Harsh Flips

Suitehearts (We Got Married.)
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“Damn, damn, damn, damnit!” Ji An screamed through gritted teeth as she walked through the empty hallway on her way to the comfort room. She really needs to calm down and get back to her senses or else…


“Yah!” Ji An stopped walking when she heard her sister call for her. She looked back to see Ji Ah standing there with her arms on her waist.


“What?” Ji An sighed dramatically as Ji Ah walked closer to her with brows furrowed.


“What ‘what’? You have some explaining to do, missy.” The eldest said with worry and irritation evident in her voice, tapping her foot at the same time.


“What explaining? Just leave me alone, okay? I need to go to the bathroom and empty my bladder because in any minute now it’s going to explode.” Ji An continued walking on her quest to the bathroom with Ji Ah following her.


“What happened, anyway?” Ji Ah asked as she scanned her looks in the mirror while her younger sister did her business.


“ Ugh, do you have to ask while I’m on the throne?” Ji An’s voice echoed inside the cubicle, exhaustion in her voice.


“Why yes, answer it. You know, it’s not good that you just break walls and flip tables. You ruined my masterpiece back there and it took me all morning to prepare all those meals.” Ji Ah said as she placed lipstick on her lips, clamping them after then giving a huge smile to the mirror with another success in making herself more beautiful than she was.


“Aish, you won’t believe what Umma just texted me, unnie.” Ji An said as she opened the cubicle doors and washed her hands.


Mandarin Entertainment or ME is a well-known company around the globe along with their stars; the one and only Lee sisters.  With their mother and father owning the company itself, which made life much easier for them, trained as, well you know stars they are now on the top of the world conquering it by storm. Being half-Korean and half-Filipino made the job easier for them. Having to learn English as one of their languages made transferring to one country to another easy for there is no communication barrier thus, now staying in Korea to make amends and furthermore relationships with fellow stars.




“See it for yourself. Here, good thing my phone didn’t break when I threw it.” Ji An said as she handed her sister her phone.


“Yeah, you almost lost your-HOMAYGAWD!” Ji Ah was wide eyed.


“I know right? I mean why him? And they said there’s no backing out.” Ji An sighed tiredly as she tried hard not to remember their fateful encounter.


“I remember that time when we were on the mall. That poor Park Yoochun, he just doesn’t know what hit him.” Ji Ah chuckled a little remembering the funny encounter at the mall near the body shop.


Not that you know that she was speaking literally. ‘What hit him.’ Or to make more sense, who?



On that fateful day in the mall, while the Lee sisters were taking a stroll on a free day,they happened to meet the oh-so famous boy group JYJ. At first it was full if laughter, giggling and talking. Jaejoong decided to go inside the store with Ji Ah and they left the younger ones out to talk to each other. She thought that maybe they will get along with Ji An being a socializer well not until…


“I don’t like you.”


“Excuse me?” Yoochun almost chocked on his latte as he heard the sudden comment. Junsu patted his back worriedly as she looked at Ji An with the most confused look.


“I said I hate you.” A girl of 5’4 with dark black locks falling till her waist said in an endearing tone as she eyed-glared at the man in concern.


“W-what?” Yoochun was still dumbfounded to even comment with long words other than what?


“You’re pathetic, Mr. Park Yoochun.” She said as she smiled at the rest of the boys who were now looking at her. “I have never seen a man such like you, so much full of yourself.”


“What do you mean by that?” Yoochun asked now in an annoyed tone as he stood in front of Ji An,  towering over her.


“What do I mean by that?” She chuckled as she raised her head a bit to meet with the latter’s eyes. “Oh, I mean alot, Mr. Park.”


“H-hey, why don’t we sit somewhere and maybe chill for a while and-” Junsu said nervously as he tried to stop the growing tension, but only received a deep glare coming from the youngest of the three.


“I’m not done talking Junsu-oppa, let me finish what I started, okay.” She said in a cold but playful voice.


“Okay.” Junsu squeaked.


“Thank you.” Ji An smiled warmly at Junsu who mistook it as a death threat, thus making him shake all over.


“Now listen here, Yoochun-oppa. Let me give you the reasons why I, Lee Ji An, hate you. Persons like you who only care about themselves are scums, hypocrites.” Ji an started with confidence in her tone.


 “First, you give me the creeps every time you smile and goose bumps and chills take over me.” She said as she raised a finger.


“Second, you take everything for granted and you think everything, yes e

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anna1150 #1
Chapter 7: LOL yoochun....
thanks for the update
ohmygodsun junsu...idk what to do bout u
Chapter 7: kyaa, yoochun...
love starts to bloom

and junsu make a national confession,
love the update
Finally. An update... XD

Tapsilogs for the win! XD
I liked this update, so long and worth-waiting for.
But please.. Update sooner? XD
And I hope that sparks will fly for Ji An and YooChun soon.
Best of luck XD
I like the last Junsu's thought xD

I wish Yoochun to live looooong, but now it rather isn't going to happen.
hmmm interesting...chun felt guilty >////< ahh so it just an act..i mean jyj n homin situation.its good..lastly omygodsun can u believe chun in my country n worst is i couldn't meet him..
LOLOL... I like this update a lot...
So when will this little fiasco of theirs begin?
*wiggling suggestive eyebrows*
and is that anonymous stranger a supposed to be Producer?

I love Ji Ah here.... Such a cute Older sister... LIKE ME! Mwuahahahahahha!!
And I like Ji An's character here too...
I wish that these two night and day personalities would find their bliss towards each other...
Thanks for such a cute update. LOL
I'm curious who is that stranger. xD
And next thing I want to know is that JYJ ang Homin can just meet each other?

Poor Chunnie but he has to stop being such a playboy :D
anna1150 #10
interesting!!!...chunnie a playboy..huhuhu
i <3 <3 <3 ji an