Her Sun

Quality Time

“You definitely will come to the concert right?”

Yonghwa was on the phone with Seohyun. He was on the way to CNBLUE fan signing. Seohyun already told him the concert date since long time ago and Yonghwa already said he would come no matter how hectic his schedule was. But here she was, asking for his confirmation for the numerous times.

“Yes, Hyun-ah. How many times should I say I will come?” Yonghwa said.

“Arrasseo. Just to make sure. See you soon and fighting for your fan sign event.”

“Yes. Fighting for your concert too. I’ll be there and my dongsaengs said they will come too.”

“Ah! That’s great! Send my love for the boys!”

“You don’t send your love to me?” Asked Yonghwa playfully.

“Yah~ Choding!” Seohyun squealed.

“Say you love me. Palli!” said Yonghwa gained a disgusted look from Jungshin who sat beside him.

“Oppa~” Seohyun whined.


“Okay. I love you.”

Yonghwa grinned from ear to ear. “How much you love me?” Asked Yonghwa again. Jungshin shook his head and plugged ear phone to prevent him hearing his cheesy mushy hyung.

“Oppa, what happen to you?” Asked Seohyun.

“Aniya. I just miss you.” He said.

“......You are tired right, Oppa?” Asked Seohyun.

Yonghwa smiled faintly, “How can you know?”

“I just know.” She said. “Get some nap in the car.”

“Arrasseo.” Said Yonghwa.

 “I’ll hang up now.”




“Neomu saranghae..”




Yonghwa woke up as they arrived in fan sign location in Apgujeong. His eyes still so heavy. Oh how he wanted to go home and snuggled on his bed right now. But well, there he was. This was his life and his profession. His phone buzzed, signaling an incoming message. That was Seohyun’s message.


Fighting My Nampyeon! ~Love, your buin :)


He couldn’t help to smile. Seohyun and her way to cheer him up. He rubbed his eyes, stretched his body a bit and got ready for the fan signing.


The fan sign lasted for two hours. He looked at his watch and estimated he could catch up SNSD concert. He already said to his manager to drop him and his dongsaeng in SNSD concert venue.

They arrived when the concert had already begun. He didn’t bother to hide himself too much. He only wore a different jacket and cap. He slipped in the middle of the audience and sat comfortably in the VIP section. He was together with Jungshin, Minhyuk and Jonghyun watched in the different seat.

Yonghwa pulled his phone and texted Seohyun. He didn’t know whether she read his message or not but he sent it anyway.


Now watching. Fighting, Buin-ah~ :*


And Seohyun’s solo performance finally there. She looked gorgeous with a black colored outfit, not to mention with guitar in her hand. He admitted that her guitar skill was much more better. He always taught her whenever they had time. Sometimes she practice alone without him. Her speed in mastering guitar chord was no joke. Indeed, his girlfriend was genius.

Seohyun sang “Kiss Me”. One day, Seohyun ran to him as she held her guitar. He asked him to sit and listen to her. That was her very first time of her “Kiss Me” performance. She asked for Yonghwa’s guidance and fixed her guitar technique. Actually, he was little bit sorry for her because he couldn’t teach her fully due to his tight schedule.

Yonghwa always obsessed to tutor her whenever she would have a guitar performance on the concert. He didn’t allow anyone to teach her, even the SM trainer. It was must be him. But his crazy schedule didn’t allow him to do that, so he was kind of dejected.

He watched her performance seriously. Damn, his girl was so amazing! Seohyun played the guitar well and her voice undoubtedly beautiful. She looked so cute yet flirtatious. It was three minutes of mesmerizing moment. He gaped and cheered loudly at the end of her performance. Seohyun was just perfect and he was a proud boyfriend.




CNBLUE out from the venue before the encore. They waited in the van until the concert end. Actually, Minhyuk, Jonghyun and Jungshin really wanted to go straight home but Yonghwa convinced them to wait Seohyun until the concert end. Who could refuse? They love their Hyung and also their Hyungsonim.




“I am sorry. You must be waiting for so long.” Said Seohyun as she slid CNBLUE’s van door.

“Aniya, Seohyun-ah~ Palli, come in!” Said Minhyuk.

Seohyun hopped in and sat on the back seat where Yonghwa already wait for her. She smiled at him then gave him a quick peck on his lips without his dongsaeng noticing.

“By the way, great concert!” Said Jungshin.

“Thank you.” Said Seohyun, “And thanks for coming.”

“Aniya. We enjoy the concert, after all.” Said Jonghyun.

“Okay. Let’s go now?” Asked CNBLUE’s manager.

Seohyun leaned closer to Yonghwa. He was little bit quite. As Seohyun snuggled to him, Yonghwa rubbed her cheek and kissed her head.

“That was an amazing performance.” He said, “I am so proud of you.”

“That’s what i want. To make you proud.”

“Ah Seo Joohyun..”


“You make me fall for you over and over again~”

“It’s too mushy!” Seohyun hit his chest. “And how was your fan sign event?”

“It’s interesting, but your performance more interesting.” He smiled at her.

Seohyun looked up at him and found his eyes was so red and tired. She his cheek gently, “You must be tired, Oppa. Just get some sleep. I’ll sleep too.” Said Seohyun.

In less than five minutes. They fell asleep in each other arms.




As they arrived in CNBLUE’s dorm, they ate dinner together while Yonghwa slumped himself on the couch. Seohyun sat beside him, eat her dinner and also fed him. They talked about the concert and their comeback next year.

“It’s around January, I think.” Said Seohyun, talked about SNSD’s comeback.

“Ah... We will comeback around February.. well it can be change maybe.” Said Yonghwa while he busy munched his food and Seohyun busy wiped his oil stained mouth.

“Is there any possibility SNSD and CNBLUE in one stage?” Asked Minhyuk.

“Don’t know..” Jonghyun shrugged.

“I hope so.” Jungshin commented. “Hyung must be ecstatic! Right Yonghwa hyung?” They were all turned to Yonghwa and found Yonghwa already fell asleep on Seohyun’s shoulder.

“Fall asleep while eating? Seriously!” Said Jonghyun. He got up then help Yonghwa to sleep in his room.

“Thanks, Jonghyun Oppa.” Said Seohyun.

“Okay. Good night.” Said Jonghyun and closed the door.

Seohyun looked at his sleeping figure. He indeed looked very pale and tired. Looking at him like this really hurt her. She kind of feeling guilty because she felt she didn’t take care of him enough.

Yonghwa was still fully clothes, so Seohyun decided to change his clothes to pajama so he could sleep more comfortable. Seohyun ed his jacket then pulled up his t-shirt. It was hard to do because Yonghwa was asleep. She panted after she successfully took of his jacket and t-shirt. She didn’t conscious that actually she started at his body.

“Omona! What are you doing, Joohyun? This isn’t a time for feeling .” She shook her head and proceeded to unbuckle his belt.

She loosened his belt and ped his pants. She slid his pants slowly, leaving him only with briefs on.

“Erm.. should i change the briefs too..?” She her lips, hands ready to push it down, “yes, i think i need to change it too. Oh my God! What are you thinking, Seo Joohyun!” She shook her head again. She left the bed to take his pajamas on his wardrobe and especially to clear her mind from her y mind.

“Calm Seo Joohyun, calm!” She inhale and exhaled, “Remember? You just want to change his clothes not do him while he sleep. Okay. Calm. Calm.”

Seohyun back again to dress him in his pajama. She never now that dressed him up really exhausting. She found difficulties to lift his weight, moreover she found difficulties to push down her desire. Oh damn, the Jung Yonghwa never failed to turn her on.

But when she looked at his face her heart ache again. He didn’t wake up even though Seohyun lifted him, shook him while she changed his clothes. That was the sign that Yonghwa was in a deep sleep. He was really tired. He brushed his cheek lovingly.

“Yong Oppa...” She whispered his name. Somehow it made her sad and her tears fell to her cheek. She begun to trembled. She kissed Yonghwa’s eyes slowly.

“Oppa must be strong. Oppa must stay healty. Oppa must not be sick. If you do, i don’t know what to do.” She wiped her tears.

Truth to be told, Jung Yonghwa was Seo Joohyun’s sun. She revolved on him, she followed him, she couldn’t live without him. If her sun stop to shine, she lost her gravity.

Seohyun laid beside Yonghwa and hugged him tight. “I love you, Oppa. But i always felt just loving you isn’t enough.” Said Seohyun.

“Who said that, Hyun-ah?”

Seohyun snapped and looked up to find Yonghwa was staring at her. “Oppa! Did i wake you up? i’m sorry!”

“Yes. You keep talking, how can i sleep?” He chuckled in a sleepy voice.

“I-i am sorry.” Said Seohyun, “Just go to sleep again.”

“Don’t be mad. I only kidding, Jagiya~” Yonghwa shifted his position and hugged Seohyun in his arms.

Seohyun only sighed. “You really need to sleep. You look so tired.”

“I am. I am so tired that i think i’ll go crazy.”

“So just sleep.” Seohyun patted his back.



“Your love is more than enough for me..” He said, “Jeongmal kamsahae.. for always be with me.”

“That’s where i belong to.”

“Sarang hae..” Yonghwa hugged her tighter.

“Na do.” She was close to tears.



“Sing me a lullaby..”

Seohyun hummed him a song. It was “Love light”. Every lyrics she sang, made her tears dropped on her cheek. Oh, how could she stop loving this man? He was the one who make her complete. He was the one who make her alive. He was part of her life. When he hurt, she could feel it too. When she need him, he was there. And when he need her, she was there. Just like tonight. Just lied beside him, being in his arm. Telling how much they loved each other was so overwhelming. Paradise was so close enough. To be with her sun.. to be with him.. to be with Jung Yonghwa.




Hi! this is meluvyuya.. it's been a long time. i just miss writting... ahaha.

idk, i just need to write and post fanfic. this one it's so simple. maybe this isn't superb but well, this is just my feeling towards yongseo~ oh how i miss them so much.

thank you for you who read this! i really appreaciate it! :)

see you around~


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Quality time chap 4 is up!


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Chapter 34: i enjoyed reading these one shots. i hope you could add more.
hwaseo #2
Love this story so much!!!
I have keep reading it repeatedly
Chapter 34: omgggg pls update . I really love your story
pipipink #4
Chapter 34: Always wait for next...next...and next
Chapter 34: Please update i love this story so much
ranijann #6
Chapter 6: im happy both inlove..
Chapter 17: Love this story so much please update
simutniea #8
Chapter 34: Author-nim... Please update your story. Love this story so much. So happy that they engaged although secretly.
marquez #9
update pls.
marquez #10
update pls.