Two Worlds.


Angels, demons, vampires; the kinds of creatures that lurk in nightmares, or in the neatly printed words spread across yellowing parchment. Kim Minah had never believed in these make-believe monsters, until one fateful encounter that will change her life. Forever.


She'd always been a normal girl. Living in a boring city, going about her daily routines without giving a second thought to what may be happening in the rest of the world. She was happy with life the way it was, that is, until she met him. That wasn't the end of it, either. There were five of them, strange and unearthly, hauntingly beautiful beings, which merely resembled mortals but were so much more. And they wanted something from her. Something only she possessed the power to give them.


* ~ * ~ * ~ *

This is a story dedicated to asiabbyvanilla~
My main account is Hulaberry32, but I'll be posting this story on this account. ^^
Please comment/subscribe if you like the fic!
I hope you guys enjoy it~

Sorry for the late update guys, but thanks for all the subs/comments!!


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Your plot is so cool! Update soon please!
Can't wait for the next chapter.'...
Love this story'....
Aw Minho is so sweet! ^^ and that's so cool: Taemin can control an element in my fic too! Great minds think alike eh? ;)
I still likey! Please update :)
I likey! ^^ Can't wait to read more!
Love this story so much....
Please upload soon!!
Thank you, eomma :DD I shall cherish this story and hopefully some others (: *cough cough* CN BLUE and FT ISLAND *cough cough* ... ;D