frozen yogurt

Up in Flames

chapter eight

Baekhyun is standing by the door outside the hall where Lu Han’s science of meditation course is held when the latter finishes class. Across the hallway, Lu Han notices Sehun typing furiously on his cell phone. Confused, Lu Han looks at Baekhyun.

“Am I missing something here?”

“We’re going out for frozen yogurt,” the sculptor says simply, as if Lu Han is stupid for asking.

Choosing not to question further, Lu Han slings his bag over his shoulder and follows Baekhyun who walks beside Sehun. They walk to the bus stop in silence, and while it’s strange, Lu Han enjoys the moment of peace.

Lu Han has no idea why he expected the silence to last.

“You know, I didn’t think you would ever ask me out,” Sehun starts, hands deep in his pockets. “I thought you hated me.”

“I think you misunderstood. Just the thought of asking you out makes me want to vomit,” Baekhyun replies. Lu Han thinks he hears him gag and he takes a step back, not wanting to be in the way just in case Baekhyun does get sick and ends up puking all over the place.

Sehun clicks his teeth and bumps shoulders with the art student. “Then why did you ask me before you asked Lu Han? His classroom was closer to yours than to mine. You even puffed out those cute little cheeks of yours when you asked if I wanted to come.”

Shoving him back, Baekhyun crosses his arms over his chest and scoffs. “I would never do such a thing just to ask you to come with me.”

Sehun slings an arm around Baekhyun’s waist and pulls him into his body. “Of course not, sweetheart. You would just have to bat those pretty eyelashes, rake your nails down my back, and I’d come with you with no problem at all. So fast.”

“Excuse me.” Lu Han raises his hand and the other two males turn to him with matching confused expressions. It’s actually adorable in Lu Han’s opinion. “Can you two not have verbal while I’m standing right here? My innocent ears are going to be tainted by your dirty innuendos.”

“Innocent?” The dance student barks out a laugh and immediately Lu Han frowns. He is innocent. “You are not innocent.”

Sehun’s laugh must have flipped a switch in Baekhyun’s brain because he finally seems to notice how close he is to the younger male. Baekhyun pushes away from the other and points an accusing finger at him.

“Touch me again and I’ll kill you,” he warns, glaring.

Sehun, predictably, steps back next to Lu Han and grins. “I’m okay with admiring you from here.”



“Where did Sehun go?” Lu Han questions as he fixes his hair in the side-view mirror of some random parked car. Baekhyun’s leaning up against the same car, arms crossed over his chest and staring at the clouds drifting in the sky.

“I killed him when you weren’t looking.”

Lu Han snorts. “No, seriously.”

Baekhyun shrugs. “Why should I care? As long as he keeps his distance. I wasn’t joking. I will kill him.”

Once satisfied with his appearance, Lu Han blows a kiss to his reflection. “Didn’t you ask him out on this date?”

The appalled expression that takes over Baekhyun’s usually either blank or angry face is priceless and Lu Han makes no efforts to keep himself from falling into hysterics.

“I didn’t ask him out on anything,” Baekhyun insists even though he knows Lu Han is too caught up in his laughter to listen. “We decided on a mutual outing because I’m mourning my bust and he agreed he’s not in the mood for bubble tea.”

Of everything that spews from Baekhyun’s mouth, Lu Han’s laughter doesn’t drown out the last part of that sentence. His laughter dies on his tongue and a look of horror takes over his face. “Did you just say Oh Sehun, the biggest bubble tea fanatic in the universe, is not in the mood for bubble tea.”

“Yeah. That’s what he said before he suggested getting frozen yogurt.”

Lu Han screams and every person on the street turns to him. He ignores them in favor of gripping Baekhyun by the shoulders.

“Do you know what this means?” Baekhyun stares at him like he’s on drugs. “Do you?!”

The sculptor sighs, rolling his eyes. “No, Lu Han, I don’t know what this means.”

“This means the world is ending. All that we know and love is in danger,” Lu Han wails, shaking the other back and forth like a rag doll. “Someone call the President. This is a national emergency.”

Baekhyun doesn’t hesitate to slap the hysterical singer across the face. “Get it together, man.”

“How can I ‘get it together’? The last time Sehun said he wasn’t in the mood for bubble tea, hundreds of lives were lost.”

Baekhyun raises his brows, eyes slightly widening. “Seriously?”

“No. But still…”

At that point, Sehun decides to stroll over casually, hands in his pockets, from another row of the parking lot. He kicks Lu Han in the shin, telling him to stop being so over-dramatic. Lu Han shakes Sehun as well, but when the latter threatens to fill his apartment with pearl green tea, he knows they really aren’t experiencing a national emergency. Sehun only pulls out bubble tea threats when he’s going through withdrawal. Which means Baekhyun probably threatened him first to get frozen yogurt. Either that, or Sehun is just wrapped tight around Baekhyun’s little finger.

Lu Han pushes his lips out in a pout, upset at being lied to and kicked in just a short span of five minutes. Lay never gets this kind of harsh treatment, only Lu Han. Where is that oblivious guy anyway, Lu Han wonders as he follows the other two into the shop. Either he’s really busy or really smart because he’s never around when Lu Han’s dragged to some cold confection store and Lay is the only person who can keep their two young friends in line. At the moment though, they’re pretty calm. They still bicker like a ually frustrated couple but Lu Han would be more worried if they weren’t arguing. It’s peculiar. Just a few days ago, Sehun’s was in danger of being removed, but now the two of them seem almost comfortable around each other. And Lu Han’s never been all that great at figuring things out and when he does he usually blows them out of proportion; that’s what he’s known for.

The guy standing behind the counter is quite terrifying; Lu Han doesn’t even want to approach him to ring up his strawberry yogurt. The worker has an unsettlingly even gaze and the most intense natural eye-bags Lu Han has ever seen on a person. His name-tag reads Zitao and, for a moment, Lu Han is distracted by his confusion of why there is such a dense population of Chinese people in this part of Seoul. Sehun turns around and notices that Lu Han is looking at the cashier oddly and he scolds Lu Han for taking too long and pays for his yogurt as well.

Taking back his yogurt after Sehun pays for it, Lu Han skips off to find a table. He sits with his back to the entrance and Sehun and Baekhyun sit across from him. Lu Han idly spoons through his treat while Baekhyun complains about a broken project of his and a guy with bulging eyes. Sehun pretends to gasp and lecture about Baekhyun seeing other guys behind his back. They shove each other some more and Lu Han tells them to get a room. Baekhyun kicks him in the shin under the table. After, they fall into a sort of silence, or, well, Lu Han has a Lay-moment and zones out and the other two continue to play fight.

“Hey, Breakfast, let’s go check out what they have in that clothing store next door. I’ve been wanting to buy a few new shirts,” Sehun says suddenly, raising out of his seat with his half-empty frozen yogurt container in hand. Lu Han blinks when Baekhyun nods and gets up as well without snapping at being called Breakfast.

They walk away from the table and Lu Han turns in his seat to watch them, only to feel his heart stop beating when he sees a person standing behind his chair.

One hand to his chest, he swipes blindly at the person standing behind him. “God, Minseok, you just took a hundred years off my life.”

“Sorry,” Minseok apologizes. Lu Han instantly forgives him when he smiles that sweet precious smile of his. It’s obvious the two of them would have had no problem just staring at each other, smiling, but a person Lu Han doesn’t recognize taps Minseok on the shoulder with a cough. “Oh, this is one of my, uh, friends, Chanyeol. Lu Han, Chanyeol, vice versa.”

Bowing his head, Lu Han blatantly does a once-over of the guy noting his fitted black shirt, slim bright red jeans, huge combat boots. He’s not too bad looking, but he looks more crazed than Sehun when he’s around bubble tea - his eyes are of slightly unequal shape and his smile is unnerving and he’s tall.

“Hey,” the tall guy, Chanyeol, greets and holy hell his voice is deep.

“How do you do?”

Minseok taps Chanyeol on the shoulder. He waits until Mr. Creepy-and-Tall bends down before he whispers into his ear. Lu Han frowns when Chanyeol glances at him and turns back to Minseok, whispering as well. He vaguely hears Chanyeol say something about wanting numerous gifts and presents before the scary, tall guy walks over to the equally scary cashier.

Facing forward in his chair when Minseok takes the seat Sehun was sitting in across from him, Lu Han stirs his melted yogurt. “Why did you send your friend away?” He asks.

The small Korean shifts uneasily in his seat. “Um, you see -”

“Your clothes fit today,” Lu Han thinks out loud, slapping his hand over his mouth when he realizes he has done so.

“What?” Minseok looks down and pulls at the front of his simple plaid button-down.

“Nothing. Continue.”

Nodding, Minseok clasps his hands over the table. “I was going to call you, but then I saw you when Yeol and I walked in so I’ll just tell you now.” He stops to take a breath. “I’m really sorry, Lu Han, but I don’t think I’ll be able to watch you on Tuesday.”

Minseok has this dim regretful, apologetic look in his eyes and Lu Han reaches over to grab his hands. “What are you looking so down for?” He laughs. “It’s not that serious. If you’re busy, you’re busy.”


“Xiumin, let’s get going,” Chanyeol says as he approaches the table, carrying two cups of frozen yogurt. “I don’t need Kris bugging me about his car… Why are you two holding hands?”

Unfamiliar with the nickname, Lu Han tilts his head to the side, unfazed when Minseok rips his hand away. “Xiumin?”

“'s a, uh, a stage name,” the small man stutters to Lu Han but all of his attention is on Chanyeol. Standing, Minseok takes one of the frozen yogurt cups. “You cannot tell anyone about this.”

Chanyeol’s smirk is even more terrifying than his smile. “I have a big mouth. How much are you willing to give me to keep me quiet?”

Minseok bites his bottom lip and grabs Chanyeol by his free wrist. “I’ll talk to you later, Lu Han. I’m sorry,” he says over his shoulder. He doesn’t turn back once and just leads his tall friend out of the shop.

Lu Han waves at his leaving back pitifully.

“Well… I guess I should find Sehun and Baekhyun.”


This is a terrible, late chapter and I apologize. I was going to update earlier but then writer's block hit and then a storm knocked the electricity out for four days. I'm in the middle of a family emergency so I'm not sure when I'll update again but just know that I love you. Forever. Forever. /creep


BUT may I just say that you all are a bunch of crazies for loving how bad Kris treats Minseok. A bunch of crazies. Never change

@raelin: hungry for some baoooooziiiiii

@purelazyness: yes, poor little bun. poor poor little bun.

@palabra-viva: bacon is always better sizzling hot and crispy lol

@dibsfortwo: Kris isn't possessive, he just has a strong way of showing his love ^^

@callisto: Baekhyun doesn't play around. He's a boy always looking for his revenge haha. Kyungsoo's character was like a little mini surprise.

@yoonmi: omg mad grandma lmao.

@guggig0307: i'm here, sweetheart, i'm here! XD Minseok is scared because Kris' love is too powerful haha

@fmaxp3rt: i love how we say woman-beating Kris when Min is clearly a man lol. and i no lub you because you aren't the S to my M.

@tomatomc: lol Chanyeol would actually make sense now that I think about it but nope...

@soymilk149: xiuhan and xiuris are pairings that always make one's day better because they are made of rainbows (even if kris is abusive and scary and whatnot) *makes no sense*

@teeheehaha-ara: it would be funny if it was lol

@suju_lover1234: lol yesss. Baekhyun would rip off Kyungsoo's manstick and staple it to his nose, boy is ruthless.

@shuukaaku: DDDD: we must mourn Baekhyun's sculpture!

@start-to-finish: lol yes, yes it was Kyungsoo XD

@starkey: Kris is all knowing. No one is worthy tbh.

@lastlaughlane: /holds it's okay bb, it's okay.

@lulusbaozi: well i'm sorry to you to because i've done the same thing to you before. (kris isn't violent, he's a hard lover :D ) and everyone needs some ninja taokai and lol you and baekhyun are nice. if someone messed up my work they wouldn't have lived to apologize (joking)

@harumio: aw, well thank you XD


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Chapter 30: I wonder whether Sehun's feelings towards Baekhyunie are genuine or not.

Came back after such a long time to re-read this.I hope you'll complete this. :)
Its 2019! And im just starting to read this. I truly wish for the story to continue :) and I also might comment after each chapter lol.
Hanazanaa #3
Chapter 30: I just found this story and I love it so much ?? if you decide to update in the future I’m sure you’ll have Kyaw subscribers to read!! I know I will! You’re a fantastic writer
Chapter 30: I've loved this story since the first day I read it and still even in 2017 it hasn't disappointed me yet ^w^ I hope you'll finish this story someday author-nim~ I adore all your fanfics
Gargamel #5
Chapter 30: Is this story still going on? It's a masterpiece, really.
Chapter 30: Its 2017 already plzzz comeback!! :(
Chapter 29: I like both submissive and strong Xiumin/Minseok,but I think I like Minseok more. He can protect xiumin from being beaten by Kris and I understand if Kris is slightly abusive and why he is like that but he need to realize that all he do is hurt xiumin. I need the comeback of this story please author-nim (╥_╥)
Xiuhanisloveok #8
Lulyhan #9
Chapter 27: sebaek <3
warmfuzzysocks #10
omg this is so great i died x_x