Two days gone.

Why Hangeng left.

Hangeng felt his body wake up, but he kept his eyes closed. Anything to block out the horror of the hours before. Was he still there?

It was dark as Hangeng forced his eyes open, and they burned from a small crack of light from through the curtains that landed directly on his face. He squirmed uncomfortably under the covers, feeling unnaturally hot, and he kicked the covers down to his feet, and heard them slide to the floor.
"Yah!" came a sudden yelp from next to him, and It shocked him. "Get the covers back, Geng, I'm cold.." Heechul had groaned, clinging to the sweat Hangeng for heat.
"Right...sorry.." Hangeng quietly muttered, and slipped out the bed, grabbing the covers, letting them fall onto Heechul's pimply body.
"Thanks," he groaned, lying deeper into the curve of Hangeng's neck. "How's your head?"
"..What do you mean?" Hangeng mumbled, fidgeting awkwardly.
"From your drinking night, don't say you can't remember?!" Heechul asked, a bit more awake now. He mistakenly took Hangeng's silence as a 'no' and laughed to himself.
"Well, you said you had to go out in the evening, take care of some business, so of course I thought it was for my birthday, but it came to morning and you still weren't home yet, so Teukie was all worried. But at like 5 this morning, a really disgusting woman took you home, saying she found you passed out on the street. You're so lucky the press didn't see you, can you imagine what management would say?!"
"Oh..." was all Hangeng could mutter as the memories and images came flooding back, and he grabbed Heechul, pulling him even closer to him.
"No, it's really not funny, this woman was horrible. She didn't even have all her teeth. But she took you back at least... but you better prepare yourself. Teukie was furious."
Hangeng groaned, the thought of having a talk with Leeteuk was not a nice thought after such a traumatizing evening. But all that mattered was that Heechul was alive. And as his mind slipped back into the impossible decision he was left to, he pulled the covers over his head, falling asleep with Heechul.

"Do you think it's ok for you to get smashed on the street?! Without anyone there to watch you! You could have been hit by a car or stabbed or kidnapped or something!!" Leeteuk screamed at , frustrated beyond belief. The Chinese man had caused him so much stress.
And what could Hangeng do but silently take the yelling? He couldn't tell him, he wouldn't believe him. He had to keep Heechul safe. HE HAD TO.
"I'm sorry Teukie..." he repeated for the hundredth time, but Leeteuk brushed it aside.
"Do you know how much management would kill us if they knew about this?! We're just gonna have to get Siwon to pray every ing night that the woman who was kind enough to bring you home keeps shut!" He spat, as Hangeng stared helplessly at the floor. And for another 20 minutes, Leeteuk battled with Hangeng, being cruel and honest, telling him he had to grow up and be more mature and responsible, how he had to set an example for the other members and the fans.
'He just doesn't understand..'  Hangeng silently cried. And until Leeteuk excused him, he sat there emotionless, afraid that if he gave so much as a crack of emotion, he would break down, and everything would spill out. And after he was excused, he ran to the bathroom, to cry. And every member silently listened to the elder crying, shocked by his unusual emotion. And despite Heechul's begs and pleas from the other side of the door, Hangeng remained in the bathroom for the remainder of the day, crying his eyes out, hitting his head off the walls.

It was early morning when Hangeng finally slipped out of the bathroom, his rumbling stomach finally taking over. He crept through the house to the kitchen, desperate not to wake anyone, the last thing he wanted was to meet a member, and end up spilling out the truth. He was lucky, everybody seemed to be in their rooms, sleeping. With the exception of Kyuhyun, who he could hear fiddling with his games consoles. He reached the kitchen and breathed a sigh of relief.
As Hangeng devoured the leftovers from the dinner he missed, he felt a presence at the door, behind him. Cautiously, he turned around.
"Why did you stay in there all day?" Heechul asked his lover, puppy dog eyes on full.
"...I just needed some space..." Hangeng lied.
"What's wrong? You can tell me anything Geng.." Heechul cooed, and slipped his arms around the Chinese man;s waist.
"It's nothing." Hanged replied untruthfully.
And Hangeng could tell Heechul was getting a bit annoyed.
"Yah, why won't you tell me anything now?" He snapped a little. "I thought we're meant to love each other."
'I do love you,' Hangeng yelled in his mind, ' That's why I'm doing this, to keep you safe!' 
It's none of your business! I'll sleep on the sofa tonight, excuse me." Hangeng forced himself to say, whilst pushing past Heechul. And try as he might, he couldn't ignore the sniffles that came from Heechul.

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heyimMYs #1
NOOOOOOO. TT___TT Gege, tell it to anyone except for Heechul! author-nim, update-juseyooooo! saranghae! ^___^
followurdestiny #4
There's going to be lots of heartbreak if Han Geng doesn't tell someone! TT__TT
followurdestiny #5
I feel like this is going to be heartbreaking on a whole new level - I wonder why that mysterious group wants Han Geng out... I'll look forward to find out more...