Not a chapter. D:

Umma's Baby

Hello~ :D

So you're wondering why this isn't posted yet? Me too.

But because school is ending this Friday (June 8th to be exact), I won't be posting it too soon. :$ I really want to study as much as I can.

I'm so sorry to keep 8 subscribers waiting. D:

But it's okay.(I hope...) Because this oneshot shall be posted after the 8th! :D Perhaps right after, on the 9th.

Or MAYBE earlier, because I'll probably be writing maybe a few sentences of the story here and there throughout this week. But I can't guarantee it'll be before June 8. Though... Exaggerated comments are really motivational (Like Blackrabbit23's 'threat'. Hehehe.).

I hope you all stay subscribed, and wait for me. For those of you who will wait, I will make sure that this oneshot will be as amazingly written as possible.

For those of you who will probably unsubscribe... I hope you stay subscribed, and please wait for me~<3

Patience is a virtue. LOL.

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Thank you!
June 21: It's almost done guys~


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I think I jsut got 39420489308240 cavities.
Chapter 2: Awww... So sweet! I liked it!
Aww~ ^^

This is so cute ;) Btw can you give me a link to the background image? :)
ngawwww!! do you have anymore like this?? its shooooooooooooo ccccuuuutttttteeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee >.< eeee you know its cute when that emoticon is freed!! >.< >.< >,<
Omg one of my favourite kind of stories, Key umma and Taebaby~ than you for making it so perfect! <3
iloveyoub #7
I LOVE THIS KIND OF FIC ! Thank you for writing this :D
aw it's okay! I should be studying too lol. Procrastination is just... Ah. Good luck! I can't wait for this...