I Want Her Back

I Hate Him



She used to come to my concerts with her ex-boyfriend, Woohyun hyung. They usually came and cheer me up crazily in the first row. With their red light stick and banner, they looked like one of my fans but they were special the special one. They always brought my favourite ice cream, which was chocolate flavour and I always ate them deliciously. Both of them always make me felt less nervous before performing in the stage. Theywere the best.


They were inseparable. Wherever my sister went, he would always follow her. And to be honest, she loved his presence in her life. They usually studied together in school library or in our house and that was the positive thing that I liked from them. They did all couples thing, in the safe line and that was sweet. I really liked watching them, not only me, but all of people liked them.


When they were together, they spread their happy aura. It was soothing and you can feel the warmness that will embrace you immediately. Their loving gaze for each other,would never disgust anyone, but it will make them envy over this lovely couple and I was one of them. I couldn’t get any girlfriend but Baekhyun as my best friend who always sticked around me.


My sister loved him very much, so did he. She told me once when we ateramyun together in street vendor. But of course, I knew that, everybody knew that. It was public secret. They can guess it, even if it was their first meeting. But something, deep inside my heart tellingme that something not right going to happen and the last time I ignore my heart, it turned bad. I tried to get rid of this feeling but for several days, it still sticking in my mind.



School assignment seems the lamest excuse that I wantedto put in my hypothesis. I really wantedto change it with something good just to make me feelbetter. But sadly, my brain couldn’t find any better word to replace the old one. I really wantedto know, the reason behind their terrible broke up. It hurtedmy head as well as her heart. Once again, everybody knewthat she wassuffering. I didn’tknow anything about love,not because I was too young of it but I didn’twant to be hurt by it. Ironically it happenedto my own sister. I wantedto help her to pass this hard path of her life,but I was afraid if Iwould do it wrongly. So, instead of giving her some blah blah advice that she didn’t need, I prefer lend my shoulder for her, as place for crying and lean on.She wasnot the kind of depressed broken heart girl like in the movie, she wasmuch better than it, but she losther infamous smile. It hurted me whenever she saw me with those fake smile.I wanted to blame him for leaving my sister. But sadly, I didn’teven know who’s wrong or whose right.


Day by day passed, she is better now. She triedto move on from him and everyone knewhow hard she’s trying. After strugglingover a lot of tears and pain, finally the day she findsher smile come. She is back, my angel-like sister is back, with her beautiful smile and doll like face, hugging and covering me with warmness that melt my cold heart. I’m happy for her and I hope, she won’t lose her soul anymore, not because of boys or anything. I promise to my self, I’ll protect her well and won’t let anything hurt her.



I don’t know but I think I’m too clumsy to know that my sister is in love, again. Yesterday, I saw her walking in the park, together with skinny brown haired boy. He was wearing black leather jacket in the first week of summer but I can see he has fair skin under it. He looked so cool. I’m certain that he is popular guy in his university. His boyish smirk can melt every girl’s heart. His branded clothes, expensive shoes, also limited type car sure proving that he is from upper class. Well, maybe he is one of Chorong noona’s classmate or something but I doubt it. She is not the type who can get along well with some random popular kind guy.


When I first time see him, I can’t help but compare him with Woohyun hyung. I’m telling you it’s like a diamond and gold. Rare comparison, huh? He is the diamond while Woohyun hyung is the gold. Why? Haven’t I told you that Woohyun hyung is heir of big company in our country? You won’t believe me if you ever met him. He is so humble. No, way too humble. The way he speaks, the way he walks, and his fashion taste, they didn’t represent his true self. Just like commoners, no glamourness at all. He can get along with us well, that’s why people love him. He loves kid and don’t forget about his greasiness that make me sick. Woohyun hyung is shining, but diamond will attract more people than gold because of its beautifulness.


Now he often comes to our house. He is much cooler in person, but he isso not her type.He is well mannered guy. He introduced himself as Kim Sunggyu. My parents seem amazed by him but not me. I won’t fall for whatever trick he played. Idon’t know why but I don’t like him. I don’t know him at all and I don’t have intentionto anyway. We are not close so I don’t call him as Sunggyu hyung. The feel is so different from Woohyun hyung.


They often go together to the place that I don’t know and I bet new to Chorong noona. Well, she and Woohyun hyung usually spendtheir time in our house, park, or library just to study or talk together. They were so humble but that’s why people didn’t feel uneasy when they are together. They never get home more than 9pm. Woohyun hyung really respected our parent, that’s why he took good care of my sister. And also, he used to hang out with me to, just like we were siblings. He acted like my brother too, so it was easy for me to like him. But now, the case is different. Yesterday, Sunggyu picked her up at seven at night and they got home at eleven past thirty. Our parents are overseas, so I’m alone at home. I was really worried. I didn’t know, if my parent’s were home, what would happen to them. I didn’t told them just because I wanted to safe my sister from unend lecture. I really wantedto punch him right in his face because he didn’t know how scared I was. I was wondering what happen to her and all I get when they were back was

“Chanyeol-ah, what are you doing? It’s midnight.”

He said it innocently with his unseen eyes. You don’t know how I felt and I bet you won’t to know it either. That was the first time in my life I was overwhelming with anger. I tried to hold and ditch it for a while. What did I do was clenching my hand and threw unstop curse for him in my mind.


She is changing now. She would prefer spend her time with her precious boyfriend rather than with me, her only brother. I feel so lonely in our house. Our parents always come home late, so i’m the one who stuck in our-not-so-comfortable-but-big-house. I miss them, all of them. I miss the time that we share together, me and my sister, also our parents. I miss her, when she took good care of me when I was sick,or when we play together and when we study together in her room.  Something that hurt me more, she doesn’t even let me enter her room anymore. I feel left out. We grewapart.


The habit of come home late is growing plus our parents nonstop overseas business, nobody is controlling her. I’m very disappointed with her also she is tearing my tiny heart. She rarely shows me her genuine smile nor hugs me warmly lately. The way she talks to me changes. Her stare is cold, so is her word. I don’t know her anymore. Does it sound so selfish if I ask her to take care of me even just for several hours? What’s siblings for if it’s not about to be there went they need? I need her desperately bu she is completely stranger now. I don’t know the reason why but pretty sure it’s because of Sunggyu and his friend. I hate him even more.



I’m not the type who can make friends easily and Chorong noona was one of my best friends but he stole her from me. There’s nothing I can do but sitting in the corner of my room, holding our picture that tooken when we were child. My hands are trembling, a single drop of tear fall, carving small river in my face. I feel like I have no parents, no sister, no friends, am I alone in this ing world? I don’t have the gut to talk with my sister anymore nor I want to bother Baekhyun in the middle of the night. This depress feelings are bottled up in my heart since I don’t know how long. People said it’s not good for my self but I don’t know plus don’t care to my body anymore.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I pretty sure that I will celebrate it on my own. How pathetic I am.I alreadyboughta small birthday cake, still hoping she will remember and celebrate it with me. But I don’t want to put too much hope because I know what will happen tomorrow. Sitting in the chair alone, play with the confetti, blowing the candle, and the sad part is I will do it, all on my own. My tears start to flow harder.I wipe it with the back of my hand and smile bitterly. If I get three wishes, no, I don’t need three, I only need one, then it would be...

Dear God

God, I don’t want to ask anything big. I don’t need new clothes or new shoes. I won’t ask the new PSP that I want so much or Ipad 3 that all my friends have. Even I will put aside the new adidas shoes that way so expensive. The only thing that I want is my sister. Please, I beg you, give my old loving sister back.

From Park Chanyeol



A/N : Hey everbody, sorry for the late update. To be honest, I already finish this story since I forget when but I was too lazy to post it, MIANHEEEE -_-v .

 Ok, maybe some of you wonder, why I choose Sunggyu as the bad guy, am i right? Well, before i write this story, I watched Infinite Ranking King EP 1 (L was freaking handsome*drooling*), Sunggyu look like a badass so... BINGO! but don't think that I hate him, I like him too even I'm Woohyun biased

thanks to everyone who has subscribe and read this story, comment are loved :D (These guy will love you if you do comment kekeke~)





p.s : picture and gif are not mine

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tanyaav #1
Chapter 1: awwwww poor Chanyeol. I feel so bad for him. I don't only blame his sister for not being there and loving him as a sister should but also his parents that weren't there to comfort him. I hate how his family isolate him like he's nothing to them. They're so selfish! Also, Sunggyu is an idiot, I feel like I want to smack him! Anyways, great story! I love it!!! :D
@artangel04 : kekeke, sadly this is only oneshot :( sorry i can't continue it, but i have another story that i will post, please look forward on it
Omy poor him! I would freaking give him a bear hug is I were there. Please continue. :)
@ TTxFuji : thanks for loving it :) i thought thi is a fail -_-
TTxFuji #5
Oh my goodness! This is just--Poor Chanyeol. She changed so much after going out with Sunggyu. Feels as though he has just taken her away from Chanyeol. Please do answer his prayers!
This was a nice yet quite sad story. Thank you! I love it!
@wnasksdms : lumayan sih -_- yah! i told you to speak english!
Mon we curhat ye seng ipad3 wi? :p
@lilschein : thanks :) gyurong is sunggyuxchorong, hope this help
;;A;; Such a loving brother. *^*b
I love this~
Haha. GyuRong? c;
@xStarLightx : hehe, yes they are cute :D. *whisper* i do love woorong more than gyurong hahaha