To the Arcade World

Yah! I'm your noona.

Your P.O.V

So here we are, at the Arcade World.

"Why are we here?" I asked curiously.

"Babo. To have fun of course!" Changjo grabbed my hand and lead me inside. It was a place full of all kinds of arcades.

"Wow."  I said, impressed.

"Come on. Let's dance!" he lead me to the dancing arcade.

"B-but I can't dance."

"Why do you have to worry when the dancing boy of Teen Top is here with you?" he said and winked which made me blush a little.

"Alright. I'll try."

"Good girl." he smirked and ruffled my hair.

"Yah! Mind your behavior! I'm older than you." I said and he just stuck his tongue out at me and then we started to play.

At first, I was really at dancing. But with Changjo's help, I'm starting to improve. After a while, we stopped.

"Wow. That was fun. And I can improve my dancing skill. Thanks to you." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." he smiled back.

We seem to get along well now. I thought and smiled.

"So what are we going to do next?" I asked.

"I don't know. You choose."

"Let's go to the cartoon arcade!" I grinned and dragged him there.

"Childish." he chuckled. I just ignore it.

I was trying to catch random stuff animal, but it all fail.

"Babo. Let me try." he said and put a coin into the machine.

"So, what do you want?" he turned to ask me.

"Anything's fine."

"Erm.........Oh! Look that crocodile look just like you." he smirked and tried to catch that crocodile.

"What? NO! I don't look like a crocodile." I said. He just ignored me and tried to catch it.

"HA! Got cha~!" he finally got it and played with it.

"This is my pet, Dino. Dino, say hi to Haena noona." Changjo said to Dino and me.(A/N: This pic I found on tumblr, I don't remember I took it from who, so I'm sorry that I didn't put credit. Oh and I changed what he said a bit to match with the story.)

"Wh-what? No, no kisseu."

"Cute. keke. Look who's the real childish one." I whispered when I say cute then said the rest of the sentence normally and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm not! But did I just hear you say cute?" he said, slightly blushing. Aww. This guy know how to be so cute. I thought and tried to shrugged it off.

"I-I mean your Dino is cute, not you." I said and looked away.

"Oh. Okay. Hey, this is for you." he handed Dino to me.

"For what occasion?"

"Nothing. I just don't know where to keep it either." he scratched his head.

"Oh. You don't know where to keep it and you give it to me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Just keep it and take good care of it or you're dead." he put Dino into my arms and walked off.

"What the? Aish. Weird guy. Sometimes nice and sometimes mean." I hissed. Then i realized that he walked away without waiting for me.

"Yah! Wait for me!" I yelled and tried to catch up with him.

Then we have to go home. I hate riding the motorbike with him, because I have to hold his waist! I awkwardly hold his waist and I can see that he's smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked innocently.

"Oh. J-Just remember something funny."

"What is it? Can you share it with me?"



Then we finally reached my home.

"Thank you for today. It was fun." I said.

"It was just the bet anyway."

"Right." I said, a little sad. Why am I sad about this? I shrugged it off and waved goodbye to him. He waited for me to enter my house, then drove off.

"You really spent the whole day with him." my brother said.

"Oh, oppa. You aren't going anywhere today?"

"He bought this for you?" he ignored my question and asked me another question.

"Ani. We play cartoon arcade and he got this. He said he didn't know where to keep it, so he just gave it to me."

"Really?" he asked, sounding disbelief.

"Oppa, you're weird today."

"Listen, Haena ah. I want you to get a long with him because you're working with him. I never want you to fall for him, I never want you two to be dating."

"Aish. Oppa. Don't worry. I won't fall for him. We were always fighting and we were just getting along quite well recently."

"I hope so. I don't want to ruin your happiness. I know that he's a good guy but dating an idol is totally different from dating a normal person. I guess you knew that already. You'll have paparazzi or fans follow you almost everywhere you go and-"

"Yes, I know oppa. Don't worry. I have to get changed now." I cut him and went to my room. I closed the door behind me and sighed. Why do I feel uneasy?


So, your brother don't want you to date Changjo. O.O And is it true that you aren't going to fall for him? And Changjo, he didn't know how to show his feeling. haha. Babo.

Out of topic, did you see the teaser photo of Changjo and Niel yet? Haha. They're so y. CAP and Ricky is next. Chunjoe is the last pair. keke. Can't wait. ^^

Please comment and subscibe. I love you all. ^^

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Chapter 22: kyaa !! luckily her oppa let them to date >.< ... awww .. so sweet ... make me wanna date an idol too .. :D .. changjo-ah ~ date me too *wink* .. kekeke xD

i love this story author-nim <3 ...
Chapter 22: i like the gifs that you posted author haha and changjo and his temper hahaha
Chapter 22: ngee.. I wish i can date with idol.. Ricky like me =P my bias like me, but Changjo is mine in this fan fic..kyaaa ahaa
twinkle_blossom #4
Chapter 22: Aaww~ soo cute >.<
I loved it!!!
twinkle_blossom #5
Chapter 20: Aaaww~~ so sad!! ;_;
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaahh!!!
OMG!!! I think I'm gonna melt~
*deep breath*
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 22: waaaa soooo cuteee XD it ended so quickly~
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 20: this makes things interesting!! >3< thank her brother for making some drama!
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 8: als;kdjl;afj so cute :3333 changoj is sooo aslkdjf;alsdjfadkls;fj
_fallenangel_ #10
Chapter 4: buahhahaha changjo my bias so mean <3