I Fell In Love With


“Just smile and redirect the paparazzi.” He said through his shut teeth as we walked out of the grocery. He was right; several paparazzi were outside lurking around the store. A bald, lanky man began to approach and stare at us down.

“Excuse me ladies, have you seen any suspicious activity around here? We got a call that a celebrity was at an outing with his girlfriend. Tell me the truth. Big money is involved with the picture I take!”

Like what the guy had told me to say, I coolly responded. “Um, I saw one guy that looked like that man in the picture running across the road.”

“Thanks gal, you’re a doll!” The man handed me a business card from his pocket and continued. “If you ever are thinking about modeling, here’s a company you should consider to work for. And for your friend over here-“He pointed to my newly found ‘buddy’ and added, “I think she’s more of a natural beauty. Take off the makeup, stubble, headscarf and they might have a slight desire for you. Maybe.”

I found it a little disturbing that the guy that lived under this ‘girl’ disguise wasn’t bad looking at all. Maybe it was the fact that he already had naturally long eyelashes.

“If you only knew!” I joked as we headed to my car, all smiles like he had told me.

The second we go in the car, we immediately dropped our smiles and I told him to spill or else he no longer has a ride.

“You really are clueless, huh?” He chuckled while taking off my scarf and glasses, putting them in the cup holders of the car.

“Choi Sooyoung? Does it ring a bell? Korean popstar?”

That dim light in my head had finally switched on! Back when school was in session, my friend Tiffany never failed to live a day without mentioning the new Choi Sooyoung song! I finally knew who Choi Sooyoung was.

…. So who is this guy in my car?

“Yeah, I know who you’re talking about now. So what about him? Are you friends or something? See, I have this friend named Tiffany and if you could just get Sooyoung’s autograph for me I’m sure she’d love it! I have never listened to his music but I’m sure if I did-“

“You want Sooyoung’s autograph, huh?” He said grinning ear to ear while pulling out a Polaroid-style, posed, photo of a cute guy (Choi Sooyoung, maybe?) from his messenger bag.

“You have a pen?” He asked while looking in the compartment of the car. Of course I have a pen. My dad, a bank owner, had stored about 15 business pens in here. I pointed over the side pockets and the boy pulled one out and signed the photo. “Here’s 2 official Choi Sooyoung autographs. I made one for you, just cause.”

I took the pictures slowly in shock and directly compared them to the guy sitting in the passenger seat of my car. Staring at me with a full smile. In my mind, I photoshopped the makeup off that I had applied minutes earlier inside the grocery store. They both had those deep brown eyes, chestnut brown short hair, and were wearing the same shark-toothy necklace. Could it be that? I looked in the corner of my photograph that read:

Dear Girl I just met in Soshi Grocery, are you still clueless? ~ Choi Sooyoung


A/N: So far, I'm done with 18 chapters so expect me to update two(or more) times a day. Is that okay guys? ;)
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Chapter 4: Hi authorsshi!!!!! Just found this... I really hope u can update this ...please...Will be waiting!!! HWAITING!!!!!
Reilah #2
This is a wattpad story.
Chapter 4: Why aren't you updating this author? :(
Waahh...u fooled us..
This story is so funny..ahaha
Pls continue to update this!!!! :D
Awww I wanted to read an m rated part! Haha, you fooled me!
Interesting ^^ Rooting for soosica all the way (:

Update soon aunthor
prisonerOfLove #7
interesting story~ pls update soon!
Sootuff #8
Yes, I remember reading this story!!
pls pls pls update soon ~

i want to read MORE as in M.O.R.E. xD hahahaha