Friday, finally

Café ♥



When the last bell rang, which indicates the end of class, the students picked up their books and left the classroom in a line.

“See you on Monday Mr. Choi” girls said while smiling to their teacher.

“Take care girls, and study a lot for the exam” he answered and bowed his head

The professor was done erasing his notes from the blackboard and he put everything inside his briefcase; it was finally Friday so he would be able to take a break from his duties at the university. When he was done cleaning the classroom he turned off the lights and closed the door behind him, while he walked through the hall he stopped every time he saw a fellow teacher and said goodbye. He arrived to the parking lot, his car was on the first row, as a privilege for being a professor, so he didn’t have to walk a lot; he put his briefcase on the trunk and then left the building.

He parked his car near a park and he decided to go for a walk, luckily he was wearing comfortable shoes and clothes today. He walked for a long while, he liked watching the kids play with their parents and old people telling stories to random people, he really loved all of this so he sat to listen to one of the old man’s story. About an hour later he started feeling a hole in where his stomach should be so he started looking for somewhere to eat, he saw a little cafeteria across the street and he thought it would be nice to try something new so he walked straight to the place. It seemed to be kind of little from the outside and had some of a ‘Starbucks’ look, but inside it was pretty big and it even had two floors. The place had this fresh feeling, it just made you feel happy; it was slightly colorful and had plenty ornaments. It wasn’t full, but there were many occupied tables; he soon approached a little table on the back which called his attention, for it was beside a big bookcase, which covered the wall completely. A waitress approached him, she was pretty good-looking; tall, pale skin, black hair, little eyes, but over all of that she had a beautiful radiant smile.

“Good evening, can I show you the menu?” she said, handing him the menu.

After taking a look to it he returned the menu.

“I’d like the special sandwich and a cup of lemon tea, please”

“Right away” she said and went straight to the kitchen, still smiling.

When she was gone Minho glanced at the bookcase looking for something nice to read and he found a novel about dragons (something alike to Eragon or TLOTR), he read the prologue and returned to his seat. Once he started a new book he wouldn’t stop, it was like if he entered a bubble and didn’t know anything apart from his book. The world stopped existing for him, now he was totally focused on his reading, even the Spanish guitars that sounded as background music seemed distant. Nothing could take his mind off that book, until a loud creak made him shiver and, furious, he looked for the responsible of that infernal sound. People were still at the same places as when he arrived, there was just something different; an orange-haired girl was now sitting two tables away from him, and she looked askew at him. Minho tried not to pay any attention to her, but it was impossible since he felt her gaze piercing him; he was pretty annoyed.

He struck the book on the table and stared back at the girl with an aggressive look trying to make her look away, but while staring at her he noticed her unbelievable beauty, she had medium-length orange hair, smooth white skin, and her playful eyes shined like diamonds. Minho was the kind of person which immediately looked away when he felt embarrassed even though he wasn’t shy at all; this time he felt he needed to look away as he felt his face warming up a bit but he wanted her to look away first, so he ignored his body completely and continued staring angrily at her. Finally she lost the staring battle when the same waitress asked for her order, before going to her she had left Minho’s food on his table; the ginger girl ordered a strawberry milkshake and a brownie, then the waitress left.

The girl turned her sight back again to Minho, but he was again lost in his reading; she decided on doing the same. She approached the bookcase and went back to her seat after a minute with a book about the ocean. Both of them were submerged in their respective books, but occasionally one of them looked up to check on the other. When he had finished eating, exactly at 9:00, Minho got up from the table with the book on his hands and walked to the checkout; he paid for his food and asked the waitress to look after the book for him to continue reading the next time he came to the café. He gave a last look to the girl, who was still staring at him and he left. He crossed the street and walked slowly through the park until he arrived to his car. He got in and turned the car on, when he moved the rearview mirror he saw the girl from the café running up to him, but stopped when she saw him getting on the car; without caring about it he drove away from there.

While driving home he wondered why the girl had followed him, and why she was so annoying staring at people like that.



Sorry if this chapter seems to be a little boring, but it's just an introduction, it will get better everytime, I PROMISE! <3

Btw, SongHee is an original character (just in case you wondered)

Please look forward to the next chapter ^^ I'll be updating soon!~

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 3: okay, this seriously needs more, it's awesome!