Bus Encounter

Bus Encounter

I was too deeply absorbed in my thought that I didn't realize a group of boys, which I assumed as a punk street band hop onto the bus.

There were about four or five of them in complete black clothings and smoky eyes make up.


It was quite a sight of them wearing all those black attires, skinny jeans and some music instruments they held.


But those lads didn't seem to be bothered by all the attention they got.


In the other hand, me too paid a slight attention to them. I was thinking if they were really a group street punkers or just merely happened to dress so until I felt one of them, who seemingly looked the most normal one, walking towards me.


Oh my God, oh my God...


Is he heading here?


Crap! Why does the seat beside me have to be vacant at the time like this?!


I always enjoyed sitting down near the window bus alone. And for the first time of my life riding a bus, I wished there were someone beside me so the seat wasn't vacant.


I should had chosen the single seat, I knew. But it seemed to be the favourite place for people this morning that it never left empty.


And the sight of a young man with his dark blue jeans, black t-shirt with creepy painting, and black leather jacket stood in front of me snapped me back to reality.


How come he's already here without me noticing?


He actually didn't look bad at all, despite those black attire and smoky eyes he had. He looked rather clean and very normal compared to his other pals.


But I would be lying if I'd say they looked decent enough. Even if they were actually good persons—behind those all appearences they showed, I believed that first impression remains. And theirs wasn't really good on my point of view.


After giving me a brief glancing, he then sat down beside. Still couldn't be over the shock of the sight, I stupidly widened my eyes and stared at his outfit. He seemed to acknowledge my act later on, for he gave me a half confused and half challenging stare at me.


"What do you want?" I felt him saying those words by the fierce stare he threw at me, even though nothing's actually uttered from his mouth.


A bit taken aback, I hastily put my glance back to the window.



Meanwhile he took something from his black guitar bag, which seemed like a note paper.


Boy, he can read music note too?



I always thought that street musicians learn autodidactic.


But the thought immediately vanished as I realized the bus already reached my destinantion and I didn't want to be late in my first day. I had said that first impression does remain, hadn’t I?


I excused myself to get out which replied by a quick "Sure..," from him, before he finally stood up and let me rushed out the bus.





It has already been a couple of weeks and a stack of my assingments started to climb up gradually. Each passed day would just give me another headache for another assignment was waiting to be done.


I was so insanely busy that I was even lacking of sleep. And though it was just only several weeks, the lecturers of mine didn't seem to be willing to see their students having spare time for fruitless things.


Did I have to be thankful or what?


It was another Monday morning and again, I found myself on the bus, looking away the sight of the busy street through the glass of the window. I had two papers to be collected today which I had just frantically finished last night. I had been a zombie this whole week only to catch up all the assignments on time and here came this beautiful Monday again. I sighed...


Oh, what a beautiful day!


And don't you forget to put sarcasm tone in it.


Why was there no one yet who found a time machine? Why couldn't we extend time?


And simply, why didn't they, those genious lecturers let me have a proper life with no suffocation?


I wonder if there in the world was someone who didn't hate Monday.



I was absent-mindedly looking at the inside of the bus which was as crowded as every other morning, when I realized his presence.




Yes, it was him.







The guy from the other day.





And this time without any smoky eyes nor black punky attire, albeit the same black leather jacket.


And he looked good, I had to admit. I meant, he looked much better than before.


While I was busy paying heed to him, corrected, his appearance, he took a look back at me. And it was already too late for me to slap my face and throw my eyes away for both of us were inevitably staring at each other.


I slowly turned my head away, after I had been downtrodded and humiliated by the way his orbs bore into mine, even it's just for a brief time.


Ouch, this is insane!


Why did I get caught staring?



I let out a deep deep sigh.


Oh come on...


come back dignity, come back conscience...


I didn't do wrong, so why bothered?



I gained back my composure and got myself ready to alight from the bus.




"You again?" was all he said—much to himself—as we met again the other Monday, he raised his eyebrows and looked at me with amusement beforehand. This was our third encounter in Monday morning and rather in a bus. I was just as shock and had nothing to say as I saw him sit beside me again, which felt just like de javu for me.


"Do you believe in destiny? We probably destinied to always meet in Monday,” he then chuckled,


while I could only be perplexed at whatever he said.



"Is it fate which brought us?" now he titled his head and look at me in the eyes, while grinning.


"Huh?" for every word which does exist, why did I have to say huh? I didn't even recognize until I heard it come out from my own mouth.


"Is that all you can say? A huh?"  he laughed.


And it was the last question I wanted to hear, I was already ashamed as it was without his mocking tone.


I sighed heavily and threw my glance to the scenery outside.


"Hey... kidding," I heard him say.


I looked back at him only to make him quite, but i was welcome by his beautiful, sincere smile.


I didn't know what had got into me, but I kind of liked this guy. He seemed no harm, despite the weird attire he had once worn and the fact I hadn't known him. But I enjoyed his presence. I meant, I never liked stranger, and rather a stranger guy, yet he didn't make my flesh creep, even in a such very close distance.


"Do you love history?" he asked, as he looked at my history of music book.


"I must... you know, a test..." I shrugged.


He just nodded his head slightly.


Silence remained between us and no one seemed to have neither an idea nor courage to break it.


"I gotta go..." he suddenly said, before stood up and shuffled to the bus door.


I saw him walk away, every step he took, every move he made. I couldn't take my eyes off him, only God knows why.


He was stood there, waiting for the door to be opened, while my stare was still plestering on him, until all of sudden he tilted his head and our eyes met.


We looked at each other for a few seconds, not knowing what to say nor do, but too disinclined to take our eyes off. Then I smiled...


Yes, you heard me right, I did smile and indeed to him, albeit the fact that I actually wanted to hit my own head.

But whereupon I realized,




he smiled back...



And hence, my once horrible Monday didn't seem too bad anymore.




A couple of Mondays passed by just like the other normal busy days. But I felt like missing something. There was that something which I had always been waiting to come in every Monday. And I wonder what that was until one day, I met him again. For the nth time which I didn't know any more.




He walked towards me slowly, said me a hi and talked to me like we already are friends. We laughed and conversed casually like old friends who hadn't meet for very long time.






But it was all just my imagination...



It was for all he did was just standing there, near the bus door and looked through the glass. He didn't even realize my presence.


Who am I anyway to expect anything from him? We barely knew each other. No, we didn't know each other at all. I hadn't even known his name and vice versa, though we met for some times. Those couldn't even be called 'meet' for it all was only a mere 'encounter', a 'coincidence'.









But I missed the way he approach me nevertheless.






For whatever reason he might have had.




It was already months since the last time I saw him. I had forgotten him already, or at least I tried to. There were so much things preoccupied my mind; papers, projects, finals and all which I actually should've thanked. Because without them, my mind would still wander around and be back to the point in which I thought about him again.



I swept the road lazily, dragged the two feet of mine along the pavement as the breeze caressed my face gently. I sighed, hoping that all the thoughts and worries would emanate through my deep sigh. I had been facing finals these two weeks and there were still two more left until this weekend. I had been doing good, I guessed. But I couldn’t deny the fact that I was stressed out too with these whole being. I always thought that I actually a good student. But these past months, I admitted that I couldn’t concentrate enough on my study. There was something bother me, something I didn’t know or merely didn’t realize, perhaps.




I walked and walked… until I felt something a bit bothering. And it was the line of posters which sticked on the wall along the street.


What is that?, I asked myself mentally.


Why didn’t they stick those in other more proper place?



I felt like the already irritated me got bothered with almost every thing, including those crappy posters. But I still managed to stop and look at them as I saw something familiar. ‘A mini concert for a rock band which had just won a band competition’ was all I could distinguish from one of the posters. I shrugged it off and started to walk again until I realized….


I realized that ‘something familiar’ I had just said was the outfits, and rather the outfits of the band members. I felt like having seen them before; those black punky attires. Of course there were so many of people having worn such an outfit, but I was sure enough I had seen the very same ones. I thought… and thought… and tried my best to remember…


But I couldn’t! And it irked me out that I couldn’t remember something which seemed so familiar to me. It was like something I had just seen yesterday or something I face every day, but at the very moment, the moment I wanted my brain to work and remember it, I just couldn’t. So I just gave up and decided to continue my step.


As I walked, I saw the bus which very crowded passed by me. And at the time, it revived me. The crowded bus had just snapped me back and made me remember. They were the outfits of one of a street punk band I happened to see in a bus.





Yes, it was their outfit...



his outfit…




I then stopped my track and skimmed the line of those posters until my eyes landed on that exact poster again. I approached it as my heart thumped wildly. A side of me hoped that I could probably see him again.



And it was him, the main vocal and the guitarist of the band. It was him whom I had just failed to recognize. I read the line in it hopefully and unconsciously let out a deep sigh as I found what I had been looking for.




His name…






Cho Kyuhyun…





The guy from the bus…



The guy who now had become an idol…



The guy whom I wouldn’t meet again…





The guy,


The wrong guy whom I had lost my heart to…



I really shouldn’t have had a crush on him. I sighed as realization hit me. I didn’t even know him yet still couldn’t control my heart not to jump for him.






Yes, I fell for this Cho Kyuhyun guy…



I fell for the person I had only met for a couple of times…



I fell for a guy I barely knew…





I told you right,

I didn’t know him…




But it didn’t seem to matter,…




for I was still enamored by him nevertheless…






I felt bitterness creep into me and my eyes became moist and I couldn’t help but to let out a deep sigh…


I felt my brain start to command the nerves on my eyes to produce a stream of salt water which I denied to name it tears. But I fought against it. I wouldn’t let it out for just any guy.



No, I raised an objection to cry for someone I didn’t know…



I wouldn’t do that, because life is too short to be just spent in being heartbroken. And rather for a random guy.




Yet I didn’t deny the prick inside my chest as I closed my eyes briefly and heaved a deep sigh again.





“Would you like to come?”






Out of blue, I heard a deep familiar voice from behind.







I then turned around….







and was welcome by the sight of the guy who had been preoccupying my mind these past few months.







And I smiled…






Autor's Note:


So it’s the end! disappointed? kekeke~

I know it’s crappy and cliffhanging and all, but this is the ending I had always thought from the very first time I started to write this fic.

Should I spoil you guys with an epilogue? lol



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and now i kinda regret for asking you guys about the epilogue, for i dunno what to do with it lol


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Chapter 1: epilogue or sequel! hahahaha I need to know their relationship more TwT
Stand4SeoKyu #2
Chapter 1: Yeeeeessssss, absolutely we need EPILOGUE.. ;)
Hello,seokyusal-sshi. I would like to ask your permission if I could share this story in my class? We are supposed to present a short story and your story is one of my favorites. It's so daebak! \m/
Epilogue.. Epilogue...
Yes, i want an epilogue.
I love the ending. Gosh, when i thought that this story will be about unrequited love.
He showed up T__T sobs
epilogue! epilogue!
we demand epilogue! xD
Cuteeeeee... you should do epilogue, girl :)
uhhhh....please please write an epilogue! :D I really wanna know what's next :D
i haven't actually written any epilogue for this story
but when you people are demanding enough, i'd probably consider to make one :DD

thanks for commenting anyway :))
oh please do... i need to know what happened after
It's a really nice and fluffy oneshot. I liked it very much!! It made me smile :DDD
But I would like to know what happened after :/
The seokyu moments were so adorable ARGHH

Oh, and good luck with your exams!!'