It's Always Sunny After Rain {Drama}


Sunny’s life seemed perfect. But now she has a car crash. It looks like this is the end of her life, she’ll never be happy again, but the truck driver Rain brings her to the hospital.

When he arrives at the hospital, Sunny is in a coma. Rain talks the whole day with her, hoping that she will hear it. He never leaves her side. When Sunny wakes up from her coma, it looks like it going perfect with her. But when it’s going worser and worser, she doesn’t have long to live anymore.


‘….. so it’s better that you will stay inside,’ Sunny’s radio said.

Sunny smiled. ‘That’s a little bit to late,’ she said while she turned left with her car.

‘Alright, where are the shops,’ Sunny said and squezed her eyes togheter to look through the thick fog. ‘Nothing,’ she said. ‘Maybe I should go home.’ She turned her car, but she didn’t see there was a truck. ‘What’s that light?’ she said. She placed her hand above her eyes to look. ‘OH MY GOD!!!!’ The truck crashed into her tiny little car and slipped of the road. A young man stepped out of of it. He runned as fast as he could to the car and opened the door. ‘Miss?’ he said. ‘Are you ok? His heart beated fast. ‘Miss!?’

The young man gulped. ‘What have I done?!’ he though. He grabbed his phone from jacket but remembers that his it’s empty. ‘This can’t be happening,’ he said. He though for a moment and opened the door on the side where the girl was sitting. Carefull he placed his hand around her pols. There escaped a sigh from relief when he felt her heart beating. She’s still alive, he though. Carefull he carried the girl on his back and walked to the hospital. ‘It was my fault, it was all my fault, Rain though and pushed open the hospital doors. ‘EMERGENCY!!! EMERGENCY!!!’ he screamed. ‘PLEASE, HELP!!!’


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MrsPoliceMan #1
I'll be on a 2 week Hiatus, so I will not write for 2 weeks.
50 CU73! 1 50 L0V3 Y0UR 570RY!
MrsPoliceMan #3
Sorry that my new chapter is so short :(
Read it if you can:
W04H! 50 CU73!!!! H3 JU57 K155 5UNNY!!!! 7H15 15 50 7H3 B357 CH4P73R! UPD473 500N :) 1 L<3V3 Y0UR 5T0RY!
Yay! Nice chapter! Update soon, ok! ;)
MrsPoliceMan #6
I finshed Chapter 2 and I will now work on the next one.
MrsPoliceMan #7
I'm almost done with the next part ;)
Upate soon~!!! I so love your story~!!!