Chapter 2

Gangsta Girl meets Music Boy

Tired enough of the photoshoots, Chinen stopped nagging his band mates.


That strange girl became a talk of the school.

Not only did she have jet black eye intead of brown ones... or did she have interesting or cute accessories on her...

The kind of her is what others called GOTH.

But not that she's wearing any super thick eyeliners or anything...

And she has a sweet voice.


Right, kind of normal to us but she has super sweet soothing voice... like she was singing instead of talking...

And she doesn't talk much.

She doesn't approach anyone...


A month had passed and she is still a talk.


The others are voicing out how much envious they are to her...

Or how the hell did she end up in Horikoshi Gakuen with two different breeds?


But more or less they don't show it to her...


And it only means that THEY ARE FAKE TOWARDS HER.


Chinen himself is interested but he can't get any closer because of the school rules and he could never afford of dirtying his name.

He worked hard for it, how can he?


One morning, he was passing by the music room and he thought he saw  that strange girl sitting in front of the piano and ready to play a song... but then when he turned to look again all he saw was the window widely open.

And he never would have thought that she can jump on that high.


Once he saw him at the gate talking to what looked like a mafia guy.

But she herself has that aura of authority but too shy to show it.


Once he saw her sitting at a branch of a sakura tree and having her hand as a stepping stone for  a bird.


Once he heard a cat and followed the Meows just finding her cuddling with it under a tree... the same tree.


When spring was about to end and summer is only days afar, the exams started.


Of course Chinen has to review every minute he has...

And he found that girl again on the same sakura tree, but instead of sitting on a branch or lying on the ground, she had her back on the tree's bark while staring at the sakura tree as its flowers' petals rain.


She was beautiful everytime he saw her near that tree.

But whenever he catches a glimpse of her in their classroom, she's just that bored little girl staring at nowhere.


That triggered his interest on her.

He never have met a girl like her.


When the results was out... it was the complete shock to all of them in the class... because Ceina Cross topped above Yuri Chinen.


"Woahhh she even topped over Chinen!" others were saying.

And that didn't made any sense to Chinen, because he never find that girl open her books.

"Maybe she really is good!" another said.


But CC didn't appear anywhere near the board.



CC was back to her haven.

Good thing she was able to get rid of her followers for just a day... she needs rest.


Now that the term is over, she only has another 2 other terms before going to college... and that's a dream for her.


Going to college is what she always wanted.

Her father didn't allow her to accelerate because he said that that would just give too much attention to her and the company, which will result to a swarm of haters that will surely take the company down. And he will hate it.


When CC learned that her mother was locked down their mansion at United Kingdom... C.C. ranaway. She never had thought her mother was still alived and was down there in one of their houses. And even worst, her father wouldn't tell her a thing about the reason for the locking up.


And when she heard that her mother was transferred to one of their villas at Japan, she eagerly fled to Japan but found nothing because there was so many restricted places and she herself can't get into.


She did heard of her family history.


Her mother was just poor while her father, with his parents feeding him golden forks.

For the worst case scenario that his parents never did imagined that will happen, he fell for her and married her.

But his parents' tortures made her into something she isn't...

And maybe... just maybe... that was the reason why she was locked up.


Her parents are too young... maybe they were just 16 or 17 when they decided to marry. And they are incredibly good lookers.


Her father has jet black eyes, while her mother has sea blue eyes.

Her father has straight neat hair while her mother has slightly wavy hair.

Her father's skin tone is too fair for a man while her mother's too pale for a poor one.

Both of them are good at singing and dancing but his father never showed her his talent and she never met her mother.

She had her mother's nose and her father's cheeks.

Her mother has black hair while her father is blond making hers a brownish one.


All those things, it just hurts too much for CC.


She just heard others say those words, that she has that or she has this....

She never knew. She never compaired it herself.


Of course she first lived up to her father's expectations.

Studied hard for his praise.

But he never did.

Everytime he looked at her, he has those cold eyes, cold and tight voice and very unwelcoming aura.

As if she was born by a very selfish sin.



As Yamada rampaged over his bag full of different things he usually brings to shootings, he heard the door creak and turned to see Yuto coming towards him.


"Yama-chaaaaaan~!" Yuto's voice came louder than he expected.

"What the heck Yuto?! Are you planning to deafen me?!" he shouted back.

"Showwwy," his pouty voice said.

"So what do you want?" he asked.



Yuto is always energized. Now that summer's coming close by and he is getting ready for a beach outing...


"Sorry Yuto but I decided to spend my summer with my family." he told Yuto.

Right, but he knows his summer would be super boring because he will be spending it at a far away district.

"Awwww...." and now he crashed Yuto's energy and he is quite proud of himself on doing so.

But that didn't matter because in just a matter of seconds, his energy was back.


"WHAT?!" It was Yamada who was shocked.

He never heard of someone getting a score higher than Chinen usually does and what's more, Chinen did say he was quite impressed.

"Isn't he supposed to get mad or anything? Didn't he say that he never did see her open a book before the exams?"

"Right, but we are all there with her when we were taking the exams, there's no way she coppied."

"Bet she has some connections inside..." Yamada guessed.

"She must have!"

"Getting into Horikoshi Gakuen and having a higher score that Chinen does..."

"Or maybe she studied on other higher and more advanced school..."

"Damn! I am getting more and more curious about her! The first time I saw her she was like an angel!"

Yuto turned to Yamada, shocked on what he had just said. Or maybe he was just wrong about what he is thinking, about Yamada seeing that girl before school...

"Fine, I think I haven't told anyone yet." Yamada added, he saw the look on Yuto's face, like he was  thinking something that is far too impossible and needed explanation or proof. "I saw her back in the agency. She was like... Right! An idiot! She was pressing her face on the glass wall just to look at the bird's nest back then..."

"Ohhh... just like that huh? Seems like she really loves animals, just as Chinen had told us... and oh, it's not curiousity actually."


"You're interested of her." Yuto said shortly.

Right, he is.


They spent half an hour wondering about how things go around that weird girl.

They told each other what they knew.


Yuto said he observed that that girl is not much of a talker or not really much of a fancy girl.

Yamada said that when he first saw her, she was wearing a mini-black skirt with red lines, then a fitted shirt with collar and run down buttons in front... and her hair is not tied in a bun like she always did in school.

"She was like a rock star and I thought she was a new talent..." said Yamada.

"She must be pretty back then..." Yuto said, dazed.

"Yah she is, but I wonder why she's not in school..."

Yamada didn't tell them about the blue eyes, it is his own mystery to reveal.


When all of the band members had arrived, they practice their dances and songs.

They still have the summary to attend, right, they do this huge concert that lasts for some weeks.

Now that one of their members was expelled, they need to do extra work to cover up for the lose.

They hated the decision though, but they can't argue with their manager.

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iAMcross18 #1
Thank you guys for subscribing in my stories. Your comments are deeply appreciated and I am using it as a reference for the next chapter. Thank you very much! You guys are my inspiration :D :D :D
oh my...!oh my...!
your story is getting more exciting...!
can't wait for your next update...!♥♥♥ ^-^
OMG wat are they going to say?
i'm loving your story even more...!
when i'm reading your story, as if i'm reading a manga...though it doesn't have any images like in manga...haha :P
but who cares, i can still imagine every scene of your story...!:))
gambatte ne~...! =^-^=
looking forward for your next update...! =^-^=