you loved me? cool story bro.

The dork and the princess

Hyuna joined the line in front of the Mcdonalds counter and thought about what she wanted to buy while she waited with the queue. Hopefully , they still sold salad.
It was after school and  she was starving, as she promised herself  that she would not buy any food at lunch , but couldnt resist when she saw the very tempting big yellow M sign. She decided that she just vomit all the calories out later in the toilet.

This was her secret to keeping beautiful.

She knew it was dangerous but once she started she couldnt stop.

Hyuna lifted her head high and tried to read the menu , but instead , she saw her douchebag ex-boyfriend instead. It was Taecyeon.

" Err.. someone hide me" , Hyuna mummbled, as she bent her head and tried to cover her face with her bangs.

Taecyeon walked back from the counter  after buying a burger and noticed Hyuna , before she got a chance to hide herself properly.

" Oh hey there , following me eh? If you wanna get back with me you can always just ask , you know? I'll be waiting " , said Taecyeon , giving a little wink.

" Don't flatter yourself " , replied Hyuna in an irritated voice , " Now move your head , I cant read the menu."

" What's the point of buying something to eat when your just going to chuck it out later in the bathroom" , said Taecyeon.

" You wanna know the reason why I broke with you" , asked Hyuna , trying to change the subject.

" Is it because you got jealous of all the girls that wanted a piece of me" , replied Taecyeon.

" Nup " , said Hyuna , " Guess again".

" I don't know then " Taecyeon replied , " Tell me".

" You never gave a about me " , said Hyuna.

" What do you mean ? " asked Taecyeon , " Did you forget about the time I took you out to dinner and paid for you , and what about the time when you- "

" That's only a part of what a good boyfriend should do and that was the only time you paid. If you were a good boyfriend , you would of told me to stop trying to loose wieght with the way I do it and you would of ignored all the girls that tried to seduce you. I want a boy to love me and listen to me , which is the complete opposite of you! You never listened to my feelings , you were never there when I cried! You only ever ACTED like you cared about me and it's because I am gorgeous to you , isnt it? If it wasnt for that , you wouldnt of given a damn about me and I knew that , but I pretended that you loved me , hoping you would change your ways , but no. That NEVER happened. I wanted to stay beautiful for you cus I wanted you to love me , so I continued to vomit the crap out of me , when you should of told me that I was beautiful the way I am , but the only time you said that was when you were . " Hyuna screamed , loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Taecyeon went silent as everyone was staring at him and whispering behind his back.

" Damn , that guy must be such a dickhead " , mummbled a girl in the room , " I would never want him as a boyfriend".

Taecyeon went red , but tried to act cool. " Yeah? well , one day you will want me back , and I'll show you how LOVING I am to you " he said , trying to smile and walked away.

" Um. so what would you like to order? " said the girl behind the counter to Hyuna.

Hyuna hesistated. " You know what? I dont care what others will say if I gain weight. I want 3 cheese burgers , a soft serve and a large sized fries " replied Hyuna as she smiled.

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Chapter 4: Chapter 3: update please ;o;
--jackswagger #2
Chapter 4: Update soon please C":
StrawberryTaste #3
update please ^^
rbtigersm #4
Update soon!!!!
angelzico #5
nice :)))
update soon please <3
How the hell can she vomit 3 cheese burgers?!?
Nice Plot! Update Soon Please!