Heart shaped notes

Heart shaped notes.


You had finished today's work and were on your way home. Yousmiled at the thought that Lee Joon was home, and that you could feel his embrace once again. You felt so lucky that you had him as yours. A man with that smile and bubbly personality matched you perfectly. 

When you finally arrived home, the apartment was empty. Youroppa wasn't there. The disappointment flushed over you. How silly of you to think that your busy boyfriend would be home. You went in to the kitchen and forwards the fridge. When you opened it, your eyes didn't focus on the food, because in the fridge there was a heart shaped note 

"jagi! Don’t eat anything here, go to our bedroom instead/
your oppa ^^

"go to our bedroom... Oh that dirty man..." You said to yourself as you giggled. You moved with fast steps to the bedroom, but when you entered the bedroom it was empty except
a tankdress, the top was white with marine blue stripes and the bottom was also marine blue. You picked up the dress and another heart shaped note fell off.

"I walked pass this dress today and I thought how cute
you would look in this dress! But it on and then go to
outside around 19:00 and a taxi will pick you up and bring
you to me. See you then my love"

you looked at the clock; 18:39. You started to undress and got in your new dress. 

You looked yourself in the mirror and smiled. Lee Joon had such a good taste and new exactly what fitted on you. You looked at your messy hair that laid on your shoulders, Just a couple of with the brush. You felt cute but the feeling ran away when you remembered that
you had nothing to put on your feet that would match. You went to the wardrobe. And there were black high heels that matched well with your new dress. The shoes also had a heart
shaped note

"Don't think that I didn't think of matching shoes. Now
hurry, the taxi is probably waiting outside now. ~~ "

I looked outside and he was right, you putted on your shoes
and ran out to the taxi.

"Are you Joon-shi's girlfriend?" You felt your cheeks go slightly pink. You loved when other asked you were his girlfriend. "Yes I am." The taxi driver smiled and started to drive away from your and Joon’s Apartment. A while after the taxi drove into a forest, the road got
small and it was impossible to drive through. "I think you can walk the rest of the way there. " You nodded and started to step out of the car when the taxi driver gave something to you. A heart shaped note, you smiled and took the note in your hand

"Just go straight forward and I will find you! "

As the note told you to, you started to walk in to the woods.As you walked in the woods you felt two hands on your eyes. Before you could shout out in fear you could hear him whisper
in your ear." It's only me, don't panic." You immediately started to feel calm "You startled me..." You could hear his soft laughter and feel butterflies in your stomach. He started to walk with you with his hand still covering your eyes." Just a bit longer, jagi." Even though you couldn't see anything you felt safe under his hands. Suddenly he stopped you and removed his hands from your eyes and you could see that you were by a little lake in the forest and there was a picnic mat on the ground with romantic candles and food. You
turned around and faced him with big eyes. "Oppa, Why all of this? You didn't have to do this" You pointed at your outfit and at the place you stood in. "Aaaigoo, Don't you like it?"
You looked at him "Don't be silly, of course I love it but I don't understand why." You said and he looked confused "you've never done anything like this before..."  He got closer to you and embraced you " that's why I did it _______-ah, besides it happens to be a year ago we first met" you gently pushed away from his arms. "What?! Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't..." He laughed at your confused expression as he pushed his finger at your forehead "Aish pabo, you don't remember anything." You glared at him but he just smiled att you. "My silly girlfriend... Let's eat, I bet that you're hungry." And he was right, your stomach was growling. He giggled and led you to the picnic mat

" Aigooooo, I'm so full that if I eat one more thing I think that I'm gonna explode!!" He said as he putted his hands on his stomach. You just giggled and looked out on the lake. “It’s so beautiful here, how did you find it?” he looked at you but your eyes were on the lake. “I played here a lot when I was little, I like to come here to think. This is my happy spot.”  You looked  at him. “So how many girls have been here with you?”  His face became serious “Two girls” It was like the jealousy and you could feel your eyes glaring at him, but he just put his face near yours. “Those girls are my mom and you, pabo” he pushed your forehead with his again. You felt embarrassed and held your hands over your face. But … instantly took your hands away “No, don’t hide your beautiful face, I wanna see you.” This made you blush even harder. How long you and … would be together you would still blush at his sweet words. His hands cupped your face and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.His lips on yours made you stomach tingle. He ended the kiss and pulled away. “How can you make me so happy and bubbly inside with just your lips?” he looked at you as if it was some kind of mystery.  “That’s funny because I was asking myself the same thing about you!” you said back. He just smiled and laid his head on your lap “You know ____-ah I don’t think that it’s possible to feel more happiness than what I do right now.” You blushed at his words once again and started to his hair. He made a relaxing sound and closed his eyes. You couldn’t stop staring at him for a second. He was so handsome, you loved every line in his face that made him in to him.  You leaned down and pecked him on the lips. He opened his eye in an instant and looked at you and smirked. “No, No baby more baby kisses today.” He took his hand in your neck and pulled you in to a passionate kiss.

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Ah love it<3
Niya23 #2
SO CUTE! I loved it!