Strange Things O.o

Living With Crazy Aliens

Saturday morning~


*weirdest dream I've ever had.....* You scrunched your eyebrows together as the sunlight entered your room. As you slowly opened your eyes, you noticed six figures crowding over you. "What the....?" Your eyes widened and you screamed your lungs out, but then D.O. covered your mouth panicking. "The neighbors are going to think your being murdered!" He yelled trying to keep you quiet.

You calmed down a bit and he released your mouth. "Am i still dreaming?!? Oh my god!!!! How long am i sleepi- OW!!!" you rubbed your hurt arm that was pinched by Kai. "It hurts, see? Your not dreaming." He gave a little smile and backed off. "Kai your just going to scare her even more. Remember last night? She could barely talk." Baekhyun said glaring at kai.

You covered your self with your blanket protectively and hoped they went away. "Don't worry earthgirl, we're not going to hurt you." Baekhyun lightly took the blanket off hoping you won't scream. Instead, you made a ran for it, but kai teleported in front of you making you fall in his arms. "Run, see what happens." He evilly eyed you. *HOW THE HELL DID HE GET THERE?!?!?* you thought. "Nothing like that..... haha... Kai is a joker, right Kai?" D.O. playfully punched his arm.

"Aish, just come on earth girl we all have to talk." Suho gently put his hands on your shoulders and led you to the living room. When you all got to the living room everyone sat down but you.

"Let's start explaining guys." Baekhyun sighed.


You nodded with a confused expression. "So you guys.... are Exo-K..... You guys are aliens? And you guys have to somehow protect me for a really long time until this 'Scientist' calls you back to planet Exo?" Everyone nodded with a 'Pretty much' expression.

"May i ask, why do you guys have to protect me? From what?" You asked. They all looked at each other and shrugged. "We don't know either. Scientist guy wouldn't tell us." Suho said with one hand his imaginary beard.

"Do you guys have to live here? With me?" You asked awkwardly. Everyone nodded with a blank expression. *Wae??? I'm going to have some 'Aliens' living in my house!!! Aish.... I don't want to waste my life time having to be with them!* You lowered your head in disappointment and headed towards the kitchen.

"Earthgirl! Where are you going???!" D.O. asked with an ':O' expression. "A magical place called, The kitchen..." You wiggled your fingers as you walked backwards into the kitchen. *Dumb alien. Errr what ever he is. >.>*

You put your headphones on started to listen to 'TeenTop' as you took out ingredients to make some chinese food. *Hmmmm.... Sticky rice, fried rice, chao mein, orange chicken, hmmmm what else should i make? OH! i know!* You smiled as you took out the rest of the ingredients. "Eggrolls. "

Meanwhile your in the kitchen making lunch, Exo-K explored your house.

"Hyung! Look she has a collection of stuffed dolls in her room!" Chanyeol laughed out loud. Suho couldn't help but laugh too. *Why would she have these dolls??* Suho thought still laughing. "Ones a penguin! It looks like a pilot!" Chanyeol laughed like a little kid rolling on the ground.

*How are they my hyungs? More like like little brothers.* Sehun thought with a blank expression and shook his head making his way to explore the bathroom.

Before Sehun made it to the bathroom, he stepped on your skateboard and fell with a huge thud. "AHH- OWWWWWW" Sehun yelled and laid on the ground in pain, you couldn't even hear one thing since you were still listening to music.

"SEHUN!" Exo-K yelled in unison.

Back in the kitchen, you were done with all the food and put it on the table. *Wait, i made too much. It was only supposed to be for me! Aish.... damnit. Thought of them... plus food..... equals...... Food for all of us. Damnit why does this happen to me?!* You face palm yourself and took off your headphones. With a big sigh, you got the table ready.

"EARTHGIRL!!!!!!" Exo-K ran in scared.

"Aish, don't call me earthgirl please, and why are you guys yelling?" You ask setting up the cups. Without a word, they pull you into the livingroom and you see Sehun laying on the couch. "W-what's with him?" You asked worried.

"He fell on the skateboard. How can we heal him?!?!?" D.O. starts to freak out. "I'll be right back." You went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of ice.

"Here, put this on his back." You held it out but no one bothered to take it. "Fine, i'll do it." You walked over to Sehun, who's in pain on the couch.

"Lift up your shirt, i need to put this on your back." You sighed as you got ready to place the ice bag. *This is awkward....Whoa, his back is really bruised.* You gently put the ice on his back and lightly touched his shoulder.

When you touched his shoulder, the bruises was automatically gone. *Gasp* "D-did you see that??!?!" You asked the others. They all shrugged and poked Sehun's back hard. "Does it hurt???" You asked him as you poked him again.

"No. What did you do? It doesn't hurt at all anymore." He slowly got up and lowered his shirt back down. " I d-didn't do anything, all i did was poke you....."  You said holding the bag of ice. "It must've been the ice then." Baekhyun stated taking the bag of ice. *Doesn't make any damn sense....* You thought.

"Oh, sure, yea, okay then. You guys want to eat? I kinda made too much food." You rubbed your neck shyly.

"Sure, why not?" They all went into the dinning room and sat down waiting for the food. As you served the food, they obviously had  no idea what it was. "What is this?" D.O. asked picking on his food with the fork. "It's Chinese food that i made." You smiled and sat down to eat.

You were the only one eating, while the others just stared at their food. "EAT." You said pointing at the food on their plates. *These aliens are so dumb.... Errrr what ever they are.*

They slowly nibbled on the food, and soon enough they started eating like pigs. They all stole food from each other until they had nothing left. "Hyung..... i'm still hungry." Sehun said pouting. You took a big sigh and handed your food to him. "Here, i lost my appetite." You walked out of the dinning room and held your tummy as it growls. *I'll just eat something on the way to work*

You changed into white shorts with a red belt, white short sleeve shirt with the letter 'A' on it, and to finish it off with a red Varsity jacket.

You quickly took your acoustic guitar and ran towards the door, until Kai teleported in front of you. "YAH!" You slip backwards and just in time someone caught you from behind. "Earth girl, where are you going?" Chanyeol asked as he helped you up. "Ummm... thanks for catching me..... and ummm i'm going to work.... Yea.. BYE!" You waved goodbye and ran out the door. *Hope they don't follow me.*

Half way to work, your phone rings with a cute ringtone. As you get off your bike to answer your text message, something zoomed by really fast. *Huh? Hmmm i'm hearing things again.* You shrugged and took your phone out.

"Minji! Our performance is canceled today. Rian got endigestion. :/


"Oh okay. Thanks for telling me. :3"

*Yea Alice.... Thanks for telling me late.* You sighed and turned your bike around. As you were about to get on the bike, your bike randomly starts floating. *What the hell?* You look around to see six figures coming out of the woods across the street, who you thought was Exo-K. *They were following me?! I thought they stayed home.*

You crossed your arms in disappointment and sighed. "I thought you guys were at home." One of them lifted they're hand and closed it. *Huh? Wh-* "AAAAHHH!!!" You were somehow pulled into they're direction making you nearly run into a tree.

"Nihao." The tallest one said. They were all wearing they're hoods so you couldn't even see they're faces.

"Ummm... May i ask how i randomly flew over here?!?" You asked as you stepped backwards. Right when you were about to run for it, you somehow floated again and you kicked your legs around trying to touch the ground. "Yah!! Put me down!"

"Put her down." The tallest one said in chinese, but you had no idea what he said.

You stood there being stared at by all of them. "Ummm... What do you want?........ I don't have any candy so go away." You said walking backwards again. You remembered being lifted up in the air by one of them. *What if they're aliens?!!? Oh gawd... More retards to deal with!*

Before anyone could answer, Exo-K comes running towards you. "Earthgirl!" The six that were with you looked over and then back to you. "We'll see each other in the future again." He chuckled and disappeared into the woods with the others.

By the time Exo-K got there they were gone out of sight. "Earthgirl are you all right?!" They all asked in unison. "I-i'm fine. And don't call me earthgirl, it's getting on my nerves and it's embarrassing." You tried to change the subject, which failed.

"Okay, Minji. What did those people do to you?" Chanyeol asked desperately. "Nothing" You said quietly. "Okay, let's go back to the house." Kai said as he walked away. *Rude much?* You made a face at Kai, and pretended to squish his head by closing one eye and using your fingers to squish his head.

Sehun walked by you and chuckled making you look at him. "What?" You asked. He shrugged and put his elbow on your head. "Nothing. But, good thing your short, you can be my arm rest." You gave him a 'Are you serious' look. "I'm just kidding, sheesh. Oh and thanks for last time with the ice on my back thing." He smiled and patted your head.

*Hmmmm.... at least your nice.* You thought.

When you got home, you got your lap top and started typing things down that read:

                          Happy Aliens ^^                                                                    Dumb Aliens >:C

                                  Sehun                                                                  Kai(Everything of him >:C)

                               Baekhyun                                                                    Chanyeol(Yells too much)

                                   D.O.                                                                         D.O.(Freaks out too much)




*Stupidest one here is Kai.* You thought crossing your arms. "Hmph." You looked at the time as it said 9:24 pm.

You stretched your arms out and yawned loudly. *Haaaa~ Good thing i didn't go to work today. I'm so tired. -___-* You closed your laptop and turned off the light, and jumped onto the bed. *Goodnight dummy aliens. ^^*

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Chapter 3: PLease update!! This is so funny!
Chapter 3: Update soon please!!!can't wait for the next chapter!!
Smileyblu #3
Chapter 3: Are u going to update still ?,,,
maknaewind #4
Hmmm... EXO M is the good guys here as well? are they ? XD

it's so interesting! :D Update soon~~
oooh Pororo XD omg so are they supposed to protect her from EXO-M? :O or is there a different reason they're there? ;D can't wait to find out! :D
oooh this looks so cool :O I shall start reading soon :D