Chapter 5

Cramped Up In My Heart

    You squinted to see who this tall guy was. You broke into a smile when you saw Changseol, your childhood friend that left to study overseas a few years ago.

"CHANGSEOL!!" you called out and ran towards him. You two embraced in a warm friendly hug. 

"You're back!!" you cried.

"Yes, I'm back!! What are you doing here?" he asked. He left before the car accident where your parents passed away.

" My parents." you said as you looked towards your parents' tombstone.

"Oh my... What happened? " Changseol asked as he hugged you tightly. You couldn't help but let the tears flow. Sobbing loudly in his sweatshirt, he patted your head and hummed a tune. * This reminds me of Minhyuk oppa.*

"Let's get a drink alright?"  Changseol suggested as he placed his hand on your shoulder. We walked towards the vending machine. Handing you a milo can, you clutched it tightly, holding back the tears.

" They died. In a car accident." you said as you looked down to the milo can.

" Han Mi... They're in a better place now right?" Changseol comforted as he rubbed your hands.

"I guess so... But you're back!!" you changed the subject quickly.

"Yeah. I'm done with my studies overseas. How's that step-brother of yours? Is he still cold towards you?" he asked.

"Nope. He's really nice, without him, I'm lost." you smiled as memories flashed back in your head.

"Haha, I'm glad for you." Changseol said as he sighed.

"You only treat that brother of yours as a brother only right?" Changseol asked.

" What do you mean?" you looked at him, surprised at the question.

"I'm just asking." he smiled. * You won't believe it if I tell you the truth. Your parents already decided your future...* Changseol thought as he looked at the bangs you had.

"Let's go. Where do you stay? I'll bring you back. " he winked at you. Nodding, you walked home with him.


    "Han Mi?" Minhyuk looked all around the house for you but you were no where to be found. * I thought she said she would come home real quickly?* Minhyuk thought as he searched frantically around the street. Then, he saw you, with a guy. In his arms.  You were laughing and you were about to look towards where Minhyuk was but Minhyuk ran in a convinence stall. He felt weird, he didn't know what was this feeling.

"Bye!! Changseol oppa!" you chirped as you skipped your way home. *Changseol? Why is his name so familiar?* Minhyuk thought as he followed you home.

"OH OPPA! YOU SCARED ME!!" you exclaimed as you turned back to find Minhyuk looking at you with a cold glare.

Ignoring you, he walked inside when you opened the door. "Oppa?" you called out when you walked in after him. Without responding, he went in his room and slammed it hard. * Did something happen?* you thought as you went to get a cup of water.


" Why am I mad at her? Am I mad at her? What is this feeling? Jealousy?" I mumbled as I buried myself underneth my pillows.

"oppa!" she called out.


"Oppa!" you called out but no one responded. Knocking harder on his door, he didn't open it. Giving up, you carefully opened it. He was asleep on his bed. "You must be tired." you mumbled as you put the freshly squeezed orange juice on his study table. Looking at the blanket on the floor, you picked it up and covered him with it. With a sigh, you walked out of his room. 

"Sleep well." you said as you gently closed the door. Behind the door, Minhyuk was groaning in frustration but you didn't notice that. You dragged yourself up as you opened your thick history book to start revising.

Then, you received a text message from Changseol.

Want to come out for dinner later? My treat.

You replied, Ok. Mind if my brother comes?

He replied, Alright! Why not?


[Jealousy burning up!! Double update;) I love you all subscribers<3 COMMENTS ARE WIDELY APPRECIATED]

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Considering a sequel after realizing that writing a sequel for this story might work out. So yeah, will update subs more about it soon.


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melotics91 #1
Hi! Here new reader and subscriber :) i really enjoy reading your story. Too much drama but i'm okay with it. Your story is jjang ^^
heyitstrishlol #2
Chapter 37: Is there a sequel? Because i really want to know what happens! I love your story :)
Chapter 34: I knew it -_- anyways love your story :)
Chapter 33: I bet Changseol stabbed her parents -_- and wah so much drama xD I love it xP
Chapter 23: Haha I liked the ' unnecessary' parts c; you're totaly the same as me xD lol and yes finally with Minhyuk c;
Chapter 21: Urgh!!!!!!! Why Changseol???!!!!!! Just marry Minhyuk already AISH -_- I'm so pissed of -_-
Chapter 17: And there is my time with Han Mi and Minhyuk :3 that was so straight to the point from Minhyuk LOL c: I think Changseol is going to Han Mi :OOOOOO
Chapter 16: evillllllll Ilhoon and evilllllll me :) hihi I really like your story :p I hope their will come Minhyuk-han Mi (me) times xD FIGHTING <3
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 37: Awww.... He shot himself on the head then he disappeared just like that? Says on the letter? Hehe done reading this though,. Thumbs up! :)