(100) days of loving her


     Love. What is love? An emotion. A feeling that comes from the heart. This? Really? Is this really what the word ‘love’ means? No, of course not. It's bull, that’s what it is. Stupid. Pointless. Who needs love? It's just a sugar-coated word to hide what it truly brings-- agony, suffering, anguish. Soul mates and true love and your significant other—it’s just one big, fat pathetic lie. It just makes life much more complicated, so much harder.

Love. Just the thought makes you cringe. You don’t believe in love. You don’t want to believe in love. But does that change the fact that you still have that ‘fake’ emotion in you? Or did the ice around your heart harden, keeping you away from the grip of feeling love?

     Yet, there’s a new student that just moved to your school. She’s got a vibe that nobody has. Outgoing, cute, bubbly. She’s shy, yet not shy. She’s shallow, yet she’s so mysterious. She’s different from all the other girls in your school. She doesn’t give a damn about her looks, about the latest trend. She’s unique. She’s Park Sooyoung.

You, you have everything—nearly everything. You’re the school’s Kingka, your best friends have your back, you’re wealthy, you’re good looking. After all, you’re Kim Myungsoo. You have everything in the midst of your fingers, but you have only one thing that’s out of your grasp. Love.

     Then you’re partnered up with the new kid for an activity that goes for (100) days. An assignment where you spend time with your new friend to get to know them and everything. Like a school diary. But it gives you more than what you’ll ever expect. Eventually, day by day, you start to feel funny around her. A feeling you’ve never felt before. Love? No. Can’t be. Can it?

Will (100) days of your school diary activity turn into (100) days of loving her?

*     *     *

(A/N: Yo, it's Cinderellaaa again! This fanfic is inspired by the movie (500) Days Of Summer that my friend wouldn't stop bugging me to watch! Hehe, pretty good movie! Raawr, go and watch it, hehehe. I know I haven't really updated my other fanfic as often as I would like to, but I just wanted to jot down this new idea before it grows legs and runs away from my mind HAHAHA. Because I tend to be very forgetful. 
Ah, mianhae, it's another Myungsoo fanfic, but I really love him heaps and it's also my friend's birthday today, and she loves him! So I'm making it Myungieeeeee for her~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY MYUNGSOO BIFFLE! <3 \hugs ^____^
Bahaha, in this one you are Myungsoo, not the other way round so enjoy~~)


Kim Myungsoo (You):

• Hot, y, good looking
• Part of the Kingka group called Infinite
• Doesn’t believe in love
• Is paired up with Park Sooyoung for school project
• Likes to eat cold green tea ice-cream
• Can get a girlfriend, but doesn’t believe in relationships and girlfriends
• Seems heartless and harsh but is actually the world’s biggest dork

Park Sooyoung:
• New student
• Cute and has a baby face
• Doesn’t give one single care in the world about her looks
• Modest
• Carefree attitude but actually cares a lot deep down
• Smart
• Partnered with Kim Myungsoo for the assignment


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Inspirit7_love #1
post chapter 1 soon!!! It sounds really interesting :D