First meeting

Things go wrong

When i first met Seungho when mblaq first formed and i instantly i wanted him to be mine. Oh how i miss looking at him like i once did. ''G.O GET UP'' seungho yelled at me in the morning. "yes sir Seungho'' I said to him. I got up and made everyone breakfast. Our youngest son  ir was our baby. ~who knew g.o got preg~ ''Umma i want hold'' Mir held his arm out to me to pick him up. "hang on baby i gotta fix appa breakfast'' I said and kept fixing the sticky rice and fish. Mir complained and kept whining till seungho came in and picked him up. ''Aw baby is ummma neglecting you?'' Seungho asked being a total once more towards me and my parenting skills. I set down the breakfast wil a bang on the table. Seungho set down mir and i picked him up and set him in his high chair with some rice and a tiny bit of fish and went to pick out mirs outfit for the day. Seungho followed and told joon and thunder to eat. Thunder being his brother aand joon being mine. ''G.O care to explain your attitude right now?'' He asked me gently anmd acted like he really cared. "no now move i have things to do" i sadi kinda snappy. As if he didnt remember the night before of me screaming for him to stop cause i was bleeding outta my from his forced entry. Seungho wasnt always abusive but he seemed to be ever since the first time i got preg with Mir. "G.O you know i didnt mean it i.. i..." "you what seungho you never mean it? yes you do and you know it just gods forbid lea.." i didnt finish my sentence before he struck me across the face. I looked at with with a suprised look and i didnt know what to say after that. Seungho stopped and pinned me to the wall "dont u ever raise your voice at me young man. you are my wife but i will be spoken to in a respectful manner". I nodded and as soon as he left i ran pass him and outta the house. I tried to calm down and joon appeared. "he hit you again?" Joom asked knowing if he heard right. I nodded and joon hugged me. I know we cant leave but maybe switch room for now till he know what he wants in life ya know." Joon suggested and i nodded but Seungho didnt like that idea so it didnt happen with him being leader and all. That night i decided after my shower i crept in not to wake him and slept on the cold floor and didnt move. Seungho woke up and noticed where i was and i knew cause i didnt sleep and i heard him sigh sadly. "G.O are you awake? G.O?" he sounded as if he was about to cry. He continued ''baby dnt be mad please i just wish you would come sleep with me. It makes me feel safer" I shifted and with no covers i was freezing since it was dead of winter. I heard him get up and my body started to tremble in fear that he was going to hit me. I curled in a ball and held myself tight and tensed up. Seungho sawe the was i moved and started to cry softly above my body. ''god what have i done to you G.O.'' he asked softly in my ear. I never moved. He picked me up and looked at me then set me on the bed and held me close to his body all night. Saying he loved me and i was the greatest to him. I never believed a word cause he always did this to me. Oh well i guess we would see what the next day had in store for me huh. But he never knew until he looked at my srm right then and there. "G.O ur srm its cut up.. do i make u do this?" he asked me. I didnmt say a word. I saw him grab the razor and cut in his arm as many times as i did and he cried. ''I will always be checking for new scars everywhere baby you hear me?'' He said and he fell asleep. The next morning he grabbed my arm and I pulled back. ''no let me see it G.O whats wrong with your arm now'' he said lovongly and i picked up mir and walked off."nothings wrong with my are master Seungho." i said and bowed. I only ever did that when he knew i was in fear of him and i didn it for two weeks and he try to get me to stop everytime. seungho pulled me into to a deep kiss and i cried as he kissed me. Those lips i longed to feel for years we had been married finally met mine and he wiped my tears away. ''JUst like the day we wed ill say once more G.O i do love you and im here for you i swear." he walked out to head to his schedual and i put mir down for a nap. I rocked him to sleep and smiled.





Yes this was in G.O pov next will be in seunghos pov and it will see things through his eyes very well and u will understand more of why he beats G.O. Till nwxt time ~^.^~

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Please make a sequel! T.T
Nice story though