
My Best Medicine

or maybe....this is a long drabble :p


"I'm fine...really." You grinned when the doctor injected something through your back of the hand. "You don't need to come here. What if some fans caught you?"

"Like I care! Just stay there, okay? Where is your room?" Your boyfriend was almost yelled at you. He is worried.

"Fine. Umm... 405." You can't do anything but obeyed his words.

25 minutes later, door opened and entered a boy with plain white shirt and painted jeans. He still wearing the performance clothes but changed the top.

"Are you okay?" he said as he approached you who laid on bed.

"I'm fine. Don't worry..."

"What was the doctor said?" He caressed your hair.

"Dehydration and my immune system is decreased. I'm fine..."

"You've study too much! Don't push yourself, honey..."

"Okay..." You gave him a light smile. "Are you here alone?"

"Yes, Jihoon hyung back to KBS. The rest still there waiting until the show's done."

"What about your fans? Will they not be curious that one of the bunnies aren't there?"

He laughed, you always love the way he smile. His eyes will gone but it make him more handsome.

"Yongguk hyung has prepared the reason. Maybe they'll visit you after the show."

You closed your eyes as he caressed your face with his fingers. You feel so comfortable everytime he's with you. He sang his favourite song, Baby Baby, his beautiful voice melted you. You loves his voice so much. 

"Daehyun-ah..." You opened your eyes again. He still looking at you so deeply. "Aren't you tired?"

"When I'm with you, my tiredness is gone. Why?"

"Nope..." You try to wake up from the bed and Daehyun helped you. "Just asking..."

"Ah! I have something for you, wait..." He took his jeans jacket and took something from the pocket.

"Ferrero Rocher!!" You screamed as he took a small box of your favourite chocolate ever, Ferrero Rocher.

"Easy girl... Want some?"

"Heck yeah!! Open one for me please..."

He took one, "Do aegyo for me."

"What? No way!"

"Then..." He put back the chocolate. He liked to tease you. Everytime he has chance, he always tease. Asked you to do an aegyo or even dance!

"NOOOO!" You held his hand. "Okay, I'll do it."

He took the chocolate again but didn't gave it to you, waiting for your aegyo first.

"Ok, aegyo juseyo~~"

You bite your lower lip, looked so confused with aegyo thing. You never did that before.

"Umm....ottokhe?" You asked him.

"I don't know, it's up to you! Ppali!!"

You stared at him. "Oppa, give me the chocolate please~" you winked and gave him a cute expression with two fingers make a 'v' pose.

"Hahahaha! Oh my God, cutie pie!" He pinched your cheek.

You covered your face with you hand, you can feel your face became red and hot. You feel so embarrassed.

"Stop laughing!"

"Hahahaha!" He pulled your hand so he can see you face. "Open your mouth..."

You looked up and ate the chocolate he gave you. You smile widely. "Hmm chocolate is nice..."

You stared at him, he giggled and open the other and eat it for himself. "Sweet..."

"Just like you, right?" You get closer to his face. His smells is so nice. Hugo Boss.

"But you are sweeter..."

You rounded your arms in his neck, still looking at his brown-eyes. Never want to looked at the other. He smiled, put his hands on your waist. 

"Did you feel so much better?"

"A lot better."

He smiled and pecks you on the lips. You kissed him again. You realise that all you need is him. You don't need any medicine to heal you because you got the best medicine you ever had, your boyfriend, Jung Daehyun.

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Chapter 1: So sweet ! They're remember me to someone OuO xDD
So Sweeet~ <3
This is sooooo cute,.
Love your story :3
awww~~ how cute~~
mawarose #5
aaw.. so sweet~ I love this. thank you~:)
This has fluffyness all over it! And surprisingly I love it! :D
super cute and FLUFFYYYYYY <3
hyogyeong #8
so sweet :D love it <3
yofunkeemonkEY #9
sweet:) So FLUFFY! LOVE IT!
Awww this was cute! I was smiling the whole time. x3