
Things go wrong

Hello my name is Seungho. Im the husband to G.O yes the very man i beat, , and love is my husbnad. We werent always like this though.We were once bery loving and happy. Thunder was my brother and Joon was his. The very best of friends you could say. I started to fall for G.O the day Mblaq started and i couldnt tell him becasue well i didnt think he was gay. When i found out we had to share a room together i was happy and thunder knew it. Joon and Thunder shared a room and everynight you could hear the tv andf video games and the random giggle fests.G.O was always an angel and it made me happy to see him smile. He became mom after awhile but i never called him umma with me being older and all. I remember the day i first got in bed with G.O. his soft milky shin against mine his breathing so heavy and husky. His moans of exstacy and my name dripping from his lip. It almost felt like a sin to have him beneath me. The days went on and G.o seemed a bit outta thee ordinary when i found out he was pregenate my whole world turned. I was happy yet scared. All in all thouhg i took care of him till one day something in my mind just snapped. I couldnt handle the attitude G.o gave me bout everything. I walked up to him and struck him across the face. He looked just as shocked as i did and when i tried to apologize he ran from me in tears. My own boyfriend ran from me. i waited nine months and everyday the beating on him got worse and the better it felt the more i did it. I tried to get help but that didnt help it made it worse on me mand him. The day of our wedding i loved. we said our vows and as he help baby MIr in his arms we kissed. The tears that fell from his eyes made me smile and i wiped them away and said "From this day forward I'll always love you" that night we made love and everytime we tired to sleepe Mir woke up and it was just hell to sleep that night. When we finally got to sleep we were so exhausted. I never knew how much i hurt G.O till the night when he was sleeping on the floor. I picked up his tense body and saw his arm i cut twice as much and twice as deep as him i wasnt bout to have my husband hurting becasue i caused him to. The next mornnign was hell for me. He cslled me master and i had to live with that for two weeks cause he never stopped. The one reason i wouldnt switch rooms was cause even one night not sleeping next to him was pain. The next morning i got up and went to get mir. MIr was always one to make me think of G.O and i loved it. "appa" he chimed. He smiles and i picked him up and got the boys ready for school. I looked at the sleeping G.O and smiled big. "sleep my lovely just sleep" i closed the door and about 2 hours later G.O came running out and grabbed Mir from my sleeping body. I knew cause i was waking up and he looked frantic i mumbled slightly and said "they left for school breakfast is in the microwave hunny." he looked at me and set mir in his play pen. I heard him try to quietly throw away his food. I sighed. He stopped eating and i didnt know what to do. He was getting skinny nad when i tried to salip him food he said he already ate while he did errands.I became worried and didnt know how he react so i left it alone. I forced him to eat that night.He cried saying he was fine and i slammed food in front of him and said "You will eat or you will not leave this table till you do." He looked so sad at me i dint wanna break in and not let him eat but i left and put Mir in the bath then bed. I saw him eating slowly but after he swallowed he ran outside and threw it up. I sighed and had to puree his food for him till he started eating solid food. He was finally to a normal weight andf i was happy.That night we cuddled and G.O shook with fear. Now was the time to ask him what was wrong/ "G.O?" i asked ''yes seungho my love?'' he asked back "whats wrong'' ''nothing i just am cold''He answered. I covered him up and that night i fell asleep and felt hoirrible for the way i had kept treating him the past two days. forcing him to eat and making him shower when he didnt want to. making him relax. He looked so pityful. Not to mention i caught hiu=m doing dishes and threw him to the floor and told him to scram. I fell asleep crying on his back feeling bad.




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Please make a sequel! T.T
Nice story though