Life's Turning Point


Love hurts... Literally... Kang Miyoung (you), has lived a terrible life, no parents, live with your friend who is a e trying to make money, fight for your life from other gangsters, and had zero money. But you were a good person, a average student in your ghetto high school and likes to give even though you had nothing.

THen one day a gang took over your high school, Beast. You heard of them but never really feared them, they took over and bullied students even girls but one guy has never even touched you. He actually liked you, you were his precious prize that he will win. And that guy is Yong Junhyung.


You( Kang Miyoung)- Age 18, a senior in high school who has lived a terrible life and wants a change. You pray everyday something good will happen and hope that your life will get better than this . You are very pretty, cute, smart, sort of like a gangster but you only use your skills when your in trouble. You want a boyfriend that can take care of you and is there whenever you need him.


Lee Hana- Age 19, Miyoung's best friend, Hana wasnt supposed to be a e but her life was worse than yours. Her parents sold her for their life and those load sharks made her into their toy. But they paid her well, and all she wants is money and you to be happy. She also helps you fight and her number 1 weapons are her heels. SHe is very nice and pretty.


Yong Junhyung- Age 19, he dropped out of high school and wanted to live his life as a gangster who gets money every time he wins a fight with his gang, Beast. He never really thought any girl was actually really cute until he decided to raid your high school, and found you.


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