I Love You, Anyway


Jongup has a normal life.
He's a highschool student with good marks, he tutors two upperclassmen, he has a job at the library, he has a best friend, Junhong and he has a nice family. All of this changes, however, when his brother marries into a new family. Not only does he have a new sister-in-law, but he now has a new brother-in-law. Even worse, it's the school prince, Himchan. Also known as his personal bully. 



Jongup blinks at his brother.
He's sitting next to his girlfriend, both of them are holding hands, smiling widely. He's gathered the whole family here today for some unknown reason. Everyone is seated at the long table in the reserved room at the restaurant. Their dinner is spread before them n a marvelous feast, looking pristine and the smell wafted through the air. Jongup, however, isn't interested, instead, he doesn't take his eyes off of his older brother, who's sitting across from him. Something is strange. His brother turns his gaze to him, connecting eyes for a brief moment. There's a flicker of something in his eyes, something that puts Jongup off. 
He looks around him.
He wants to see other people's reactions. To what-he doesn't know. He's just expecting someone to have some reaction. He doesn't move his eyes. The room is silent save for the sounds of silver against porcelain. His brother turns his gaze back to him and his girlfriend follows suit, smiling at Jongup, looking down towards her lap and trying to surpress her happiness. Something is really strange. He stares as his brother grips his girlfriend's hand a little tighter, raises his fork to his champange glass and asks everyone for their attention. Everyone turns their gazes to him and Jongup looks away, looking at everyone but his brother.
There's a sound of a throat clearing.
His brother rambles on about something he can't quite make out because his head is spinning, his vision is blurred and he feels a heat crash over him. He sees people smiling softly. Something is definitley strange. He turns his gaze back to his brother and his girlfriend right as he takes a deep breath, inhaling a large amount of air. 

"We're engaged."
A/N: Yes, the reaction may seem weird, but... there's a reason for why Jongup is acting this way. 
Cliché plot line? I think so.


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Why u no update??? ;__________;
Hello! I love your story so far! Although the first chapter was short, Jongup & Junhong's relationship is just plain adorable! ^^ I can't wait for more ~