Dirty little secret ♥

Café ♥


Minho spent the rest of the day at a mall; he bought himself some new shirts and accessories like scarves, sunglasses, and a silver necklace, and also a new lamp for his desk. He left everything on his car and walked happily to the cafeteria at 7:00 like he had been doing for the past two days. He walked up to ‘his’ table and saw a little vase with many kinds of flowers, the menu and his book, still with that cute dragon bookmark; when he sat he saw SongHee passing by and smiled at her. He checked out the menu and was about to order something, when the ginger sat across his table and took the menu from his hands.

“What’s wrong with you!?”

He got more annoyed each passing day, this girl was just too weird.

“Sorry if I’m being rude but I want to buy you something”

“Why? I barely know you and sorry but you’re kind of a stalker”

“Sorry, I think I’ve been quite annoying to you and also I scared you last night, didn’t I? I want to apologize, please let me pay for you this time.” She bowed

“Okay but… are you going to stay on this table?”

“Oh, I can leave if you want; I think you were going to read anyway”

“I didn’t mean to say it that way… you can sit in here if you want, I think we’re still going to see each other here anyway” he smiled

She just nodded, soon SongHee came to his table and thought it was weird for the girl to be there, she felt jealousy running through her veins; she took their order anyway.

“Oppa, you did come!” she smiled, making it obvious that they were friends

“Well, I promised. Can you bring me a cappuccino please?”

“Sure, and what about you?” she asked the other girl

“Uh… I’d like a strawberry milkshake please”


SongHee left and the other two were alone and silent for what seemed to be hours; finally Minho decided to break the ice.

“What’s your name?”

“Lee Taeyeon” she bowed her head

“Nice to meet you, I’m Choi Minho. How old are you? You look too young”

“I’m 19; everybody thinks I’m younger because of my face”

“Yeah, maybe because of your body too, don’t you think?”

The girl laughed and palmed her plain body a bit

“What’s so funny?”

“Sorry, what you said seemed a bit funny to me” she apologized “There’s a secret regards my plain body”

The curiosity worm started crawling inside of Minho’s body; he wanted to know about that secret.

“What is it? I’d like to know it you don’t mind telling me about it”

“Well… I shouldn’t talk about this but you’re cute so I’ll tell you”

Minho’s gaze was upon her

“My mother always wanted to have a baby girl so she dressed me like a girl all the time; even now she makes me go to blind dates and stuff dressed as a girl.”

“Aigo… wait, WHAT?” he got closer to her and whispered “You’re not a girl?” she shook her head “So why do you pretend being one?”

“Because that’s what my mother wants and… it’s also kinda fun”

“Eh? How can that be fun?” he was shocked

SongHee served their drinks and left, the café was full that night.

“You see, they don’t know what I ‘am’ so they take me out to fancy restaurants, they buy me clothes, candy, or even jewelry but I sell those most of the time, I’d rather play videogames”

“Sounds good but don’t you think it’s a bit cruel to play with men like that?”

“Not at all” she frowned “they’re a bunch of pigs, most of those guys have tried to touch me, they even invite me to their places, and it’s disgusting. That’s why I play hard-to-get and all they ever get from me is a fake smile, they don’t even get to hold my hand.”

Minho laughed loudly and Taeyeon looked at him confused, she didn’t know if she had said something funny.

“Sorry, it’s just that… you really seem to be a girl, you look like my students”

“You’re a teacher?” she blushed

“Yeah, I teach literature at Samdong University”

“Are you an ahjussi?”

“NO! Why does everybody think I’m old whenever I say that? Not all teachers are old!” His eyes opened wide, he was pretty upset about people thinking he was old.

Taeyeon started laughing now, and Minho followed, they laughed until it hurt and they couldn’t hold it anymore; sighed and took a sip of their drinks, then laughed again.

“You’re so weird” he said, and leaned on the back of the chair.

She felt a little embarrassed; she lowered her head and her eyes were now full with shiny tears.

“No one apart from my parents know this secret, I thought I could trust you but I was wrong” she sobbed

Minho reacted quickly when he saw her crying; he felt so guilty.

“Don’t cry please, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean weird in that way, I mean you are different on a good way, you’re a special person”

“Special? Like a retard?” she was upset

“No, when I say special I mean you’re different, cute and fun; I didn’t ever mean to offend you”

He patted her shoulder and gave her a small brown handkerchief, when she had dried her tears she smiled and gave it back.

“Nobody ever say those things to me, they usually tell me I’m cute or from a good family… superficial stuff, nobody cares about really knowing me”

“Well they’re missing a lot, I’d like to get to know you even more; you’re pretty interesting… and annoying”

“I’m glad it’s like that” she smiled

They talked about themselves and laughed all night long, then Taeyeon paid the check and both walked out form the café. Not wanting to let him go, she invited him to grab a drink and he said he would if he could pay, both agreed. He opened the car’s door for Taeyeon and the car.

“What a nice car” she said

“Thanks, it’s not that great but it’s all I need” Minho admitted

“Can I turn the radio on?”


Taeyeon opened the window and breathe the fresh air from outside and sang in a low voice so Minho wouldn’t hear. When they arrived to the bar she ordered many different cocktails and Minho just asked for a beer; they talked for about an hour and he stopped Taeyeon from drinking any more, he didn’t know what to do if she was drunk and he had to work the morning after.

He dropped her at a bus stop and when she got down from the car she reached to the window.

“Thank you so much oppa, I’m glad I found a good friend like you” she said

“Thank you for trusting me” he said

Both said goodbye and Minho left while Taeyeon got on the next bus on the way to her home.



Finally they got to know each other! kkk that annyoing girl turned to be kinda weird lol hope you liked this chapter, I'd write down next one as fast as I can and update ^^

When talking about Lee Taeyeon/Lee Taemin I use "her" because he's supposed to be a girl so... yup, kinda confusing sometimes. ^^;

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 3: okay, this seriously needs more, it's awesome!