Starry Night

Starry Night

“Isn’t it just so…ethereal?” said the small brunette, shivering a bit in the cold night air, snuggling closer to her beau, as they gazed at the stars together, her back resting on his chest while his arms encircled her body, making her feel as if he would never let go.

“Beautiful,” he replied, though while she had been talking about the meteors cutting paths of sharp brightness through the otherwise deep purple night sky, he couldn’t manage to tear his gaze away from her long enough to notice the apparently ethereal beauty of it. She twisted sideways to look up into his gorgeous eyes, a mesmerizing swirl of milk and dark chocolate, with glimpses of gold. She smiled up at him, making his heart melt in his chest.

“You’re sort of perfect, you know that?” she stated, with a hint of teasing in her tone, although her inability to stop smiling sappily at him showed that she truly meant the words. He simply stared back for a few moments, until succumbing to his need for closeness with her, kissing her gently on the forehead, then trailing sweet pecks down her face, getting tantalizingly close to her lips, yet never doing more than brushing against them softly.

After several minutes, which seemed like hours, the girl grew tired of his teasing and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and forcing, albeit gently, to press his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.

"Kai..." she half-moaned his name, which got lost in their heated kiss.

His hands betrayed his "reluctant" air as he first began touching her face tenderly, as if she were a fragile glass sculpture, then sliding slowly downwards, until he reached her hips, pulling her closer to him, even though they were already only about a centimeter apart by this time.

They went on like this, just kissing and enjoying each other's closeness,  for what seemed like ages, but in reality lasted only five minutes or so. Kai gently pulled away from her, gazing into her deep blue eyes, cupping his hands around her face. He kissed her forehead, whispering, "I love you."

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